I love the mystical nature of the Bokhtar selection process. I am also happy that the viral rifle and redfury are visually close enough to each other to allow you to choose. An AD viral rifle can do some work.
In C1 she gets super jump, not an Airborne Deployment skill (though it's very possible there are other profiles with Parachutist) Today's video with the profiles in the box, I think Bostria suggested that Daylami are still Irregular in N4
Am I understanding this right? We are going to have more releases this year as in new sculpts or just repacks? I can’t think of much to repack so I’m hedging my bets on completely new sculpts…I may need to notify my wallet of a pending purge. lol And the Bokhtar is better than I thought. Plus, it reminds me of Tau, so even more positive vibes. lol
Beyond Box will be all new sculpts Support Box and Remotes packs will just be a rebranding of the existing ones IMO, they're pretty recent and good quality CAD sculpts. TAG box will be the Shakush so completely new mini Booster packs are a toss-up. They can certainly repack blisters like the Hunzakut, Hortlak, and Asawira into a booster. Might both be repacks, might be one new and one repack. Hero blister looks like it'll be new. Pandora general releaseis 99% likely to be the Aleph Hero. Possibly Yara Haddad fior Haqq? Obviously the above are all C1 releases, so there's the possibility of N4 releases alongside the above.
I know the models we don’t have will be new, but I’m going to cash my chips in that most of these modes will be newly redone in the same way Barid and Lasiq were done. Some may have mixed feelings about this, because they already own them but man I’m stoked if it is the case.