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New wave of Varuna rumors (OMG)

Discussion in 'PanOceania' started by barakiel, Sep 29, 2018.

  1. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    When they're all hidden, I tend to just focus on the objectives and setting up a really strong ARO game tbh. Camo is more intimidating than it is effective IMO. As in, it is effective, but not as much as it is generally considered to be en masse (IMO).
  2. meikyoushisui

    meikyoushisui Competitor for Most Ignored User

    Nov 28, 2017
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    I know this is a joke, but you have players who are much better at ITS than you pointing out in this same thread how insane it is that cheap LI like Kamaus are getting HMGs for 1SWC.
  3. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Basic Kamau Combi costs 20 pts. They definitely aren't cheap LI.
    Judge Dredd likes this.
  4. meikyoushisui

    meikyoushisui Competitor for Most Ignored User

    Nov 28, 2017
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    68 points seems pretty cheap for a B5 BS16 Mimetism HMG that produces 5 orders
  5. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I usually call it 'Yu Jing Roulette' because of the 4 camo markers in the midfield, one will blow up in your face, two are relatively squishy Guilang, and the last is a Daofei. Better guess correctly!
    Stiopa likes this.
  6. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    [​IMG] Neoterran Capitaline Army

    [​IMG] FUSILIER HMG / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 18)
    [​IMG] FUSILIER Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] FUSILIER Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] FUSILIER Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] FUSILIER Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)

    1 SWC | 58 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    That's 10 points for Mimetism and a BS.
    Judge Dredd and Stiopa like this.
  7. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    If you want to put it that way it's just like TAK version, 66 pts for Mimetic Molotok, or 83 pts for Mimetic AP HMG. That's why mixed links can be so powerful regardless of the army in question. But it still doesn't mean the unit in question is "cheap", just that it can be reinforced by a cheap one.
    Judge Dredd and eciu like this.
  8. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    [​IMG] Ariadna

    [​IMG] AIRBORNE RANGER Molotok / Pistol, AP CC Weapon, Knife. (1.5 | 32)
    [​IMG] AIRBORNE RANGER Boarding Shotgun / Pistol, AP CC Weapon, Knife. (0 | 24)
    [​IMG] FRONTOVIK Molotok / Assault Pistol, Knife. (1 | 30)
    [​IMG] LINE KAZAK Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 9)
    [​IMG] LINE KAZAK Sniper Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 16)

    3 SWC | 111 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    Here, Line Kazak is a 12pts cheerleader (see sniper, which is usually 4pts, or rifle, that's -3), Molotok is a 7 pts weapon (see ranger), all compared to combi-rifle.

    So Line Kazak base is 12pts, Frontovnik base is 23 pts, really close to the difference between Fusilier and Kamau.

    [​IMG] PanOceania

    [​IMG] FUSILIER Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10)
    [​IMG] KAMAU Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 20)
    [​IMG] FUSILIER HMG / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 18)
    [​IMG] KAMAU HMG / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 28)

    2 SWC | 76 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    Frontovnik has Veteran and Courage, +1ARM, Kamau has +1BS -1pt +6BTS and a cube.

    Fun fact: T2 rifle (that's really close to DA Rifle!) costs the same as combi rifle. While viral combi costs +4 pts (which is DT + Shock+).

    I don't have a point, just collecting random info.
    meikyoushisui likes this.
  9. eciu

    eciu Easter worshiper

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Wait wat ? Combi is equal in points to T2 Rifle ?


    Isn't also SMG a discount "because 0-8" is most dangerous range in infinity" ? Shouldn't that mean that Combi should "almost get discount" over the Rifle ?;P
  10. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    No, I think the SMG is a discount due to it's crappy long range performance. Nevermind that most everything with an SMG either deploys closer to the enemy or rapidly closes with the enemy.
    Stiopa likes this.
  11. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Biker HI in PanO but not in JSA? Kinda pisses me off to be honest...

    I have no problem with them from a fluff perspective, knights liked to ride horses, bikes = modern horses, makes sense to me. But then I think JSA should have been the faction to bring this into the game, especially since they used to be the "lower armour but more mobility" HI Faction way back.

    Oh well....guess PanO Players need to get even more profiles, it's not like they already have the most sectorials out there....bikes for everyone! And even better bikes for PanO!....

    Seriously though....Aragato are already scary powerful in some scenarios, I don't even want to think about how powerful a HI Biker with PanO BS and a Spitfire or the like of it is going to be...this better cost the same as a swiss guard....
  12. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    Yeah, and it's especially jarring on units with double SMGs.

    I would be perfectly fine with SMG being 1-2 pts cheaper than Combi, max. It loses its long range, but gains very useful ammo choices. Also, the more I think about it, the more it seems SMG is a wrong description. These weapons are PDWs. True SMG would look more like an Assault Pistol with SMG range bands.

    PanO was always close behind YJ when it comes to HI, at least if we're talking about the number of choices. Mostly because of the knights. YJ still clearly wins when it comes to diversity and degree of optimization, as you HIs tend to have much less bloat. And from the dossiers we've seen you'll get augmented in that regard when IA finally hits.

    I'm sure Montesa Biker will be a good/very good unit, but I'm also sure it won't be op. HI on bike will either cost a lot, or get Impetous/XImpetous to keep that cost down.

    Also, I completely agree that we weren't the ones in a dire need of a new sectorial. YJ, Haqq or Tohaa could use one instead.
    #372 Stiopa, Oct 3, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2018
    inane.imp likes this.
  13. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Or has a long ranged gun.

    T2 as a flavour upgrade equivalent to HD+ or Dr+ is reasonable. Personally I think MSV3 would do with the same treatment.

    How widely it's been proliferated is a different matter. Add in Immunity to hacking and now we're discussing why Ariadna is toping the 'most hated faction' poll. ;)
  14. Zsolt

    Zsolt Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Maybe viral combi should be free for Tohaa as well, right? :)
  15. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Their Paramedics get a free +3 to Medikit rolls. ;)
  16. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    True that, but PanO was always pitched as the "TAG Faction" which also happens to have very good HI. Yu Jing only has a Single ULTRA Boring TAG as opposed to PanO's variety of crazy killing machines. Frankly it's a bit annoying to see them have all those TAGs, AND still get the same amount of HI Variety as Yu Jing (and now even more so with HI Bikers).

    Invincible Army might change this and make HI more of a Yu Jing thing again in comparison, but I still think that the Motorcycle HI should have been a JSA thing at first...JSA used to be THE Motorcycle faction and it would have easily fit into the theme of them....but nowadays for some reason everyone seems to get some it seems.

    Anyways, not like anything is going to change just cause I don't like it, like I said, it just kinda pisses me off to see this in Varuna, especially since I really don't picture Varuna as the HI Biker Sectorial of PanO for some reason...they always had a more Aquatic touch to me...
  17. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Jet. Skis. ;)
    AdmiralJCJF likes this.
  18. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I'm not arguing your points ;) Just think of that nice, shiny AD HI you'll get. It should beat the biker in utility, if not in cool factor. Also, it doesn't hurt that YJ HI models look awesome.
    Section9 and AdmiralJCJF like this.
  19. Yasashii Fuyu

    Yasashii Fuyu Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    If Water Terrain was more of a thing in Infinity, that'd be f**king awesome! :-P

    Have to agree, YJ stuff does look very interesting, not a huge fan of the new big guy, but besides that it looks promising. And AD HI is arguably just as good if not better than a Biker, though Biker is just way cooler to me :-P

    But then again I'm sure the Biker HI will look brilliant as well, I really hope they'll make it with a lance!
  20. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    I really hope not, too much fantasy in my s-f :P Best case would be a shooting pose, but we'll probably get a sword swing.
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