Thanks! so the grenzer is finished and so the 300 points tunguska List is aswell. This leaves me some time to fool around and plan the next steps (aswell as going on a holiday). See you in a couple of weeks again.
u congrats looking damn fooking good is this on shelf show case or to games ?? it is just a thing that wonders me
Thanks! yes its gaming pieces but I only game once per month and very carefully! usually they live inside an A-Case. made my day! thank you small sneak peak for upcoming stuff
Fantastic colors and blendings. The weapons are perfectly contrast to the the main color. I like that subtle highlighting without going too extreme brightness on the armour NMM. You improved a lot since your first pics, although u was already great. Impressive work!
Thank you all, very much appreciated. So I did a thing, a miniature in all NMM...which is actually my favourite style of Painting. So Invincible army is perfect for it.
Thanks guys! After loosing badly at a tournament with my first tunguska list (well its a weak list) I have made a second list for next tournament and need to paint this too. It starts with a 5 man hollow link team.
the paint train needs to keep rolling because i got a tournament deadline! thanks for all the comments! Daktaris aka clockmaker proxy (because really...shes the nicer model).
Well i miss out this model now I want to paint her, superb job ! speaking of tournament how are you going to represent the firing arc ? PS:I like pervy too :p And if don't mind I would love to know the paints numbers for your blueish NMM cold metal VS hot colors is nice
@Sangarn: Firing arcs are just a white stripe on the left and right side of base. It still sucks but least front is free of disturbances. the NMM is VMC Dark Sea Blue So i did a lot of work over the weekend, painted the two spectres.
Fantastic work, great blending and your NMM looks awesome. Love the detail too not to mention the N7 references.
Thanks @sacramentofcarnage Two more hollows...just gotta paint one more....stay focused...stay motivated