I liked ALEPH's intended approach. Bump up the individual durability a notch with NWI or Dogged at the cost of Order availability during listbuilding. The execution's lacking, but it's a serviceable approach for factions that actually have to make real sacrifices to hit 15 Orders. For factions like Nomads who can hit 15 and keep going pretty easily, keeping the 1W is probably fine, but a little less omnipresent Shock, better Doctoring and a few more Bolt-type units in the game would be a big help.
They are just removing the Bolt-type units. Bolts itself are removed/delayed and noone knows how they will come out and Wildcats, who were essentially the Nomads-version of Bolts are becoming Grenzer-variants. So yes, "a few more Bolt-type units in the game would be a big help"!
Please stop doing this. Bolt-type units are not being removed. Bolts are not being removed. Bolts will come out later in the year, along with their discontinued Sectorial.
That's what I wrote. ... delayed. But after the new "Wildcats"-Profile I am not sure we will recognize the Bolts as Bolts when they reappear ... So ... removed is still viable, because maybe the original Bolts are removed and something like ... I don't know ... Bagh-Mari will reappear and branded "Bolts"
Where is the smiley with the rolling eyes? You really stopped reading after "removed"? And I would go as far as to say that Wildcats got removed and replaced by some Grenzer variants. Maybe it's the same with Bolts? Who knows?
I know this could happen, but would also lead to another playstyle. As I said the armor alone is not enough (LI having 1-3 and MI having 2-3 is not a really great difference), more BTS might be true, but is not that useful as most threats still go against ARM. If we could reduce the overall access to Schock, this would really help and make NWI an option for more durability.
Also, Crazykoalas, the Lizard (I love her even if no-one else does) the Uberfallkomando - and knives. You also have an AD REM which can take MML2 *and* Tri-Fire. CJC has much less access to BS Shock (ONE Multirifle option and ONE SMG for the entire army) and zero Viral. It makes for a tougher fight, especially against Aleph, but abundant flamethrowers make up for a lot.
Personally, I can't get all that complaining about new Wildcats. I mean, I used the old ones pretty often - as kind of "premium Alguaciles" in my eyes. Not as expensive as Mobile Brigada, and way more effective than the poor Aguaciles (also, 0 SWC Lt!). They did fine for me. The new profile... NCO Spitfire is a good thing, unit-wide No.2 is good, stats are as good as they were. Losing Stun Grenades on BSG proflie - I honestly used these once or twice only. Losing Assault Pistol on HRL - similar. Getting MSV L1 for a ~5pts cost increase per loadout, well, I'm not convinced it is worth it, but MSV L1 will definitely be helpful against Mimetism / ODD targets, and my Alguaciles had to deal with these often enough. So, we will see. Are those guys the best thing out there since the invention of sex? I wouldn't say so. Are they going to never ever see table? Well, guys, I'd field a Core of Wildcats even right now. Sure, a bit more expensive than in the days past, but I'd still conswider them a viable option. And if they become the Corregidor's Wildcard MI (which seems to be a popular solution around these days - but keep in mind I'm merely theorizing here), this would mean one could dillute the team with some other troop to make it cheaper. Making them easier to fit into a list.
MSV1 made the NCO spitfire a VERY good unit. The problem is that you don't want 5 MSV1, you want 1 on the gunner and a backup with a template. How good the link is depends on link options. I know people aren't liking mixed links becoming the standard but I'm going to leave that discussion separate. If Wildcats end up being a selection of profiles to put in a link they have a lot of profiles that will be desirable.
Yeah, the Sombras got stuff I would've liked to see on the Prowlers, well the NWI and the climbing plus. And the Vostok look promising, I'd like to get me a Betatrooper and convert it properly to get the Mk 12 Remote.
Pics are from Facebook, that could be the reason. You can watch the English update on Youtube. English Profiles. Vostok is S4.
Some sick profiles especially the remote and the sombras. Evaders cost almost as wildcats...this doesn't feel right. Most of the designs are sweet as hell but I thought I'd never say this the cheerkillers box is ugly AF. Tunguska designs hot & cold.
Evader vs Wildcat, GO! Evader looks fantastic, for 24pts you get a decent light HI with mobility and Spec Ops. The Multirifle and Panzerfaust are just icing on the cake.