I'm just feeling extremely validated in my hunt for both Azra'il N3 models early this year; the sculpts are beautiful and I picked them up for rule of cool despite the apparent consensus that they were mostly not worth taking in N3. I'm interested in trying Haqq in N4, so it looks like they'll see some table time after all. :D
They sacrificed the Spanish wiki to Friday 13th ("manaƱa") to get the second wave in time (debugging aside). That or they forgot to update the link in the front page.
Anyone notice that SpecOps are in the N4 army builder now? The Phys stat upgrade option is missing a step.
I'm seeing the Spec Ops on my phone app but not on the web site version yet. Edit: Never mind. I found it. It's to the right, not under the troops like it is on the mobile