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New nomad unit in N4 ?

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by PurpleSquid, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. Alguaciles_Ortega

    Alguaciles_Ortega Active Member

    Dec 28, 2019
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    talking about the new unit they showed The Evaders, looking at its weapons, it's the first time that corregidor does receive something like an AP spitfire. Never tough of such a weapon as something we would never get. That sound promising for any future / possible release, in terms of updates and similar. Also looking forward for the fact that unit does seems like as a possible alternative to an hellcat, with similar equipment.

    Looking at the artwork, does anyone think the mask would be a visor of any level ? Or it is just me pushing it too far, now ?
    loricus likes this.
  2. Shrooms

    Shrooms Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2017
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    As a new model Alguacile will doubtless look amazing, but I already have lots of the existing ones (who look fine), hopefully the new ones will be good conversion / proxy fodder for other Nomad profiles.
    nazroth, redeemer and loricus like this.
  3. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I would bet it wasn't another AD, but if it is I wouldn't mind. I play 1-3 AD troops so more options would be useful.
  4. Vakarian

    Vakarian Bad Nomad

    Dec 4, 2017
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    So am I alone in thinking now that we have a better picture of the Evader, he may be a new HI? Legs, chest armor, and arms look a lot like the Brigada. And a multi rifle and AP Spitfire (ooooh, so tasty for CJC) seem like HI weapons especially for Nomads (although yes, MI do get them from time to time). Would be very cool to have a second HI profile that seems to work from the MB chassis.

    All in all, I’m very excited to see where CJC’s update goes!
    Smiler likes this.
  5. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Ho lee sheeet Im excited!!! Evader semms like an HI, maybe we might get NWI+shock immune HI this time.
    Smiler likes this.
  6. Pirayak

    Pirayak Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Nwi? No please not. We are nomads, we are Corregidor, I'm proud not using some aleph stuff like this. I mean it for serious!

    Evaders? I hope he is a combatjump HI.... Would be awesome to drop him with two wounds and ap spitfire... He is going to destroy the enemy's backline. And when he falls, the hellcat can drop save with his bsg and will end it all up

    I'm so happy, that Corregidor will get some love. It's possible to stand against powered factions like oss or varuna on tournaments, but it is hard. To know that cb didn't forget us and they won't let the ship explode in fluff is a good feeling

    The visor reminds me to the djanbazan hacker....
    Vakarian, Spitfire_TheCat and loricus like this.
  7. Gunmage

    Gunmage General Contact Unit

    Dec 4, 2017
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    On one hand, our other units with similar faceplate design would be Hollow Men and Puppet controller, and neither of those had any visors, so I wouldn't count on that.
    On the other - that protruding camera-looking bit on the left side can be anything. I, personally, would like it to be a sensor.
    Oof, I can already feel the flamewar that would start in the Yu Jing part of forum if that would happen to be true...
  8. Ugin

    Ugin Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Well, NWI+immunity is not like Aleph thing, it's rather like supersoldiers in Haqq or Lightweight-HIs of Yu Jing. And Aleph they tend to lack of shock immunity lol

    And yes, the visor is from Puppetactica and Hollow Men, so it won't guarantee some visual gears IMO.
  9. chaos11

    chaos11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The new Corregidor stuff looks great. More Alguaciles does seem weird, but from how Bostria was talking I got the impression they’re probably going to be in the next ‘Operation’ box or something so having line troops in there makes sense for new players. The Corregidor starter was my first Infinity purchase and I have a soft spot for the old Wildcats, but I really like this redesign. And the Evader looks very cool (I already liked it from the art in the trailer).

    The Cheerkillers though... I don’t think I’d have minded them if they were a Bakunin unit, but I really don’t like them for Tunguska.
  10. SpectralOwl

    Oct 5, 2018
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    From what I remember they do fit Tunguska, but they're not Dragnet's sort of thing for sure. The place is supposed to be really stereotypical old cyberpunk, from the spooky government and mob operatives through rebellious black hat hackers and high-tech mercenaries into some actual street-level punks. This is presumably the latter.
    Hecaton, Modock, Brokenwolf and 2 others like this.
  11. chaos11

    chaos11 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Okay, they don’t really fit what I imagine Tunguska would use for mission like Infinity usually portrays (where as I wouldn’t bat an eye at Bakunin doing the same). Just not a fan, for Tunguska.
    Modock and SpectralOwl like this.
  12. Modock

    Modock Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I'm also not super excited about the cheerkillers I'd imagine some sort of exotic high tech stuff for Tunguska where the money lies
    but as long as it is usefull I'm fine with it.

    Looking at the dossier I'm having a bit of a hard time figuring out what role they fit. No heavy or long range weapons, light armor, pretty sure no camo.
    If they are a warband they have an unusual weapon selection, no chain rifle (OK shotgun has a template now), no smoke...
    What do you guys think?
    #92 Modock, Aug 15, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  13. MattB89

    MattB89 Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2018
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    I'm hoping they will be some sort of Impersonators able to deploy in the enemy half of the table hence the Cheerkillers name.
  14. Modock

    Modock Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Yes, the name and the weapons suggest that, plenty of shock ammo, but what are the means to get there, it doesn't scream impersonator
    nor infiltartion to me and AD neither.
  15. kesharq

    kesharq Lucky Dice-Roller

    Feb 9, 2018
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    If the Cheerkiller sculpts live up to the images I see some real cool proxies here to add to existing Morlocks/Jaguars :grinning:
    Willen and Errhile like this.
  16. Alguaciles_Ortega

    Alguaciles_Ortega Active Member

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Are we talking about arley quinn here, right ? Because one of the artworks was shouting that, to me.

    I got the same feeling they're somehow out of the scope of Tunguska, as for the way I always imagined it. Still giving some sort of warband to a sectorial that really need something around those lines. would be only beneficial, in my opinion.

    The reduction to 15 models, it makes even more sense for the Evaders to be an HI ( two wounds, I am looking at you ), with an elevate cost and good equipment overall. As for all the preview we being able to see almost all the new models will follow this path. Where there was no TAG, we been looking at HI ( like for the Kosmoflot ) and similar.

    Something that might endorse this theory would be the comparison between the Wildcats and the Evaders artworks, where we know for sure that the Wildcats are MI and the difference regarding the armor it is pretty clear between the two.

    I am personally really excited at the idea we might got that sort of love, with the new releases. Also because has been announced already that also the zonds and the Moran will get some love. And for the Moran in particular, I am looking forward for the sort of sculpt they made for Laxmee in Aristeia
  17. Errhile

    Errhile A traveller on the Silk Road

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Nah, we have our Mobile Brigada. Who are proper, basic-line HI.
    We have Geckos, whom some qualify as superheavy HI by the role they do fulfill (I don't, for me, they are still TAGs, albeit lightweight ones).
    Not to mention, Nomads have always excelled in the Medium Infantry, specialist category.

    That doesn't mean they can't have 2 Wounds, or perhaps pseudo-2 Wounds (by the means of the recently popular NWI, or NWI + Shock Immunity, or perhaps an Automedikit / Regeneration - a piece of equipment absent form the Nomad arsenal so far). I just find it unlikely for them to be a proper HI.

    I believe the visible torusers on the upper leg still indicate them as non-HI. Armor on Wildcats - both old and new - seems similar, and 2ed/N3 Wildacts were ARM 2, even after most MI in the game were updated to ARM 3. However, I agree that EVAders armor seems much bulkier, and it is likely to be more effective. So, higher ARM value on EVAders than Wildcats. ARM 3, perhaps ARM 4? That would be unprecedenced for MI in Infinity as far as I can remember.
    But at the same time, we have seen quite some "light HI" with ARM 3.

    Also, Ariadna isn't a good benchmark - they have more primitive technology, combined with ready access to supermaterials like Tesseum.
    Nomads have - if limited - access to many elements of first-grade tech, on par with YJ / PanO (Multirifles / Sniper Multi, TO Camo, HMRCs, proper HI). Not very much of these, but from the gamer's point of view, still more than Haqqislam, for example (who do have proper HI and about as much TO Camo as Nomads, but no HMRCs or Multirifles / Multi Sniper rifles).
    loricus likes this.
  18. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    I am sad BJC got the bad side. They have one of the oldest models of the catalog (zero combi, not sute if it is older than the tankhunter autocanon or not), have a lot of late n1 beggining n2 troops (custodians, UFK, prowler) and our oldest cad troop (moiras).

    About the new dude, seems something as a heavy armored MI or a light armored HI. It might be our NWI+shock inmune troop (maybe MI, but I think it would be HI). That is something we don't have, and there is no reasor for that. Also, NWI HI are more an ariadna thing that were exported to other factions, not an aleph one (even if they are the ones that abused it)

    About cheerkillers, I am more interested. Tunguska has been lacking something since they released it... More things related to infowar (not only cyberwar), anf also something related to their russian-mafia-like origins, and the cheerkillers might go with the later (but I think their concept art looks more as a LI riot apprentice). Maybe this girls might open the gate to a punk-like sectorial

    I don't know which rules we will get, but now is the time for CB to fix our no-leadership rules problem. Is absurd that the most tightly organized sectorials got the most versatile fireteams, while at the same time they limit the access to those leadership rules to the less organized but more versatile ones. The new dude brings an AP spitfire, I hope some of our old dudes get also some special ammunition
  19. Tourniquet

    Tourniquet TJC Tech Support

    Feb 18, 2018
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    Go take a look at the discussions on the Crushers.

    That's called Bakunin, and speaking of, that's where the cheerkillers belong.

    Cheerkillers look like the kind of screaming impetuous rabble that belongs to one of the other motherships. Give us the CSU instead, it looks the part and would fill a similar roll of cheap road bump.
  20. Armihaul

    Armihaul Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Well, bakunin is not exactly a punk-themed sectorial. They onky have one punk-like unit at the moment (and a few cyberpunk things, but a lot of manga aesthetic). I am not talking about cyberpunk stuff neither (but even in that, TJC has more, be it hacking stuff, beign transhumanism or related somewhat).
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