This. The point of that fluff is that they do work closely with Morlocks and use them as meatshields. Which is exactly what you'd do with them in a Duo in particular but to a lesser extent in a Haris. It also pairs well with keeping them Irregular. It means that you want to break them out of the link to get use out of the Morlock's Irregular and Impetuous orders. "Throwing them into the fray" as it were.
Yeah exactly a Taskmaster in a Haris or duo with irregular Morlock(s) would work in pretty much the way described in that piece of fluff. Because you would absolutely sacrifice the Morlocks to keep the Taskmaster safe when you needed to. And you'd be encouraged to, because to spend the Morlocks order you'd have to release them from the link, letting them off the chain to charge to their likely deaths in trades. In a similar way I often sacrifice Jaguars in the Massacre Haris to keep Massacre safe or just trade up in general. That would be even more so in a Taskmaster / Morlock Haris, and have the benefit of being very fluff appropriate and making Taskmaster more worth their (very high) cost. So to me it seems perfectly fluffy. Taskmaster in a Moderator core (Crane / Celestial guard style) would also be appropriate IMHO and I'm a bit perplexed why that hasn't happened already tbh. It seems obvious.
Taskmaster and Irregular Morlocks in a Moderator Core. Hell, I'd honestly be happy with just the BSG and Combi/Combi+Smoke LGL Morlocks getting FTO if it meant we got a Combi Morlock FTO Spec Ops. It'd give those profiles a reason for existing.
The more it read about it, the more it seems to be the obvious way to give Bakunin some new uniqueness while heavily sticking to the fluff. And as Morlocks and Taskmasters are already rocksolid on their own it would not be imbalanced. CB, why hasn't it happened yet? Gesendet von meinem Nokia 6.1 mit Tapatalk