I was really struggling to come up with an idea on what color to paint the pants and decided to just go for it.
Pretty happy with how this one came out. This is such a cool model despite it being an older one. The line work took a lot less time than I was expecting. This was my first foray into using a wet pallet which was also a treat.
Saw this on Facebook. Amazing idea and execution. Don't know why I never realized the Custodier is basically Tali'Zorah. Really beautiful.
The contest judging for the Bromad Academy quarterly painting contest is up, so I can finally show off these minis. I tried to paint the reflection of a synthwave city in their helmets. This was also a bit of a test case for the rest of my Tunguska.
Wow! The Tohaa are so cool! I remember playing the online campaign recently, and Nehemiyah did a really cool story based report with drawings!Great to see your models in better detail - on the reports they were B&W. Is it ok to share our Tohaa pictures? I am now converting a Imposter Jaan after being inspired by you Nehemiayah! :D
WOW. The visor reflections… amazing. Looks like the pyramids, on the jumppack guy. And the pack itself is mind-blowing, very like an insect and egyptian jewelry. Great color palette too. Doing a while force in that will look great. The purple-pink ombre (exterior OSL?) is really cool. Question: do you ever teach painting classes?
Thanks! I have been having fun doing the Noir detective style campaign reports. Feel free to share the photos. Thanks, Egyptian scarab jewelry was what I was trying to reference in the painting, so I am happy to hear that showed through. I have not taught any painting classes before. I have thought about it, but I kind of feel like I would need to take a class on how to teach a painting class.
These are beautiful. The freehand work alone is breathtaking but the way you light your miniatures, the light playing with the shadows, is exemplary work. The visor reflections you’ve done are so well rendered, the sun glaring against the monuments is very clear. Stunning. I love the swirling patterns on your Custodier. So jealous of the amount of work that’s gone in here. I’ll comment on your other miniatures when I pick my jaw up from the floor.
I haven't been able to put as much time into painting, and this being a much larger project, it took a bit longer than I would have liked, but the Megalodron and the last of the miniatures for the Defiance core set is complete. I decided this Ramhorn TAG would have a different Al Pachino movie as its call sign.
Superb. This blue fish man with a brown jacket reminds me of the Aquablue comic book, I found him 2 boards for an origin story... He is the last survivor of the raid in jet ski on varuna, led by the sufer version of Owen Wilson. Spoiler: Aquablue
Working on my backlog of Defiance minis, I decided I would paint up all my units of the same type. I have not been able to put as many hours in to painting over the last few months, so these were done at a bit of a snails pace.
Painted up my Anaconda for Spiral Corps. My inspiration going into this was the Bounty Hunter character from the Mechwarrior clix game, but I had the colors reversed in my head, and I ended up liking the idea of the red arm and green body better and continued with that. I went with the call sign Granny Smith because the green was really reminding me of an apple, but the name also sounded like it could be vaguely threatening to me. I did some heavy conversion on the Anaconda, but for the pilot, all I did was swap out the weird spitfire for one I had left over from a Zondnautica conversion I had done.
Right. That’s it. It’s official. You’re too talented. Please submit yourself for processing. You’re raising the bar for humanity and we just won’t accept that. … Also known as; great work, looking forward to seeing more! Love the anaconda. The colour scheme is so vibrant.