Think of it like this, if you were ok bringing a 19pt Zhanshi before to buff your Rui Shi, well now you can bring a 15pt EVO instead. Congrats, you saved 4pts. Fucking RIP Teampro though and my Vanilla Duos.
It's also a significant buff to PanO where EVOs where already their best support Hackers, and often you saw EVO + KHDs only in PanO lists. In YJ (and Nomads) where HDs often fulfilled multiple roles then streamlining Hacking has downsides to N3 list design. That being said: * I'd absolutely predict some Supportware to propagate onto fleshy-Hackers as Upgrades (Hackers like Gromez in particularly are begging for that sort of differentiation). * NCO makes Marker state Hacker LTs solid choices; and that's before you look at Spotlight orders. * Vanilla Duos being the rule rather than the result of a program is IMO quite likely. * Various upgrade programs are missing from this ecosystem, N3 went overboard with it but I still expect to see some (albeit most will likely be [Program](+3WIP/-3WIP/+1B)). In particular I'd expect to see a B1 DAM program. * We don't know how Cybermask actually works; it's possible that things can start Cybermasked.
Do we know if KHDs even have the Firewall-busting effect or if it is just a HD with exclusivity rights to doing damage while hacking?
Considering that tinbots are now firewalls giving KHD ability to ignore all defensive tools against them is a little bit too much. Tinbots being firewall is weird altogether, it doesn't stack anymore with fairy dust or getting hacked by your own repeater as it used to.
We don't know that yet. Tinbot all have a modifiers (see the EVAders profiles), fairy dust could just add another -3. Just like how mimetism and cover stacks.
Do we know if Fairy Dust will stack or synergize with the tinbot firewall? It seems like the hacking protection offered by tinbots to yu jing has gone down a bit but they are still easy to add. Can I see it?
Hmmm! I have a far fetched plan to give ol' ram a fueurbach. But not really tackling that until it looks like he might be useful. The hac Tao sword is a fine specimen
The Guilang FO profile is 26, it actually went down 1pt from the N3 version. The deployable repeater moved off the FO profile to the Minelayer profile who went up one point to 27pts. I think the point change is the deployable repeater moving. If that goes through that's a fucking massive change for Yu Jing in the hacking game. Having the ability to start with infiltrated repeaters up and running without needing to spend an order is a fucking huge deal, we'd literally jump tiers in hacking prowess overnight.
Did minelayer lose mines? Is there any unit in n3 with minelayer and 2 or more deployable weapons? If yes do you deploy both or just 1?
They appear to have both, although they're still listed as antipersonnel mines and not the new lingo of Shock/AP mines. Muyibs have Emaulers and regular mines in N3, believe it's you pick 1 to deploy as you may only use the skill once during set up. @ijw can correct me if I've fucked that up.