But it doesn't lose anything CC wise. Still hitting with DAM16 Viral ammo in CC and still gets the peripherial's Burst bonus if they are both in Engagement (as far as we know so far). It even keeps the DAM16 CC in inactive symbiont state as the weapon got the PS=4 so the PH drop no longer affects that.
I was hoping, as always, for something more particular for this alien race; some exotic weapon, or some special ability unique only to the Tohaa. Instead it all boils down to the usual human weapons, too bad. Let's see what they have in store for Neema, although I expect little different, at most an improvement from Spitfire to Ap Spitfire and maybe NCO. Let's hope that at least CB leaves us the Pheroware Tactics and the Pherobooster (the only unique weapon for Tohaa). @Koni some spoiler about this ?
Everyone uses the "usual human weapons", 'cause that is how the game rules work. From a lore standpoint it is very very unlikely that the combined army form half a galaxy away uses the same PanO manufactured Combirifle even though the stats are the same. Most probably Morats use some humanity esque projectile while shashvatii could use some laser rifle technology and tohaa could have mass effect like gauss weapons, in the end all of them are DAM13 B3 0"-16" /+3 rifles. Tohaa still have their unique symbiont armor and they have a high proportion of Viral weapons (more than any other faction) .
It is too far to talk about tohaa return, but I am still suprtised, they are still in the game. I wonder, is it possible to get one or two packs like Tohaa Combat Force Repacks were? For example Rasails and others for some kind of reinforcement box. Would be good to see that.
Here's a post for indexing preliminary reaction articles and video, to the N5 version of the generalist and its sectorial armies. Articles : Generalist & Secorials - Tohaa N4 -> N5 Profile Changes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f6sJ65uRp2hRlQ-hxB8oR1VQW-UMq6VwC4P79RBDxFQ/edit?pli=1&tab=t.0 Videos : Generalist - Sectorial - Tier list global with a chapter on this faction - Infinity N5 All Factions Tier List - Deranged, Two Days Since Release, Hot Take Edition - Episode 132 - N5 Faction Tierlist
Cerberus Nachrichten Netzwerk has made a reaction to the N5 update for tohaa. CNN Counterintelligence - Folge 03 - N5 Deep Dive für Tohaa Hello! My name is Christoph and I love talking about Infinity! Today I've got Nils (Wasabiose) as my guest and together we're talking about the new features in N5 - a bit in general, but mostly about the changes and their impact on Tohaa.
News from army : Tohaa: added the 'Immunity (POS)' skill to the Gorgos. Today, the Gorgos has gained in “firewall” through Immunity (POS), which is an immu for the Possessed state that is set by the hacker through the Total Control program, although it loses this immu when it loses its first profile. This removes a certain weight from the threat of hacking and the need for defense, leaving only the states associated with the CARBONITE and OBLIVION programs, which set Isolated and Immobilized-B, which can be removed by an Engineer or a Reset. As a result, you could even play this “hackable” Gorgos without a hacker to defend it, and by the time it goes into second profile, the bulk of the game is done, or at least in my local meta, maybe against the top street gamers you can lose it T1/2. --
If you go to the second profile, that means that the Symbiont Armour is dead and the trooper is now a non-hackable LI. That's why the second profile doesn't need the Immunity (POS) rule. The N5 Gorgos has indeed improved compared to the N4 Gorgos, but it still has the same main problem: it's the only TAG that cannot be repaired.
Assuming you will take the risk to do so, yes. For some factions it will be an easier proposition than others.
Just came across this, thanks for cataloguing. Very helpful. Couple of little misses I noticed: Gorgos re-gained Dodge (PH=13), Kaeltar benefits a lot from flashpulses getting the +SD from fireteams and Symbiobombs always gave a -3
On the goonhammer blog there was an article about the cancon tournament: Australian Infinity Nationals: Interviews with the top 5 players, in the TOP 5 we have a brohaa in #5 in KFC, there are his lists and interviews. https://www.goonhammer.com/australian-infinity-nationals-interviews-with-the-top-5-players/