make it a fixed set of questions to answer and discuss per scenario (quick summary, favorable Aristos, what to look out for in opponent‘s team etc) and we can discuss in the Discord before? Plenty of people with a lot of gaming experience there
Why would you say so? Do people not go through them? Or get stuck on the "most popular" ones? I know in the FGC there was a bad habit of people to get stuck on what all the top players were doing. And poker? GAH. The World Series of Poker ruined me because all my friends would ONLY play Texas Hold'em. I like variety! Same thing here? Too much time focusing on the global meta and not embracing the local one? That's a good idea. Who runs the Discord? I can ask where it'd be best put. Maybe a temporary channel. I mean, if its as important as @AdmiralJCJF implies it might not be a bad thing for multiple sources to cover.
I think it's a great idea to chat about it on the Discord. Especially if we can help get you to a place where you're confident talking about the Scenarios to walk people through them. As to why, I think people often don't venture past the basics in the rule book and there's SO MUCH more to Aristeia! than just those. Especially the Ziggurat scenarios add a lot of depth and help some Aristos to shine. But I think that examining the Scenarios can also help people to see how and why some of the "weaker" Aristos can be better than expected, when used in the right ways and with the right options.
Yeah, I like it! When I eventually get around to doing an article on Assault for Heart of the Hyperpower I'd happily link that for a video/verbal explanation. Good use of graphics too!
Its getting a lot easier to work in DaVinci Resolve. I'm still at the bare basics, but thankfully that's still pretty good! :)
Aristeia 101 is back with Conquest from the Scenario list! Premiering Thursday 8am HST/11am PST/2pm EST/8pm CEST & Friday 6am NZST!