That's a translation glitch from Spanish, and an artifact from the fact that English doesn't have an acceptable non-gendered pronoun to use to refer to a person. Calling someone 'it' is more than a little rude.
Some people came up with "let's use the word we use for a bunch of people for single person as well, so it sounds awkward!" solution. At least you guys don't think a table is a woman, like germans do.
As a german the gendered pronoun for table is male. "Der Tisch". Unless you mean table as in a chart or something. Not that that changes much
Should then the american left adopt the french as a proper progressive language in contrary to english ?;P
Well, much like everyone, almost all their leaders have been male, and they've mostly all been twats...
Sorry, didn't remember, learnt German like 15 years ago, wrote random word with random gender(?) :) Well, that language is a mistake. I don't know how could they break latin that much. Imo only of course.
Well, there's something a bit fishy about it at least. But to end the confusion for sure: Patsy is a lady not a dude?
Yeah! I thought so, In the video Carlo said it was a he but I don't know any dudes name Patsy. I thought Patsy is short for Patricia but at the same time it could be short for Patrick, but for the most part it is used for Patricia.
so, we went thru all the initial excitement and speculation, has anyone try them in a friendly game yet? be in vainilla or going full VIRD And let it be known from now, free crits guaranteed to whoever start all Varuna games with it´s planetary hymn full blast from their phone
I believe the confusion comes from the article they posted a few days back, where a translation error ended up calling patsy a "he", not a video from Carlos. As long as we're theory crafting, I have serious reason to believe Patsy will have....... seriously this is a major spoiler, I'm not even sure if I should be posting this.... blonde hair and blue armor
Just posted my first couple of games here: @MikeTheScrivener Ooh... Well?