ok I know! I wished Montesa had engineer instead of Paramedic. But too early yet to fully coment. First impression is that he might be a efficient WB killer ( MultiRifle + MOV8-4 )
Funny thing is the Montesa has more WIP on foot than on his bike. The Spitfire will miss me a lot until I play him effectively.
And LGL, and LRL. All in all I like the new profile, but I don't like their AVA, or the fact that the old Montesas are going the way of the Dodo.
Yes, I would have preferred to have the choice between the two and a general AVA like Dogfaces have in Vanilla Ariadna.
Choice would be nice, but oh well. 22CC with MA2 and a DA CCW is actually pretty nice as far as knights go.
Good point, even if I'll look at my painted Montesas with sadness. Well, the truth is that we really only need two Nagas and Dart in Acontecimento ;-)
I’m 100% sold on the new Montesas. Sign me up for a box set. Even the lack of Spitfire is alright, I will take the MRifle and BSG all day.
@MrNailbrain great eye, you remembered my boarding shotgun Kamau tag. I'm thrilled it's making an appearance, and I really hope it isn't just artistic license that included it in that image. I'm sporting the Echo Bravo now out of a spirit of optimism... We know a lot about the Kamau, but a lot less about the Echo Bravo, and I think it's the perfect platform for CB to really display some creativity. Speaking of which, the Wild Parrot already makes the EB unique. Fantastic. An E/M weapon that can be deployed 8 inches away is great for an AD trooper. Pin opponents with a trap while you gunfight elsewhere, or set up a dual-threat with both the Parrot and your natural gunfighting. That's strong. Amazing that Helots are getting a rule. I think most of us were perfectly okay with the idea of a cheap, limited-camo style gunfighter. The fact that they're getting they're getting more unique tech is amazing.
I'm really interested to see how "Decoy" will interact with Camo – which we know helots are going to be. Perhaps "decoy" will be a level of camo or something that will synergize with it? Will it just be ambush camo +1? or maybe something that fundamentally functions differently. Possibilities are endless!
This is completely over-the-top, but imagine if it were Ambush Camo as well as Holo. So you have 2-3 Camo Tokens... You Reveal one... There is in fact a unit underneath the Camo token, it isn't just an empty shell... Then you engage it, and it turns out the unit is "fake" also. That would be an amazing order sink, as well as a really good way for a low order-count force to still play an effective Ariadna-esque Camo game.
Well lack of smoke one Montesa makes me think we almost for sure (wishing here) will get Teuton Eclipse. Otherwise this short-range bike will be unable to leave DZ due to lack of smoke and any kind of long-range gun (remember bikes dodge on -3).
I will actually laugh out loud if the Montesa knight bikes get released and they're on something like this:
That would be something! Although to image says "Generates two static replicas" so I'd be really surprised if they get to move around. who knows. I mean, if we get to place 3 camo tokens for one unit..... jeez, the shell game is going to be crazy. Even if its holoprojector esque. still a lot of tokens on the board. Now imagine they have minelayer aswell......
For MO, they'll definitely have to be paired with some good long-range gunfighters to clear the path. Hopefully we'll see some options besides Hospitaller HMG for clearing the lanes. It's really nice that they're Regular Impetuous though. You'll get very good control when your turn starts.
It takes a full WIP point to ride a bike in the jungle. Don't you remember the SW Stormtroopers on Endor's moon?
#BringOldMontesaBack Rly, we lost all unique wargear options, 1 point of BS and MechDep, I don't think it is really worth bike, +1 arm and MA2... What you had before is knight who already started in optimal range, while now you have to risk your life to get out if DZ and without long range weapons it won't be easy.