@lefrank is the guy who uses a really sophisticated techniques to choose color schemes (he has written me a nice PM with all the info in. Maybe he can make it public for everyone!). I am more chaotic and do this while painting a Miniature. Usually I pick a main color and then go along with the flow. This time I said to myself...violet...pink...difficult to paint...lets do this! and here I am.
Can we get step-by-step for violet on your Tunguska? Really like it, was thinking about violet for nomads and your colour is so cool that i want to steal it :D
its hard to say this how to "step by step", because I don't paint step by step. I paint here and there a little bit, observe the result, tweak it a bit or not. The pink is first airbrushed with different colors and then i glaze again different colors on it, depending on what still needs to be done. Most of those steps are almost invisible so I cannot take photos of it. My best advice would be to get a good inspiration and then just paint until you achieve the result, this is how I taught myself how to blend and paint basically.
Same here, Mattock FTW ;) I wasn't too keen on original Candy paint job but damn, your version is gorgeous. One could say it's an eye candy (I'll see myself out)
Of Course I will, but I just moved to a new apartment, so I have to unpack my stuff before I translate the text. And I still have to wait for a new internet connection. Perhaps I open a specialized thread on developing color schemes.
So the heckler is also finished. I cooked up the hex pattern on his helm to make most of the boring plain surface.
Now thats a clean painted heckler. So much detail! Mindblowing! That red bar on the gun even has a tiny tiny black border. Love it. But why do they remind me of a certain soccer player?
awesome awesome work!! I love your style and blending the most, plus the incredible color scheme on the new tunguska is bonkers! I also thought about borrowing le franks jade division scheme for my yu jing, you interpretation is flawless! Cheers
Thank you all guys! Almost forgot here to post my progress. Hollow Man und Interventor Lady (for me...Mary Problems Proxy).