Gah I need to work out how to do those holo boards they work really well I wanted to make some with some of my art, how are you doing the Lenticular Printing?
@mothman I just found a company that's printing lenticular postcards in small numbers. Still if you want to do it by yourself you just need to buy lenticular foil. Also you might find this links interesting: - -
Just a quick point of note about the Azure Dragon, there is no mould release used in the casting process. You may have a tiny amount (read practically none) of silicone oil from the mould but you will not have to go to extreme le gths to clean it. Simply follow the AW resin cleaning advice and you'll be fine. I can't speak for other companies though. Sent from my PRA-LX1 using Tapatalk
I've been planning out a JSA-themed board to mark my return to the hobby and this thread has given me so much inspiration, many thanks Usashi. I'm settled on Zen for the lion's share of my table, having seen what you've done with yours.
@Time Bandit cheers mate, I'm happy you got inspired by my terrains. I wish you luck with your project :) By the way, the log is not dead (far from it). As it happens I'm also working on my JSA at the moment and doing some Japanese styled building conversions. I hope I'll be able to finish the project soon. My pile of shame of unassembled terreins is growing :/ Here is a small WIP.
Ooooh, that's really nice, and matches thematically with your circular boards. I'm thinking of putting a bit of the Kokkyo terrain in with the Zen stuff. You've worked on both, how do you think they'd fit together on a table? the Kokkyo would be a shrine/garden area...
It should be fine. MAS Kokkyo buildings are slightly higher (there is around 0,5 cm of difference in roof levels). You should be able even place Kokkyo quarters atop of Zen habs and Lhabs. Besides Kokkyo set has some optional parts you could use to upgrade Zen terrains and unify look of your table. I hope this helps :)
Yes mate, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear! Thanks for helping me out, pretty excited about playing around with these kits now.
Thanks to generosity of guys from Micro Art Studio I was able add some of their Kokkyo terrain sets to my collection. I decided to spice it a little bit and @jesus was kind enough to cut me some extra pieces for my conversion. Usually, I paint everything once assembled but in this case, there were some many things I needed to mask before airbrushing, that I kept whole thing in pieces. Yesterday I was finally able to remove all masks and put that monster together. It's still missing some bits here and there but is more less 90% complete. And now the fun part - upgrading ;)
That's how you do it. Keep it all in pieces, paint and mask separate. Looking ACE as always. Can't wait to see more
And I'm finally done with this project. This was the most time consuming terrain piece I ever did, still I'm pretty happy about how it turned out. Note to myself to never field this building ever again when I'm facing against JSA. In the last battle it was such a boost for their morale that they have masacrated my poor yu jnig force on the table.
Dude! I am blown away! This piece is gorgeous! Those windows tho... The conversion bits look like part of the whole kit! Is this just a one off building or will this be part of a larger collection? The masking work I can see had to be intensive.
Amazing! Ya we need some Chinese tea houses or something! I just got a Japanese Dojo from Sarissa and trying to think of ways to make it look Chinese but it's just too Japanese. I can possibly go for a mix of the two. I actually did a search and found this! 3d building model. I'd assume the scale can be adjusted.
Cheers guys! @Shawn for now it is stand alone building but I have a similar Kokkyo set I want to paint in the future and I got Sunomata Shrine as well, plus there was this idea about making big temple for the Buddha statue and I wanted to make pagoda shaped love hotel, so I might be able to make a Japanese styled district at some distant point in the future. The masking work was indeed intensive, I'm mentally exhausted after painting this one ;) @Space Ranger if you want some Chinese styled buildings you might try Knight of Dice terrains or Wild lands. I was considering their modular restaurant complex "two dragons" at some point, but In the end I got xiguan tower instead.