i could see the cybermine being a "hacking mine": Hits on BTS, only affects some targets (REMS, HIs, Hackers), you have to reset instead of dodge. You're IMM-1 if you fail, instead of taking damage. edit: could be a way for nomads to "hack" stealth stuff without having to expose your dudes, or rely on SSL1.
Salzy Interventors Grenzer MSR Spektrs Clockmakers Daktaris Kriza Borax Mk12 Tsyklons Lunokhods Zonds They're the only certainties.
Add some new profiles and some "guests" to that list. Expect to be fully revealed last week of June, coinciding with the release on stores of the starter pack.
Please let me know where I can acquire some of these models. My local metal crack dealers tell me that those will be arriving Soon. [emoji20] I took the question to be asking about existing models only.
"guests" someone invited from elsewhere, elsewhere meaning outside of your home, home as in "human sphere" = aliens what aliens would need to be welcomed somewhere, maybe aliens without a place of their own aliens who are known for having a liking to more mercantile space ship based lifestyle to live in Tunguska Caskuda moving to Tunguska confirmed
I doubt they will be in Tunguska because of the lore, but I hope that they are included because they are an amazing toolbox unit