KHD Heckler is actually the weakest of all four loadouts, so yeah - Interventor King. Just hope we'll get a good LT option - something tricky and interresting, maybe not a godlike Hacker :P
Heckler KHD power will depend a lot on what cybermine does. For example, if it acts like an AHD program (like carbonite) but as a mine, it would make a very interesting profile.
I think the Jammer/Fast Panda Heckler and the Interventor KHD will be great friends. He can jam markers to get them to reveal and she can fry them. With a Move-Move and a Move-Drop Panda you'll likely be able to fry Hackers in their DZ.
You're right mate. Let's get back to it once Cybermine is revealed. For now KHD is the weakest link tho.
It has significant advantages over the Interventor (the Interventor is still the best choice if your priority is 'being the best hacker'). It gives you an BS attack option that, frankly the Zero does not while also freeing up Zero AVA for things only Zeros do (minelayer and Dep Rep/EMauler). It's absolutely a valid choice depending on how you want to build your midfield. Most importantly, until you reveal it nobody knows it doesn't have a jammer. So you gain the deterrence effect of the jammer while gaining a specialist and KHD.
Only by foregoing the option to infiltrate. You can't have your cake (Zeros benefit from Infiltration which means that they're nearer the objective) and eat it (they also look like they have a jammer). By opting to do one you can't do the other. And if your primary aim is maximising apparent jammer spam then 2 X Minelayer Zeros, Heckler KHD, Heckler Jammer is the better option. I'm not arguing that Heckler KHDs supplant Zeros. Just that they offer advantages that are worthy of consideration depending on what you need more.
Just pointing out but CH: Limited camo only provides Stealth while in marker state. Once Heckler pops he loses stealth.Which might be relevant in a repeater heavy, hacker heavy match.
@inane.imp sure bruh. I in the other hand am not arguing that they are useless or not worth the points, but that at this point they seem inferior to other three Heckler Profiles. Especially taking other available units into consideration. I'm sure there lays a deeper philosophy behind both our opinions. I for example don't use KHD when I field a single HD+ Interventor cause he usually get's the job done on his own :P Never the less - KHD Heckler and BS Heckler are both Zeros in a way. If you rather pay 5 points to make E/Marat + BS Heckler into a KHD, rather than 2 points for making any of the usual Zero choices into KHD then it is totally matter of personal taste. I'm not arguing against it ;)
I'm surprised people feel like Tunguska "needs" more. Kriza HMG, 2x Heckler Red Fury, FO bots for objectives, Securitate Core link and 8 point REMs for Orders, and that's a great list. Add Interventors or a Spektr, life is good. Even if Tunguska got nothing else, that's playable and powerful. And we know they're getting more.
I feel its not "need" as much as it's hype and greed. And I understand both completely. From a playable perspective sure, you can probably make solid, competitive lists with what we have. Throw in some Haris for Grenzers or maybe a mixed "interventor in grenzer haris" form of link. Perhaps some niche merc too. Sure, cool. But most of those are "typical" to a certain point. I think part of the hype comes from the fact that what's left in the box, what we haven't seen yet is: a) Hollow men. Supposedly assault corp. It's really fucking cool mini (which helps the hype), and you might wonder if it'll be some sort of fast moving gunner (leg shape similar to Umbra iirc). And it does reeeeally look good. b) Zondnautica / Nautical Zond : Here things start to get hot. Its a remote of sorts. Maybe its the nomad bike! Maybe its another REM paratrooper. We know absolutely nothing, we will in 2 weeks probably. Maybe its that 2 STR REM that was never released. c) Puppettactica : Wild speculation. Jumper? Attack syncs? Heck, while writting the next paragraph I just thought - Wtf, what if there's a sort of synergy/combo/whatever with Hollow men and puppettactica? What my sleepy mind sees there is a certain "unusual" kinda troop. Kriza is great, but in the end he's basically a (glorious) hammer. With nomads being the bizarre faction and those thought-provoking names, I can't help being curious and greedy. They seem like they'd be fun to play.
Honestly Tunjuska is playable as soon as Securitate get fixed. Everything else is gravy and more variety in how you build the lists. Because at the moment, 5 Securitate, Kriza HMG, Interventor Lt, Dak, Clockmaker, 2 x Transductors + ~95pts/1.5SWC Hecklers / Spektrs is pretty much the 'best' build we know of (with an alternative based on Grenzer where you only have ~40pts/1.5SWC to spend on SK/Hecklers). And it's solid, but extremely predictable (Fusi link + Swiss HMG + Machinist + Dr + 2 X Fugazi + EVO + 100pts of Hexa/Locusts/Combat REMs anyone). What I'm expecting to see are units that provide alternatives to existing vanilla units. I fully expect that the Nautical Zond will provide a fast moving 0 SWC attack piece that provides an alternative to Uberfalls: slightly less utility with no smoke or anti Impersonator screening for more a controlable and predictable option. Equally I expect Tactical Puppets to replicate the screening functions of Morlocks or Jaguars, but in a different way. Do Nomads need these options? No. Can you create them without screwing balance and are they cool? Yes.
I'd like more on Tunguska because with the current Kriza focused play style I'm not interested in the faction.
A Kriza Mk12, Spektr FO, Spektr MSR, Grenzer MSR, Inter KHD, Inter HD+, Tsyklon, baggagebot, two flash pulse bots and a second team with a Dak and a Clock is suitably powerful that I feel Tunguska is going to have no issues with power or options, and that's missing Hecklers, Hollows, Secs...
I'd like to see Tsyklon/Lunokhod + Securitate Fireteams. This would emulate the current Securitate's equipment and special skills quite well if the new Secs will lose their Repeater and SSL2