I must say I'm pretty annoyed at the "you can't link your Yan Huo HRMC because B6 is FORBIDDEN, if you are not Nomad, of course" Oh, I just noticed Brigadas got - 6 Firewall too because there can't be a thing that Nomads don't get even if their units natively have a higher BTS than the other factions. It's pretty ridiculous. Edit: HAHAHAHA so fuckin Riots also got - 6 Firewall, because why the hell not
That's definitely a bug and will be fixed one way or the other. Corvus has stated several times that they won't want R6 in the game. They just released a new version of the game, with changes on rules and a lot of changes in the profiles. Kriza will be fixed, either removing +1B from the HMG profile, or making the Mk12 profile the only one that can be linked, just like the Yan Huo only have FTO profiles in the HMG or HRL profiles and not the HRMC.
Yeah me too. Yanhuo isn't even mimetic like Kriza. Most of the excitement of N4 has been arbitrary link restrictions being loosened or lifted, I wish this one was not retained.
I don't think that R6 on the Kriza is a bug, Nomads have always been the apple of CB's eye and especially in N4 they seem to ger EVERYTHING, encroaching in almost every faction's supposed field of expertise while retaining theirs. But let's keep this Yu Jing centered, sorry
I'd rather not have a linked HRMC, no matter what Nomads can or can't do these days. B6 is a form of power creep I hate to see and two evils don't make a right. Yan Huo getting MOV 4-4 and Bioimmunity is a nice improvement for the unit and the HRMC is still a crazy strong weapon as it is. Do call me when Nomads get TacAware and NCO into their HI links, then I will gladly help pour some salt with you guys.
Nice to see multiple Shang Ji getting used, I was worried that it was going to be min-maxed APHMG Shang-jesus all day every day.
Funny enough, that use to be my Zhanshi fireteam with Qing Gao. With TacAware on both profiles and the versatility of the HRL/LSG, I had to try it. Playing against the new HB, I was quite thankful of dropping B3 templates on them (With the LSG). Infiltrators have to be so much more careful now with HI packing templates.
I find it quite underwhelming when the listbuilding comes down to AP mines. Unlike its former counterpart (Shock mines for now :P) AP mines, now mines with AP could be our dish to serve since we all know we'll gonna plant Long Ya and Chung whenever possible. Still does that worth it? Shock mines were pretty much annoying threat to, like, posthumans rushing into your gut or some weird NWI guy knocking your size of the table. DMG 13 AP seems.. fine, but I cannot erase the feeling of it rather bland. Does that worth it?
It's worth it, when the field is covered in HI and TAGs. Also, tracking which mines are which is going to be a lot more needed now. Gotta get into that habit of writing the mines down, even in casual games.
The inability to downgrade the mimetism effectiveness is unfortunate. I can't disguise my Hac Tao or Ninjas anymore.
Xi Zhuang lost his new LGL but gained a +1 on his LFT? How does bug fixes like that affect already built lists?
They just fixed a typo (light grenade launchers do not exist), I think the data entry was left entirely unchanged.
I have to give an honerable mention to Mrs Lunah. BS13 with MSV1 on a D16 Viral sniper is a beast against Ariadna.
Yeah, I'm happy the limited camo + surprise shot + mimetism timing thing with her and Catarans is not a thing anymore
Did you notice, long ya remotes doesn't have mimetism anymore? they're camo markers that can be discovered at +0 or it's a typo?