I like the Blue Wolf, but have no use for it or Cutter. Sphinx is nice enough, but Zeta looks a bit off. Couple that with Sphinx being cheaper, if I get one it'll probably be the Sphinx though I'm in no rush in either case. Maybe when someone gets the Zeta I'll look to see how the parts break down to modify it a bit.
Yeah, there's a LOT of detail here that on other tags and even S5 SHI minis would've been physical lines, grooves, ets. It's blank on this one model, for whatever reason.
Not sure, maybe I am missing it but the model seems to have most if not all of those cables from the dossier?? Can you maybe circle missing parts in the dossier and on the pic from the model? But it is early in the morning, maybe I am confused
The Blue Wolf is gorgeous, the Cutter is excellent and the Sphinx is very cool. I don't really like the Zeta, which I think is mainly down to the pose as I quite like the actual design from the dossier and individual details. Blue Wolf is a definite get and I can see myself getting the Cutter and Sphinx at some point.
The torso and legs are the best part of the model, really well done. It's the arms and the shoulders plus hand cannon that's incoherent. I think It's quite a departure from the Infinity aesthetics, well the anatomy seems off. Looking at the model again and seeing how big the arms/hands are It looks more like the model is in heroic scale rather than true scale. If you compare it to Blue Wolf for example it's very noticeable.
I think the helmet is lacking. In the dossier the upper part of the helmet is smaller than the lower part. It's the other way around on the miniature and I think it looks goofy.
1. Yu Jing ... öh Blue Wolf* 2. Cutter 3. High Heel Sphinx** 4. Zeta the Popeye (they give it too much Spinat) *) Without the extra fuel tank **) Without the Sword
I think the angle is unflattering for the zeta, from above i.e. during play he will look cooler I reckon also the detail is the exact same as the dossier, they always have free hand decal bits, it's easily painted on People would complain it wasn't different enough to other factions if it was more like the others, as it stands I feel they have carved out a cool metal gear solid style visual language for O12. Also he has a winch on his back to represent climbing plus as does the bronze, which is a really cool detail in my view
The only structural detail I can see that's outright missing from the Zeta concept art on the final model is the...tow hook loop...or something...?...on the top surface of the codpiece armor plating. The lighter markings look pretty obviously like paint stripes. There are some little details that look to have been interpreted a bit differently by the sculptor, such as the shape of the waist armor just above the hip, the design of the knee joints, and the plating of the underside of the shoulder joint. However, the actual dossier art has some weird little visual inconsistencies, as do a lot of the dossiers, and it looks like the sculptor did a pretty good job working around those. I was hoping for something slightly different from the Zeta, but this is pretty good and on consideration I'm OK with it despite the "all my bulky equipment is on one side" thing. I expect to like it better in non-studio paint schemes, and I'm looking forward to seeing what people come up with for paint jobs on it.
I hadn’t noticed that, but you’re right about the bulky gear. It might have looked a bit more even with the climbing winch on the left side.
@wes-o-matic It's just that the plain plates smack in the midriff of the TAG seem discordant to me. I hoped for the detail to be there physically and these lines seem to me rather unlike painting on the dossier. I guess we've interpreted the artwork differently, which is OK.
Mostly any? Except CA's and Gecko's, I think all are human females with skin tight clothes. Unless you mean as conversion to mimic the pose. The hexagon edges in the shoulders were modeled. And the red triangles in the thighs. It is easier to paint things if modelled. The white/grey strip is similar, it even has black lining, suggesting parts joining. And the "ribs" are black, blue, yellow, but in the render and miniature black and blue look one flat block of very dark grey.
Phew, the Zeta is unfortunate. I like the dossier, but the pose in combination with the HRMC sticking out too far from the centre of the model is rather difficult to look at. The Yan Huo, Dragao and Blackjack sniper solved this issue by having the weapon mounted further back on the shoulder, as to prevent that kind of imbalance. If I absolutely wanted to commit to this one-handed HRMC, I'd probably have it point across the body or closer to the body - hip fire style.
Ah, I see the Russians brought Krocodil with them to Ariadna. Vladimir, look at what you did to yourself this time. Drugskys are bad, m'kay. That Blue wolf TAG. Amazingly cool.
It's the paint job and the minigun. It really is. If the minigun were mounted under the arm instead of to the side of it? It would work so much better. If the minigun mounted on the opposite arm as well, it would help balance out the big box sitting behind it...which wtf is that even supposed to be? Extra ammo? Cutter and Sphinx are my top two picks, Blue Wolf is great(barring the slave arms, but that's an easy and simple fix of leaving them off and greenstuffing over the attachment point).
I would like to see the Zeta as an unpainted model before passing judgment. I am hoping it's the paintjob but as others have pointed out, the anatomy seems odd.
I think Zeta will look very cool among his O-12 contemporaries. The proportions are extreme, but I think it jives with the paladin style uber-good-guys look the faction aims for. All these tags are all extremely cool. Looking forward to painting the blue wolf.