Yeah another thing I've loved about older models (like Corregidor box) is more simple tactical poses. I don't understand why some hate those as boring.
I don't think tactical poses are boring, I think boxes with multiples of very similar tactical poses are boring (like the USAriadna starter).
I think it depends on the quality of the "tactical pose" art is all in execution This is a base solid tactical pose, note the movement in the legs, The gun is held at good position to the body and head Lets compare to bad tactical poses of the moderators The guns are not held well to the body in a way that indicates action on the female pitcher and sniper. The Spitfire is somewhat more natural but his stance is too wide and akward, outside of the hacker its hard to work out what the exact movement the models have taken that leads to these "snapshots" They feel like in between frames on an animation rather than a keyframe. The spitfire pose can be directly compared to the female securitate as both have a "rounding a corner" look The lowered gun sells the "sneaky pose" judging by the gate of her walk she is slowly walking there not trying to get his leg day lunges in like the spitfire (who would have benefited from being in a full run pose if they wanted the rapid getting to cover feel) overall I think "boring" tactical poses tend to be more "poses that dont tell the action the sculpt is taking" I think what you want is "subtle" tactical poses rather than "simple"
The BoW preview also comes with a bit of fluff explaining how the Nomad Ship came to be founded, but I just want to point this out. "Instituted by the legendary Colonel Nikolai Steranko, the foundational mission of Dragnet is to defend Tunguska from external incursions and threats, and to protect the inviolability of its Crypt." One of the more subtler references that CB has done to comicbooks with Nomads (considering the Morlocks and Mods), but still kind of on the nose. To spell it out, it is Colonel "Nick" with the surname from one of his more famous authors (Jim) Steranko, who had a (to say the least) groundbreaking run with the character in the sixties. Appropriate for a set of Super-Spies. Also, possibly a named character to expect in Tunguska? Colonel Nick Fury lived longer than he should because of some serum, and he was pretty active on the field. Might not be too far off from having him as an actually playable character in the modern day of Infinity.
Eh id actually be very annoyed if nick fury is in tunguska, im really fed up of marvel and comic book references. I can think of at least 4 different types of characters id sooner see than nick fury, at least john wick would spread the references out a bit.
None of these are big issues, but if I'm picking nits: Unless things have changed in the last 10 years, modern soldiers don't generally point their guns in the air like the Foxtrot & Grunt, for various reasons. It's a posing thing that always bothers me. Not enough for me to "fix" it through a conversion, but I find it off putting. Another minor quibble with CB is their tendency to have the female model in the least tactical pose. The female Grunt is a good example, and both the Alguacil and Fusilier are like this as well (I'm sure there is more). This box is much better. The pink haired Securitate looks like she's on guard (and annoyed), the other female looks like she's about to clear a room. I might end up trying to get more of the Securitate to use as CSUs.
Hey, at least JSA got some anime references for this, at least partially, anime inspired game. I do feel that CB has been going to the comic book well a little too often, but then comics were never really my thing.
I like pinup models and would have bought that grunt as such, but I wouldn't have put it in a starter. It's not the way I would do things but it's the way they do things so I just accepted it. It makes these Securitate girls even better because of how unique they are. edit: I use the old Daktari. If they made off-models and sold them in a pinup section I would buy them, cross faction, no shame. But I would really have preferred that to be my choice. edit2: Grunt girl thicc.
Im fine with their poses, female grunt is getting ammo out of a pouch and foxtrot pose is clearly spotting at a distance Kinda wish we got more crouching poses though, link teams of line troops im fine with having more marching or on guard duty poses cause thats what they do 90% of games.
I was trained that muzzles should always be pointed down. In the event of a discharge the round will go into the ground and not come down onto some poor sod's head somewhere. Also it is much faster to bring a weapon up to the ready as opposed to down, and it works better with the body's natural reaction to danger, which is to bring the head down and shoulders up. Mainly, it just triggers an old NCO itch when I see it done like this picture. As I said, it's a minor quibble, but not one I'm likely to be talked out of. Different strokes and all that.
I don't mind having one of my LI in a more 'passive' pose - and it being the girl is fine. It means she gets to be my specialist, because I usually paint them up to stand out enough as a paramedic or hacker.
oh its definitely not the standard suggested way to hold it, but ppl will do goofy stuff, like the dude who used a sword, bow and bagpipes in ww2 or digby who ran around with an umbrella and poked a german armoured car driver through the vision slit with it. I think there is plenty of space for some more interesting tactical poses, I really hope CB re use the prowler running pose one day
I don't think bullets work that way. It will be stopped at the top of the arc, so unless their terminal velocity is lethal it wouldn't be.
It's complicated, but yes, falling bullets can cause injuries and those injuries can be, in rare instances, fatal. Because of it's aerodynamic shape, the terminal velocity of a rifle round is usually above the threshold needed to penetrate the skin. EDIT: Found a link -
Only if the gun is pointed straight up. If it is up at an angle, it will maintain speed, and can kill people. I've seen video of a guy dying because some wedding was happening in the middle east and they shot ak-47 willy nilly into the air, and he gets hit by a bullet out of the blue.