Unless the TO decides to go out of line and share lists, there is no public information to be gathered outside of what faction the player thinks of bringing.
Again, I can see some players thinking that knowing the faction might be enough to counterplay a particularly skilled player... Or maybe there are going to be too many "X" armies I should bring "Y" army/troop
that's too much paranoic. And if you are concerned about that, upload the list at the very last moment, when everyone had upload theirs. I repeat, upload lists to the system is mandatory by the rules. So if you break the rules, expect some penalty. PS: Believe or not, people dont care about what players bring to the game until they are face to face
I don't really care. But toxic over competitive players exist... As said before looks like a TO problem not enforcing the mandatory rules of submitting lists. I'll leave it there as it's not the topic of this thread.
i didnt mean you, personally, but you, players, as an entity. But yeah, lets keep on track this time.
Coming back to troop numbers and game sizes: I have played multiple 400pt games this year, and I can say that all of them have been a blast. The 15 model cap at 400pts lets you take some units that usually wouldn't fit in your list and simply have more of the models you want to see on the table (instead of bringing the same 2-3 Flashpulse bots and other chaff just to fill the 15 slots). The 15 troop cap ensures that games won't take much longer than 300pt games either, something I'm quite sure would change if you were allowed to bring two full combat groups. And yes, while the extra points allow the opponent to bring more of their powerful alpha strike pieces, it also allows you to bring more of your powerful ARO pieces, which I found actually reduces alpha strike power. I honestly wouldn't mind an entire ITS season playing at 400pts. It's a great way to shake up the meta and build different lists.
Damage control in full effect here. And it's real funny that Child9 still can't stop talking shit about me even when he's put me on ignore. I suppose it's better than the schizo right-wing screeds I've got from some people in PMs.
What on earth are you on about, and why would the rest of the forum care about your PMs? And no in case you forgot do not share PMs.
Mostly because the weird harassing political PMs I've gotten are the wildest thing I've seen on these forums.
Going back to the N5 faction identity and wishlist I would like to know what Aleph SP and CA players (Onyx) think of the recent change of Achilles? Personally being a player of both sectorials (SP and Onyx) I don't like it since, to me, destroy a bit the identity of these two factions.
Onyx went out just when I started playing Infinity and it is actually my first faction, so I have to say I'm of course quite happy it gets some love, especially after being a bit left behind for years, I was playing it less and less. I don't feel it's destroying Onyx identity as this force is already a melting-pot of everything CA has to offer so I'm fine, especially if the new minis for Aleph traitors are nice and fits CA style like Ko-Dali or Bit. It should blend in nicely.
Maybe we get a troop exchange! Aleph gets rid of Achilles, and Aleph gets CA Tohaa. Yeah I don't think so either lol. But would be fun!
nice of you to admit you are blatantly ignoring a requirement of the ITS. In my opinion you should have been disqualified from all of those events.
Lists should 100% be uploaded BEFORE the event! I should not have to trust all of my opponents to not have dozens of lists that may not even be legal. Who then goes around and checks that those 2 lists you upload after the event were what you even played with during that event.
That's an absolutely bonkers mentality! Don't blame serial killers, blame the cops that haven't caught them yet? No! You sir are the problem. A game is a social contract between the players and the Current rules (including the ITS rules if that's what you are playing) are the frame work of that contract. You are spitting on that contract.