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New Units: Most Hype?

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by OrphanOfToast, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Note I said, according to the “community”. Fatality Lv2 is an odd and somewhat broken version of Mimetism, and I hope it goes away.
  2. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    do you mean full auto, don't you? It will go away in the form of "BS-attack(-3)", and I am sure we will see it in more profiles

    but it was not the community but only a part of it, a part that wanted access to "full ignore" visual malus because reasons
    nazroth and Willen like this.
  3. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    The only difference is, that it can not be countered. Which makes the Kriza one of two units that get a 50:50 chance during their active turn to drop a linked Kamau sniper in ARO.

    If the above sentence contains something that's OP, then it is the fully linkable Wildcard Kamau Sniper. Not the Kriza.

    Side note: If it would be OP, it would be included in many more Tunguska Lists, but according to the data, it is not: Kriza HMG: 28% ... on the other hand ... the Kamau MSR was used in 85% of all Varuna Lists.
    #23 Spitfire_TheCat, Sep 15, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
  4. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Yes, sorry, brain fart here. And all the changes to profiles are a good indicator it is going away or tweaked (based on what we have seen for it and Fatality (I was thinking about the profiles with +1D and thus the brain fart).

    The notion that it is OP is strong here, although it is mostly Nomad envy. That idea that "Nomads get all the toys", which clashes with actual data and releases.
    dexterv likes this.
  5. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Well, there are factions that cannot fully counter a TO/ODD. I don't see why there should be a faction that could counter everything
    Spitfire_TheCat and Willen like this.
  6. Willen

    Willen Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    Faction-blindness. Like complaining you have a hacking weakness when you have SSL2 KHDs with Tinbot B combo... just use your tools.

    But this is a thread about the changes we are excited about! I am trying NOT to come up with expectations and more with... curiosity.

    One thing that I really want to see but merely for the sculpt, is Lizzy. Szally is the best-looking TAG in the game, I converted a Lissy with a Szally chasis, but CB can surely improve on my version.
  7. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Frankly they're both a bit borked.The Kriza was so strong they had to errata Suppresssive Fire, the Kamau beats nearly every active turn unit in ARO for barely more cost including the whole Fireteam. Both need a slight toning down to fit in with their respective factions and increase internal competitions.
    Pflaumenmus and Stiopa like this.
  8. nazroth

    nazroth 'well known Nomad agitator'

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Interestingly the Kriza cryout was mostly propagated by Panoceania players, who start off with solid ATK pieces at BS 15. Guess not being able to hit shit at flat out 15 (range/cover) was too much to bear for them. It's funny because 66,66% of Full Auto -3 is countered by that +2BS over 13 anyway :P
  9. fatherboxx

    fatherboxx Mission control, I'm coming home.

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Vostok looks most impressive
    2W Bulleteer is scary and if Assisted Fire is unchanged, people are going to cry
    Armihaul likes this.
  10. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Evaders look great on paper but remain very squishy in reactive. The AP Spitfire, Tinbot Engineer has too much going on.
    Sombra is Nomad's take on Dart, which definitely makes for a good troop, but doesn't come anywhere close to the efficiency of a Spitfire Dao Fei.
    Cheerkillers are going to depend entirely on who they can link with.
    The New REM has several great Profiles and is something to look forward to.

    Overall these are nice additions, and much less problematic in terms of powerlevel than people claim.
    You're forgetting the +1 B L2 was gated behind. Having the FTF Firepower of a BS12 Core Link or Szally on a single HI dude. On top of FTF that works vs Dodge and has no counter with any other MOD in the game being conditional/having a counterpiece.
    The worst part of the KB remains the HMG Profile vs the rest of the Profiles being utter trash next to it. Didn't matter when he was fielded in TJC since TJC wasn't one of the scary N3 Sectorials. Vanilla Nomads and ForCo got more milage out of him in that regard.

    Fatality L2, Full Auto L2 and Kamau Snipers as Wildcards in Fusilier Links are all things that should have never happened in N3.
    N4 at least breaks it down into L1 and L2 for Fatality and Full Auto, only time can tell if Sheskin and Tarik end up priced correctly with N4 price adjustments, crit nerf etc.
    #30 Teslarod, Sep 15, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
    SpectralOwl likes this.
  11. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I seem to remember there was mention of Fatality changing, it may get nerfed from being a crit machine.
  12. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    more like, CB heed the claims from certain part of the community and nerfed it with a lame excuse. If KB were so broken, it would have been more meta determining, as that fireteam or posthumans have been. But still, there are factions that cannot fully counter a swiss guard or hac tao in SF, but there will be no complaints against them. And even if they would... those will not be heeded by CB

    yet most complains against KB were for the MK12 profile because the 360 visor..even if it is too expensive. Paying 10 points on that visor is absurd. That was the problem...and the nerf at the extra weapon options (KB was dessigned to have weaponry options, but somewere in the testing, they took them out, included the option that justified those awful fireteams)
  13. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Can't remember a single complaint about the MK12 be "too good". Ever.

    I do remember the initial KB Dossier having a ML though.
    Aldo likes this.
  14. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    when spoiled its profile, most people were talking about the mk12 because the visor, and the main complains came soon after. Most people don't look at all the points of an option, so most people just saw "around 54 points, 360 visor, B5", and raged a lot. Even a tester came to say about its combination with SF "that's what makes him great" (so the later excuse from CB was not so right in my opinion). There were also a lot of complains about things that were not true: burst 6 in fireteams, b2 in aro or B4 in SF (all of them were baseless, but used to justify the "its broken" thing). Of course, those claims should be ignored, but...

    Also, there was ML, yes, and it was marked as the 5th or 6th weapon option, there were 2 dossiers, but I cannot find the first one.
    Willen and nazroth like this.
  15. nazroth

    nazroth 'well known Nomad agitator'

    Apr 25, 2017
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    To be fair I would have been completely satisfied if KB got Mimetism instead of entire FA rule and dropped in cost. I remember awesome speculations when KB dossier showed up. What are the tanks on it's back? "Would be cool if that was some sort of mobile nullifier"... turned out it was just strange looking visual feature :P Either way - KB - the first Nomad heavy (none-glass canon) ATK piece that stacks a MOD. We needed this a lot. Now we have it and it opened up a lot of options. I will keep my fingers crossed for KB not to be completely trashed in N4.
    Modock, Spitfire_TheCat and Armihaul like this.
  16. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I think, at this point, the Kriza is fine. The most common issue I see now is the one I have, which is that it doesn't feel very Nomads.
    Pflaumenmus and SpectralOwl like this.
  17. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Well, data says: not that much more:

    Kriza HMG in Vanilla Nomads: 32% and in ForCo: 30%
    Kriza Mk12 in Vanilla Nomads: 4% and in ForCo: 2%

    Can't be that Broken, if it's only in every third list.

    Again, the only thing mentioned that is really broken is the "Kamau Snipers as Wildcards in Fusilier Links" everything else ... good but not broken.

    Even Fatality L2 with the hated Crits rule didn't do anything when I played Sheskiin. And having watched Tarik in play ... it didn't do anything for him as well. Theoretically its great, but during active these pieces are great with and without Fatality L2 and during reactive it doesn't matter that much.
  18. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    It would be in every list if it were in Ariadna- they can't put down White Noise or Eclipse, nor use Combat Jump to avoid sightlines from strong MSV ARO pieces. Context is important when determining strength of a unit, and I'd argue Nomads simply don't need such a dominant direct shooter thanks to their multitude of options for avoiding fights- IMO the best in the game. This is an issue I'm generally agreed with @inane.imp on- Kriza's not a bad unit, it's a bad Nomad. That said, as stated above, context is important, and perhaps N4 will force Nomads to be better direct shooters or fail. Maybe the unit we really need to see to judge N4 Nomads is the Kamau.
  19. Teslarod

    Teslarod when in doubt, Yeet

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Mate... let me show you a thing or two about data analysis.
    The KB is a list defining piece. How many list defining pieces are there in Nomads? Take a look at the pick rate of any TAG or Intruder HMG vs the KB.
    Ofc you wouldn't see it in every list the same way you'd see fillers like Posthumans, Kaeltar or Makauls, they're easy picks because every list can use them. A Szally list likely can't fit a KB and vice versa.
    If you want to run a cross Faction comparison take a look how many people are running Achilles in Vanilla Aleph. That guy is better than good and doesn't scratch 50% pick rate.
    I could claim many things aren't broken, SMGs, Jammers, Frenzy, 5 points Warbands with Smoke PH14 and Berserk... list goes on. One person claiming something isn't broken doesn't make it true. The same goes for claiming double Crit chance doesn't matter that much.
    nazroth, SpectralOwl and Aldo like this.
  20. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    So you argue, the Kriza is not taken more regularly because Nomads is already so strong, it doesn't need "the best shooter in the game"? ITS data doesn't confirm this. Nomads hardly qualifies as midfield regarding win-ratio.

    Regarding your last sentence: IMO the unit we really need to see to judge N4 is the Kamau. Together with the Fireteams rules and possibilities. Although I doubt both will change. Neither Kamau nor Fireteams Rules and Boni.

    Instead I think the min-maxing-wildcard-teams are being crammed into every sectorial available and fireteam boni will mostly stay the same.
    SpectralOwl likes this.
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