I'm working on the QK update. I have a problem though: Rafiq REMs. QK has access to both FTO options of these, which have Fireteam: Duo ability. Rafik REMs aren't mentioned at all on the Sectorial's Troop AVA chart (after all, we're limited to 1 Rafiq only). Normally it wouldn't be an issue - the Rafiq can't have another Rafiq to Duo with. However, is a Radiq Duo a legal Fireteam in QK at all? I'm looking in the direction of our Wildcards - if Layla Sharif, Hafza or Odalisque could join a Duo with a Rafiq REM, that would mean opening some new possibilites for us...
Like you say, the sectorial army list doesn't list any valid Fireteams for the Rafiq. That would imply that you can't do a Rafiq Duo even with a Wildcard. Might be something to raise as an Army Builder bug.
That's no bug in army. It is just an ability that may be used if allowed. If the profile is not listed as a valid fire team, then the ability to form a fireteam is not to be used. Like WuMing fireteam duo profile in Ikari for example.
With all due respect: your reasoning is faulty. Wu Ming of the Ikari Company have no Wu Ming Duo profile listed in the Army (while Imperial Service have two such profiles listed). This makes the Duo clearly unavailable to the Ikari, but available to the IS. However, in this case, we have Rafiq FTO (with Fireteam: Duo ability) listed as available for all three of the Sectorial Armies of Haqqislam, while the Profiles document allows a Duo only in Ramah Task Force. It is, therefore, an inconsistency. Either the Sectorial Armies are at fault, omitting the Rafiq Duo, or the Army is at fault, lisitng Fireteam: Duo profile as avaialble. Now, I'm not ersonally invested in it either way, but as an author of a tactical guide, I'd like to know what I stand on...
@Errhile you are right. The WuMing Duo Profile is gone from Army. Ikari had the WuMing Duo profile some time ago. Didn't notice the update. So that seems to make it a bug @colbrook - sorry for my faulty reasoning!
It says added, apparently in error, to all Haqq sectorials when RTF launched. It was subsequently removed.
Sad news, but thanks. As I'm here asking and reading stuff, what are the biggest damage dealers in QK? Yuan Yuans act like fingers in the eye of my opponents, as can Bashi Bazouk. A Djanbazan with HMG maybe? A linked Ghulam HGM? They don't seem enough.
Define "damage dealer". Djanbazan HMG is hard to beat if you have to deal with a Camo / ODD target (or Smoke in the way). Azra'il HMG has AP ammo. Makes a lot of difference when dealnig with a TAG (and still significant against typical HI). Janissary can be part of a Fireteam (just like the Djan), and has the resilience of ARM 4 W 2. If you add a full Core behind him (which in the era of Wildcard Odalisques, Hafzas and Leila Sharif, is pretty cheap to do), you'll be able to pump out a lot of firepower... Janissary and Azra'il are BS 13, highest BS you'll get in QK basically (save for Iguana, but being a TAG, it is a special case. Even for a TAG).
Only where a Maghariba can be deployed (so Dashat can also deploy it). QK does not have a "single" damage dealer, is more of a combo army. The Djanbazan are good for smoke combo, but require Yuan Yuan to do so (and you usually throw them nearly the enemy to wreack chaos). The best unit of QK, however, is the Al'Hawwa, thanks to sheer amount of classified objectives they can do (but picking the hacker profile is risky in today's meta). The rest, depends on the mission: for Hunting Party, for example, few things can give a headache to the enemy as big as the Kaplan Core (because B3 ADHL in active, B2 in reactive + mimetism + engineers and medics). The strong point of QK troops is the Fireteams and the Wildcards, so Odalisques and Hafzas are important. The AP HMG Az'Rail is a good hunter, and the Janissary Akbar Doctor is a good support for him.
Well, now that there is an NCO Ghulam with Smoke LGL, you can throw AVA of YYs at the enemy while still having a piece to deploy smoke. Other than that it doesn't seem that uncommon to withhold YYs for smoking reasons.
right, for some reason it didn't even suggest to my mind the possibility of the NCO profile being available for any sectorial but Ramah XD
The NCO Ghulam is marvelous! is basically a free smoke order, because there is almost no leutenant option worth taking the risk of using opnely (saving exceptional circustances). Any time I add a Djanbazan to a list, the Ghulam NCO is going next.
Shiny, let us know how it went! I won't be testing him for a few more weeks, I'm afraid (I rotate thorough my sectorials on a set schedule, and both QK and RTF had their time recently, plus the local meta seems to be in a kind of a slumber these days).
Tried him with KTS Spitfire and Leila. Power Pack Vs Dashat. He's such a beast and the Haris is so well rounded. I'm in love.
Will Bill is a dream come true for Qapu, either fireteams options are really interesting, specially the Kaplan one. Look at this! Qapu Khalqi ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 3 WILD BILL Fusil / 2 Pistolas MULTI, Cuchillo. (0 | 27) KAPLAN (Fireteam: Haris) Spitfire / Pistola, Cuchillo. (1.5 | 29) KAPLAN Médico (MediKit) Fusil Combi, Blitzen / Pistola, Cuchillo. (0 | 27) 1.5 CAP | 83 Puntos Abrir en Infinity Army Only 83 pts and 1.5 caps of pure pain for the enemies of the Men of the Gate!