they're totally going to have 2 wounds. I would be disappointed if they didn't. as of right now we only know of 1 HI in Varuna which is the ORC. This would be a nice complimentary piece to them. Sort of OT: What kind of boxes do you think we can expect? Will they really make a new ORC box? what would it come with? HMG, BSG, combi? I struggle on the last ORC in the box, since they definitely won't make another multi rifle guy. I suppose hacker is possible too. It seems like Helot box is soon too, because of past sniper shots.
Boxes? Helots, ORCs when ready (HMG, Hacker, BSG, Combi/universal proxy/something else they'll get with the update), Montesa bikers. Kamau will probably get a double blister, hacker together with Combi.
I hope so, we're like 3 months out from Tunguska dropping and they really haven't had much in terms of releases. I'm hoping we'll get the echo bravo blister either the month of release or the month after. We're probably getting the Jammer Zulu cobra month of or month after. Helots aswell, just because they'll be super tough to proxy and people definitely will want to use them. If we do get ORCs, they're probably pretty far off. Kamau I'm not sure we'll get anytime soon tbh. I cannot see how Montessa bikers fit into this.
Going strictly off the profiles we have now, I think people need to contend with the fact they're more likely to rework the Tinbot profile into something else than include the blister they can nickle and dime you for. ;) I wouldn't be surprised to see them do it so the Hacker gets access to the Tinbot instead of the Multi Rifle having it like we currently have. Kinda/sorta expecting things to be rejigged like this: Multi Rifle, LT w/ MR, Duo with MR, Haris with MR(this is in the vanilla PanO set) Combi Rifle Hacker with Tinbot Boarding Shotgun ORC w/ Grenades That's your 4 model set right there. "But Kan, where's the HMG ORC?!" It's gone. Feuerbach has potentially displaced it.
yeah, I don't think that would happen. I could see them bundling the tin bot with the hacker though. I don't thin your current profiles are going anywhere though. The BSG would probably still be the Harris, combi on the hacker, ect ect. I don't see why you wouldn't think the HMG would be in the box, if they made one. If anything they would put a BSG, hmg, combi and tinbot in the box and stop production on the current double ORC blister to cut down/replace SKUs.
I'm definitely leaning towards ORC box and Helot box right now. 4-man boxes for units that aren't linkable is pretty uncommon, but I think it makes good sense for Helots to be packaged that way. It's hard to say though until we have the full picture of unit capabilities and profiles. For all we know, Cobras have a non-Camo profile that's linkable, meaning they'll get a box. We just don't have tons of info yet. The ORC box is a tricky question. There's a lot of profile candidates. I'm hoping HMG, Hacker w/ combi, shotgun, character. The reason for picking that selection is twofold: First, noone's going to be using an ORC Core link. It just isn't going to be popular. However, ORC heavy weapons and possibly the ORC character are going to be extremely popular due to Fusilier linkability. We want those sculpts available quickly. Second, if you're not fielding an ORC + Line Trooper mixed link, you're probably fielding an ORC Haris instead (especially if you're a non-Varuna player.) Having HMG, Hacker, shotgun, as well as the MULTI from Icestorm, allows access to a good WYSIWYG Haris team. While it would be nice to get 4 unique ORC troops in the box, with a character bundled separately, I frankly just don't want to wait that long. I don't feel strongly enough about ORC use that I want to have each-and-every profile available with its own miniature. We know that the heavy weapons are going to be the really popular minis in any ORC release, so I'm perfectly happy not having minis for the weaker, less-used ORC profiles, and using that spot for the character instead. It'll be a lot better than waiting 3+ months for her to get released as a single blister.
But yeah, doesn't really add up, the HMG for Securitates wasn't displaced by their Fuerbach, and the HMG is just so common it seems odd a unit would lose it.
I highly doubt ORCs would lose the HMG. The sense (I'm not sure if it's been said explicitly) is that Varuna ORCs will add things in for use in the Snake Eaters (likely exclusively) rather than stripping things out.
I think you're all way off on the orc box. It's likely 3 orcs + tinbot if suryats are anything to go by. We already have 2 orcs with the two starters being the fueurbach and the multi rifle. So for the box, I imagine the hmg and shotgun will get resculpts and the third will likely be a hacker with the possibility of the tinbot getting moved around on the profile. My bet is the character in a separate blister.
The Tinbot's certainly possible, but I think that the current trend of SKU limitations might result in a change in CB's thinking. Tinbots in HI boxes is a relatively old design. I agree that it's certainly possible we'll see a Tinbot, perhaps even likely, but I think the notion of unit + mixed link option is going to win out over unit + tinbot because of the SKU reduction priority. But we'll see... I'm completely speculating. The final look of the ORC character may not even be done yet.
I might be in the minority, but I actually hope that it's 3+tinbot. IF we even get an ORC box that is.....
Reminder that a Tinbot isn't even a marker, it's technically equipment, and at the moment has zero bearing on the game.