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Nadhir Thoughts

Discussion in 'Haqqislam' started by vorthain, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. HeadChime

    HeadChime Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    FO is a legitimately good ARO if you're running Guided. The opponent has to clear that FO state before the turn flips to you or they're in trouble. It's actually a massive existential risk. I think FO'ing something is one of the best 'delayed' AROs you can get because it guarantees their demise - but later on in the game.
  2. KedzioR_vo

    KedzioR_vo Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    As I've written few days ago, I wanted to give Nadhir another try in our X-Mas 200 pts tournament and I did. Played with him in 2 games and - shockingly - he hit his targets at least once in both games and survived both.
    In the first game I faced Steel Phalanx and when a link of Hippolita with Myrmion Officer, Machaon (and hidden plain Myrmidon) walked trough open space I decided to fire the Flammenspeer. It came out that it was a bit over 32 inches so I was hitting on 3 :/ And I critted - lucky shot! 3 enemies got a bt heated by the fire, but my adversary was also lucky - only Hippolita suffered a single wound, two others passed their ARM rolls. Still that gave me an Objective Point in our mission, and the threat of a fire template made Greeks much more careful in next orders. They decided to use smoke et cetera. In the end I lost that battle, but Nadhir did a good job.
    In the third game of that tournament I decided to use Nadhir again - was facing Combined with Avatar et cetera. This game was won in the first turn - I had the initiative and after killing some orders with Mukhtar RF I decided to engage Avatar with Knauf. This time I evaluated the distance better and outranged TAG. Knauf used AP ammo and Avatar got hit few times and was destroyed in 2 orders. Nadhir got to kill one Taigha in ARO and an Ikadron with a crit from SMG - he was really lucky, shooting only few times and having 2 crits. That CA was wiped out without any loss in Haqq.
    I finished third, one OP lower than second player. First was @Perzan , also with Vanilla Haqq (who also won the whole season of our Pomeranian Infinity League :) ).

    So about Nadhir - I like using him. Hiding his existence by some Minelayers (especially Hidden Deployed), pairing for AROs with Shihab or Daylamis, he can be a nice speed bump for enemy. Maybe not the top tier unit, but definitely useful.

    PozdRawiam / Greetings
  3. vorthain

    vorthain Veteran Novice

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Took another stab with the FS Nadhir, paired with a Daylami PF. A fireteam of two Tankos and a Domaru revealed itself with a Tanko ML as link leader. Daylami fired on non-leader Tanko, Nadhir against the Domaru. Tanko ML split fire. It hit the Nadhir and missed the Daylami. Daylami hit its target and downed the Tanko. The Nadhir missed and blew up. So, the Nadhir did nothing but split burst, which another Daylami could have done, arguably.
    QueensGambit likes this.
  4. QueensGambit

    QueensGambit Chickenbot herder

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Bold of your opponent to shoot back instead of Dodging. By shooting back, they took a 75% risk of the Domaru and one Tanko taking a Flammenspear hit (and potentially also the other Tanko if it loses the F2F). Most opponents will Dodge in this situation, so the Nadhir does a bit more work - still has a chance to hit one or more targets, but also survives and potentially still has the fireteam pinned down with its second shot. He'll still die, but he'll eat some orders and maybe do a bit of damage to the fireteam.

    Of course, the Nadhir can accomplish all that without being paired with a Daylami.

    Here, your opponent took a 25% gamble and won. I'd argue that's not the Nadhir's fault, it's bad luck.

    Nonetheless, it's true that if your opponent Dodges, you still have a 25% chance of missing so the Nadhir will certainly disappoint fairly regularly in this scenario.

    My take: don't deploy him to look across the board. It can be hard to resist the temptation when you see a juicy fireteam bunched together. But it's too swingy. You're better off having him look laterally at a point fairly close to your DZ (so, like, put him on your left flank looking at a spot on your right flank 24-32" away from him) where you think the opponent is going to attack. Wait for them to spend a bunch of orders on their attack run, then reveal and pin them down, hopefully eating enough orders to blunt the attack.

    Recently I didn't follow my own advice - saw Liang Kai deployed right next to an EVO hacker in The Armory, knew he was going to Impetuous and just couldn't resist the chance to wipe three orders. So of course, I landed the shot but the EVO passed armor and Liang Kai only took one wound. Then a Jotum trivially killed the Nadhir. If I'd placed the Nadhir differently, I could have waited until my opponent had spent a bunch of orders on Liang Kai, then pinned him with the Nadhir from a spot where the Jotum couldn't see. Less dramatic than splashing the EVO, but the more solid play IMO.
    Cadwallon, Brokenwolf and vorthain like this.
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