You are what is wrong with Infinity! . . . :-P But, more seriously, I doubt that the more SKU sensitive CB of today will put a TinBot into any more HI boxes. But, as we do have the Multi and Feuerbach separately, it's not impossible that HMG + Boarding Shotgun + Combi Rifle might be seen as covering all the options (chuck a Hacker visor on the Combi) and CB might see the 4th slot as "free". In that case they might put in the TinBot if they want the Character separately.
no bully I'd honestly be surprised if we see a character model this quickly. I can't recall any other new sectorial getting a sculpt for any of their characters. Mary Problems, Raoul specter, Perseus, mcmannus, carmen, ect. I think the only exception to this is Vassily? Even then I'm not sure that he's on the schedule for anytime soon. HMG+BSG+hacker+tinbot is probably the best bet right now. I'm still not totally convinced we'll even get an ORC box tbh.
The most recent HI box doesn't come with a Tinbot despite having several profiles that have one (hollow men, combi ,Haris, AHD) The ORC Tinbot also comes on the Multi profile, which we already have a model for.
Vassily certainly, Shakti had renders before Vedic was even released, and Kuroshi Rider was packaged in the JSA starter itself. So I don't think it's impossible we'll see a Vedic character released quickly.
thats true, although Kuroshi kind of felt necessary as JSA lost a character at the same time. is Shakti technically a character? she isn't characterized as such on ARMY. none the less, I hope we see a Patsy model sooner rather than later, but i'm not holding my breath. I'll assume you meant "Varuna" character instead of Vedic. I wonder if there will be any others in the sectorial other than Bipandra. Only two characters seems kind of weak to be honest, especially compared to other new sectorials.
No I get that, but if we're going by army she isn't a character – she's. veteran troop. I'm not sure if that's a glitch or not.
Carmen's had her dossier banded about. To be fair, though, Yu-Jing lost like 6 characters.... In addition to also losing one to the CA. There's a difference between a character as in "is a named individual/personality" and the troop classification. A few "personalities" aren't characters - Rosie for instance.
Absolutely! but unfortunately dossiers don't guarantee a model coming any time soon :/ Tommy would fit right in, in YJ. A bumbling moron.... And huh, didn't notice that. learn something new everyday.
A lot of the post-HSN3 characters aren't 'Characters' as their troop classification. It's an issue, but since it wasn't a problem before ITSX I'm not sure that you can really call it a glitch. It'd be more correct to characterise ITSX as buggy.
That's not unusual, the new Dire Foes and half the mercenary characters (such as Raoul Spector) don't have the unit type Character Edit: Sorry didn't intend for that to become a reply avalanche!
I think you've missed the reasoning behind it. Why the HMG wouldn't be in the box? I'm thinking they'll remove it. Plus they haaaaaaaaave to do the stupid Tinbot at some point. And Securitates are potentially fluffing two boxes worth of stuff it seems. There's 3 profiles missing. Feuerbach, MSR, CR Repeater. There's additionally 3 profiles of Grenzers missing(BSG, Spitfire, ML--you could make the argument for 4 if Biometric Visors get modeled on the BSG). Assuming Orcs gain the Feuerbach and nothing gets cut? Boarding Shotgun, HMG, Combi Rifle, Hacker w/ Combi Rifle, and a Multi Rifle w/ Tinbot would need to get done...somehow. The easiest solution for them is to cut profiles rather than actually do the sensible thing and have profiles rejigged.
This is kind of a bummer because of the lack of the addition of veteran characteristic to them. oh well. Is PanO the faction with the least amount of characters? it feels like it. and that's crazy talk
This isn't the best example. The Hollow Men box included a Combi Rifle, ML, Spitfire, and Boarding Shotgun(which is the Specialist Operative profile). All it takes is them releasing a Hacker+Tinbot blister and they've covered all their bases. And yet we've gotten no HMG Orc figure in how many years? No BSG Orc figure for how many years? Their whole supposed reason for holding back the Orc box from the other factions' release pools was they wanted to do a box that had -Varuna specific loadouts-. Now we have the Feuerbach model in the Varuna sectorial box what does that mean for the rest of it?
We had a repack maybe about a year ago? those models also looked fine. They're in a very similar situation to the ninja. a repack of sort of old models with a nice new one in a starter. no profiles went anywhere and they only added one.
Kan there’s old sculpts for both of those ORC profiles. They even got repacked into a blister together somewhat recently. As far as old sculpts go they actually hold up pretty decently. I love the BSG one, she’s got some character and sass.
Ninja isn't in a starter, it's in a 2P box. Worth mentioning as well that repacks existing doesn't necessarily mean anything. The Naga with Mines(new) got repacked with the old Sniper and the blister got pulled, period, before Coldfront(which only has a new Sniper)
Yes, because Vedic is in the midst of being redone and they'll need stuff to release down the road.... In the meantime it's important to remember I'm just speculating here. Ditching profiles to make a more "lean" Orc setup is not an unreasonable thing to suggest.