Don't forget Netrods have veteran, so in cases like loss of lieutenant you still have regular orders in your pocket compared to the other bot options.
The Probots look like they follow the standard template for baggage bots most factions get, with no price premium. The Ikadron Batroid is the weird one out, and fills a different role than other baggage REMs. Combined doesn’t get options for Deactivator or Total Reaction, and has its EVO on the S3 REM chassis. Missile bots have weirdly inconsistent costs this edition and I have no idea why. The T-Drone for Combined also costs 18 points.
Hilariously combined gets MORE options for TR (they get an hmg and a plasma rifle version AND it gets mim-3, for some reason.) Its a little more expensive than the probot TR to be fair,but burst 3 plasma in ARO is a helluva drug. And to be quite frank, deactivators are some of the most useless pieces of equipment in the game because it offers basically no advantage over just something. To get the +6 band you'd need to be in mine/repeater range anyway. There are some advantages (it ignores cover and mim) but largely, you're just gonna shoot a revealed mine/repeater and call it a day because higher burst more than makes up for the lower total number, or hell, use a chainrifle that can hit 10.2 inches away and is an auto-hit. Points costs discussion aren't permitted on the forums, but I'd definitely be curious to see if there are other places where Aleph pays extra points for similar (or worse) stats.
They still get some massive points discounts on Posthumans, not as rediculous as they were in N3 but with the 15 trooper cap having multiple bodies in one slot is arguably even more valuable. 13 points for a Posthuman Engineer compared to a Machinist/Dozer/Clockmaker is wild! Deactivator also auto-destroys. Unless your BS is higher than WIP it usually outperforms a combi rifle against Mines. WIP 13 Deactivator is actually exact same odds to destroy Deployables in +0 range as a Chain Rifle (both require rolling 13 or lower)
If you've ever been on the receiving end of infiltrating Morans just outside of your DZ turn 1 you'd know that shit is broken as hell. Australians just don't complain about it so it doesn't get touched, though.
I don't think they complain because they don't actually meet people who are dumb enough to risk a high-value infiltrator rolling on 8's, fucking lmao.
List vs list dependant not gonna lie sometimes I'll hard roll a guilang on 45% to basically end the game if I spot the opportunity, but really Nomads shouldn't be doing it given they can just throw a pitcher across the table for more or less the same effect.
to compare the 13 points Posthumans (or basicly every other Posthuman) to anything else with just roughly the same profile will not work, due to the unique nature of the unit. The point is that you have to pick at least 2 options for one order. They are all exceptionally good, but it gets pricy. Thats where i think Netrods come in play; there is no question that Lamedhs are more useful (because, well.... moving and reacting and repeatering and stuff), but I would not pick Netrods instead, but additional to Lamehds, to fill the battlegroups to the brim with regular orders. As already mentioned, Aleph is quite expensive. And by spending 18 points on 3 regular orders and another 14 for 2 more there is the possibility to fill the remaining 10 spots with more expensive and versatile (expensive) stuff. With options like Posthumans, coming with more bodys for the orders thats (imho) an option to think about. Still, it´s a 6 point statue unable to do anything than ARM-Rolls when shot at. In an highly competitive environment that can be punished quite easily, based ofc on positioning and terrain. Spoiler There cannot be a thread without bashing nomads, even with the title comparing Aleph/CA with Ariadna :-D
Oh come on! That doesn't make them expensive and it makes them better! If all you're looking for is to be able to field one of the Proxy versions you can just pick the 13pts Mk4 or Mk1 and whatever version it was you actually wanted is still going to outperform any similar unit at a much lower cost and the comparison goes even further in the Posthuman's favour when you take into account that the body you were "forced" to take is very much a highly competent unit on its own.
Thats exactly what i ment, in case that was not clear. The combination to pick multiple modells with insanly good price-efficience in addition to 5 Orders for 32 points is the combination to enable them. It becomes pricy the moment you pick 3 of the more "expensive" ones, cause in the end they give u 1 regular order. Posthumans are insanly good for what the cost. I dont think i said anything different
Historically the Q-Drone has paid +1 point for mimetism; in general, mimetism has been underpriced in every edition of the game due to the big bonuses it provides to both offense and decense, given how FtF rolls work. Plasma rifle TR bot is good, but it fills a different niche than the baggage bots. A couple other factions have or had unique versions, like nomads and aleph getting climbing plus (also at +1 point), and I think PanO used to have monofilament mines on theirs.
The difference not about Netrods vs. a CV. It's about the rest of the army. The whole force needs to be taken into context, sometimes. Netrods are in an expensive army that would have a hard time getting 300pts. with regular orders. They would constantly be at 294 with no way to get to 300 and only 10 figures. CV are in a force with cheap units, the opposite problem. They will reach the 15 figure cap before the 300pts.
Other units are important issue here. For instance netrods seem to cheap in OSS but seems expensive in phalanx Evo repeater seems me expensive in phalanx but looks essential and cheap in OSS