Well, earlier today I've thought that old Kum bikes might be an interesting basis for Zondnautika bikes, from there to Auxbots was a very short leap.
It's even the right colours... and that crossbow seems to be 'spitting fire' at the sides. Let's do it.
Nah, let's go for the crazy stuff from 'Saga of Tanya the Evil': ~60points for the Spitfire wouldn't be unreasonable. Expensive, yes, but you're talking about a 14" Assault! That is a good point. I think the Kum bikes are big enough to support power armor (hell, a modern Goldwing/Valkyrie is 900lbs of bike with a 1.8L flat-6 engine making ~125hp, they will haul 600+lbs of riders and baggage and still keep up with most sports cars). If you really pushed it, you could do something crazy like an Mazda 20B 3-rotor Wankel engine in a bike, ~300hp turbocharged (that's what I suspect is in the Aragoto bike, Wankels are surprisingly popular as light-aircraft engines due to light weight and power). Smoke and T2 is far too low-tech. Nimbus and Eclipse are far better because higher tech
Mmm talk dirty to me. That stupid Wankel engine in the RX8 is my favorite piece of foreign tech, and I’m a Detroit auto industry engineer who owns exclusively US made cars.
Really fun idea. Is it time to brink back fields, like π-well's optical disruption field? A terrifying prospect... There seems to be a lot of disagreement about the possible cost of montessa bikes. I think ~60 sounds about right but I've seen some folks forecast as low as 40.
You cited Frenzy and the ability to get an extra order as an advantage of a Domaru over Warbands. I stated that this was dishonest because warbands had those orders to start with. If you do not believe that is a misrepresentation on your part, I have nothing else to say on this point. Marksmanship isn't good because of how it affects ARM rolls, it's good because it's an additional +3 for you in the f2f. Taking armor is just a bonus, but people would absolutely still use assisted fire if it only took cover in the f2f and not the ARM roll. They have a smoke grenade at a 16. I would almost always take this on a Domaru if it was available. I think it's probably not a good line of logic to use this if you're also using Frenzy as an advantage they have over warbands. And Galwegians, while they do link, most often don't because they want the impetuous orders. 76% chance a Highlander wounds Achilles in CC w/ Berserk, per the dice calculator. I'm not talking about getting all three, but keep in mind they have smoke to deliver themselves, and Domaru do not. No, you said it was better than a warband. Sure, but the difference is neglible, because the cost of the exchange to the player with the warband is still basically nothing.
You know... I don't really know what is being argued here. Is it that you would probably rather have a cheap warband then a Domaru or that most CC skills are not very good for combat?
What? Marksmanship only ignores Cover modifier for shots. Targets still get full ARM bonus from cover.
Its that Domaru aren't as useful point for point as warbands based on their cost. The other half is that of all the units with CC skills in JSA, Domaru are the least likely to use them.
From what I can tell, he's making the point that people still prefer to be in Cover against models with Marksmanship L2, because they will still get the +3 ARM bonus if they do get hit. Talking about the value of 3 ARM on Domaru vs most Warbands.
Ok but JSA dosen't have warbands so the comparison is odd. Is the argument just that the Domaru is a underperforming unit?