I would be stunned to see Aleph troops. Our close relationship with the Nomads has always seemed to be based at least partially on our shared distrust of the AI. We also have our own Old Man on the Mountain that we want to keep secret. As for a shared Fiday, sure. It's possible, but it seems unlikely. I think the sectorial will be quite unique.
Really these are the things that are "missing" from RTF currently: - AD Troopers - MSV - "Standard" HI - Warband I'm pretty sure everything else is covered in one way shape or form. So I would imagine we will see 3-4 new units leading up to RTF's release.
Just wish-listing here, but I think it would be super badass to have an AD troop with enhanced senses that give him sensor and sixth sense
Ive analyzed Haqq and its sectorals a few times before and came up with the fact that Rama will get a total of 6 to 7 completely unique new units in their completed sectoral. QK has 25 total including generic units and characters, HB has 24 total including the same. RTF currently has 18 units including all characters confirmed and generic units, leaving us with 6 to 7 new units to be in line with the rest of our sectorals. On a side note, i know weve been wishlisting supersoldiers and super-doctors, but one other strength of al medinat is terraforming. Any thoughts on how a unit can be based around that in game terms?
Not much really. It's basically an extension of their biotechnology, and we knew from the beginning that RTF was supposed to be about most of Haqq's enhanced soldiers.
I'm hoping for another skirmisher, something a bit more budget friendly than the Tuaregs. Also, maybe a CoC unit, although with the amount of Veteran in faction, maybe they won't.
MOV (6-6), CC 18-19-21, BS 12, PH 12, WIP 14, ARM 1, BTS 6, W 1, S2 Forward Deployment lvl 2, Mimetism?, Blur (new custom rule about visual mods for moving fast), kinematika 2, hyperdynamics 1, Assault?, stealth, religious profiles have close range high burst weapons, knife, shock or DA ccw?
6-7 new units would give us a lot of new variety, I hope you're right! But I don't know about terraforming. In my understanding, terraforming is a long and slow process. Anything about immediately creating cover or camo or the like seems, to my mind, to go against the long term approaches of this science. Obviously I could be wrong, but "tactical terraforming" at the skirmish level of Infinity just doesn't "feel" right. I like the general idea, but 6-6 seems extremely unlikely to me. At best, I could see 6-2, like Joan's mobility suit. I don't think even the Caliphate is mass producing soldiers that can outrun the Maid of Orleans. I think Magister Knights might be a good model for us to consider. We could have a statline of 4-4, CC22, BS12, PH14, WIP14, ARM 1, BTS3, W1, Rifle+Light Shotgun, DA CCW, MA Lvl 2, Religious, Dogged, Hyper-Dynamics L1, and Extremely Impetuous for around 20 points. Compared to the magister, we lose W1, ARM2, and a panzerfaust, but gain WIP 14, a rifle, Dogged, and a 2-3 point discount. There's obviously some fine tuning to do here, but this is a unit I would be excited about running under our smoke cover.
my honest alternative to the move is 4-6 movement. I think it would be interesting to make a unit that tactically moves at normal speed but when they mov-mov, i see that as an all out sprint and i would love to see their super speed come into play like that. Hense the invention of the blur skill and an added risk/reward tactic for this specific unit.
The only problem with this is how it will interact with Difficult Terrain rules. I mean, it's going to be a weird interaction.
Well, back in the days of 2ed talk on Caliphate (along with Numair and Muktar) we had a word from Bostria on a "hoverbike" for Caliphate :P Since it was in the early concept / playtest phase at that moment, they weren't sure if it was to be a bike,a bike with Superjump, or a fast REM with Superjump, or one with AD on top of all that. And since it was a long time ago, I can't, of course, tell if it survived that phase, and if so - in what form. But the idea sounded damn cool. The fan-made ideas we had back in the days, were: - elite Specialist HI (wih very limited AVA) - Doc, Engineer or Hacker (no "just rifle" profiles). - my pet idea of Mutaharrik Outriders, a biker unit of disciplined scouts - an AD L2 airborne troop of semi-elite troops, "Bees" with several rather wacky loadouts (like, X-visor and Contender) :P
Please, CB Gods, listen to this man's words and give us the first Superjump Bike! PS: Also listen to all the other good people in this thread, whose ideas sound just too awesome to waste.
I don't know all the Haqq fluff, but if they are going to put some Aleph models in the new sectoral, I think the Agema & Ectdromoi would be a nice fit. An an additional MSV2, for the sectoral without actually giving a new MSV2 to Haqq in general, I personally like the Mk12 profile. The Ectdromoi are a decent AD option. The Superjump goes with Khawarijs play style. PS: I renamed the thread to include 'Haqq' after I read some people where confused.
You are mixing concepts here. The superjump bikes were for the Khanate of Gaqbar, the sectorial that will feature Hunzaquts, Kums and links of Halqa amongst other things. Descripted as a "motorized" sectorial. Actually, those bikes aren't bikes but manned helicopters, and designers found AD, bike speed and superjump to be quite fitting for the profile. These profiles have been in test since long ago, and they were the only "vehicles" other than bikes that proved to be succesful during playtestings Therefore is quite likely they make an appearance when the Khanate sectorial comes.
Arent those quite old concepts which got canned alongside the original Numair and Al Mukthar? Not that I wouldnt like them, but getting my hopes high for that stuff, wont happen until I hear something recent which means newer than two years old. Both would be awesome, but I am quite sure, that there will be no Aleph units in Haqq before a status quo change in the Human Sphere. PanO and Yu Jing receive Aleph units because they are working closely togheter with Aleph and embrace the AI. Haqq is not trusting Aleph. And imho I would much rather see units unique to Haqq or ones that further expands on the fluff about the good relations between Haqq and the Nomads aswell Ariadna.
Well, in all honesty, these are just fables by now, at least for me. I bring them up for the amusement / sentimental value only. That was talked about in the old forum years ago. Effectively, writing on water. Everything could (and likely has) changed since then - Numair & Muktar's fate being the best evidence for that. While @Janzerker apparently has more up-to-date information (and way better sources!) than me. :)