My one wish for Morat redesign..

Discussion in 'Combined Army' started by paraelix, Feb 10, 2022.

  1. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Thats a good idea. I have both is these just sitting around. I should have been using them for Dropsuits the entire time (not that I've had much chance to play since dropsuits appeared).
    toadchild likes this.
  2. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Edit: Sorry, this probably isn't the place for a discussion on base overhang.
    #342 jake richmond, Mar 30, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2022
  3. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    For me it’s mostly aesthetics and that it makes it more annoying to mount onto a custom base that doesn’t use the tab/slot design.
    paraelix and jake richmond like this.
  4. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I wonder if we'll get a new pilot model eventually?
    #344 jake richmond, Mar 30, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2022
  5. paraelix

    paraelix Seed Embryo Scholar

    Jan 31, 2018
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    For the Raicho? I wouldn't think so as they didn't make the existing one OOP.

    For the Bultrak - I kinda hope they package one with the TAG tbh.
  6. infyrana

    infyrana Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2019
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    Raicho pilot? Very doubtful, especially given that it's not one of those that went OOP and that it also still looks pretty good. We've not exactly seen resculpts of other pilots yet that I am aware of.

    If you mean Bultrack, quite possibly down the line! I wonder if they will get added pogo stick?
    Morganus likes this.
  7. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    The reason I'm wondering is that even though I like teh current Raicho pilot, it's clearly not the same person hanging off the Bultrack. And I doubt they'll give us separate pilots for both TAGs. Its also packaged with the Shasvastii remote pilot bot thing, which is also cool but doesn't really fit the current Shasvastii design. So even though they weren't discontinued, I wonder if they will be eventually and we'll see new models for both of them,
  8. toadchild

    toadchild Premeasure

    Feb 22, 2017
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    I guess now that they did a visual rework of both SEF and MAF it could happen, but it's probably a very low priority for the release schedule - and as noted, it's one of the few kits that hasn't been discontinued.
    jake richmond likes this.
  9. infyrana

    infyrana Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2019
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    I would say that in the grand scheme of things, the priority for it would be so low it's not being considered. Though a repackage with the Bultrack pilot would be a great idea, they could redo the Scindron with a Staldron too then.
  10. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I think a separate pilot for the bultrak is more likely than you think.

    And most likely it's going to be a dude. Bultrak looks more like a military model than the Raicho's megafauna hunting business.
  11. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    i don't know if I agree that the Bultrak looks more like a military model that the Raicho. If anything, I kind of think its the opposite.

    I think (minus the weird pilot apparatus) the Bultrak's hunched over form with it's big claw arms gives it a very beastial look. Someone said it looks a lot like a Hungry, and I assume thats on purpose. While I don't think thats inappropriate for a Morat military TAG at all, it looks much less military to me than the Raicho. The Raicho looks like a no-nonsense weapon platform.

    Of course, theres plenty of room for both looks in MAF. And I do wonder if they'll eventually redesign the Raicho too somewhere down the road. They've clearly abandoned what ever new design plans they had that inspired the Raicho and Rasyat's looks.
    #351 jake richmond, Mar 30, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2022
    toadchild likes this.
  12. paraelix

    paraelix Seed Embryo Scholar

    Jan 31, 2018
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    I actually don't feel like the Raicho aesthetic is far removed from the new designs. IIRC, the Raizot is piloted by huntresses to take on big beasts anyway - so arguably it's not a super "military" TAG in any case?
  13. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I think (I might be wrong here) that the Raicho is a military TAG, but that part of pilot initiation is piloting a stripped down weaponless TAG in a hunt. Thats how I remember it anyway.

    Again, I may be wrong, but I think the idea that the Raicho is a hunting TAG piloted by hunters is conflating a few different aspects of Morat fluff.

    Edit: Here's the background from Human Sphere. I have no idea how up to date this is. based on this it sounds like the Raicho is a military TAG, but that its pilots also hunt. In any case, I don't think there's ever been any indication that the Raicho ISN'T a military TAG.

    Raicho. 1. Noun. A thunderbird from Japanese mythology. 2. Noun. Moniker chosen by Yu Jing’s Nipponese troops for the Morat Armored Brigade, likely a phonetic corruption of the original Morat codename (Raizot).

    Excerpt from the Universal Conciliar Dictionary. Abridged Edition. Manaheim University Press. Concilium Prima. Concilium.

    Raichos are the basic instrument of the Morat Armored Brigades: a gargantuan combat machine operated by a bloodthirsty alien. For evidence of their operator’s piloting skills, one need look no further than the Demarok pelts—a mighty predator—strapped to the back of their TAG as hunting trophies. Raichos make for powerful, steel-clad war mounts with traits more akin to a bull than a horse: strong and unyielding, but unresponsive once they gain momentum. Their design does not respond to a need for subtlety, but nothing beats them when you need to barge in, guns blazing, through enemy territory.

    Despite the substantial mass of their armor plates, nearly half the weight of an operational Raicho comes from their munition reserves. This is a result of the personal preferences of Raicho pilots, notoriously partial to displays of indiscriminate firepower. The Morat Armored Brigades were conceived specifically for offensive missions, and owe a good deal of their success to their ability to fly into fits of extreme rage during the most intense stages of attack operations. These TAGs, masterfully adapted to their operational profile, radiate distilled rancor. Effective, lethal and capable of dealing fast, sustained, devastating blows, Raichos are the weapon of choice for the Morat Supremacy.

    There can be nothing more disparate than the TAG pilots of the Combined Army. On the one hand are the Raicho pilots, violent Morats who trophy hunt gigantic predators to decorate their war machines. On the other hand are the Shasvastii pilots, whom you will never see because they operate remotely. But what you will see are their Scindrons, ancillary units that detach from the hull of their Sphinxes to access those places that the TAGs cannot reach.
  14. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Always found it funny how nothing in the raicho profile reflects anything in its fluff.
    Rizzy, joedj, chaos11 and 1 other person like this.
  15. Stiopa

    Stiopa Trust The Fuckhead

    Feb 21, 2017
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    On a side note - I don't think this was mentioned before, but the hair of Morat women is absolutely gorgeous. Look at Anyat, Tyrok, Zabuk, Kendrat, Oznat - all those braids and dreadlocks are awesome. I kinda feel that there's a part of fluff to explore on how hair is very important for Morat women, and you can get into serious trouble if you mess it up :D
  16. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I agree. I feel like the hair of the new female Morats is one thing they got really right with the new models (continuing the tradition of teh older Zerats, Anyat and Oznats). I hope the new Daturazi also get great hair.

    Morat hair seems to be so important. Its certainly a big part of the old aesthetic. I hope we see more hair in the new line than what the first few models suggest.

    As a side note, one of my great disappointments with the Oznats is they used the same head for both models. Identical hair.
    KedzioR_vo and Stiopa like this.
  17. DaRedOne

    DaRedOne Morat Warrior Philosopher

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I'm quite curious about an Oznat redesign. I quite like mine, and the update has me using two of them sometimes. So if they make a resculpt I might actually purchase it.

    plus, buff as fuck Oznats would be nice.
  18. jake richmond

    jake richmond Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2017
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    I love the old Oznats, but they're the one place where I expect the new aesthetic to actually work really well (for me).
  19. Urist

    Urist Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    I wonder if a new Oznat would be closer to the LE Tyrok with the armor, skulls, and pelts, or the old one with few clothes and a Hungry mask. Both are hunters, one just hunts significantly larger prey.
  20. Morganus

    Morganus Evolved Emotional Intelligence

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Good catch with the hair issue. I did not contemplate on this before, but I would say it is indeed seems to be an important aspect of their physiology and social interactions, just like in humans. Here are my assumptions:

    It is most probably the result of convergent evolution, so it is very similar how it is in humans, even though it happened on a different planet. Humans are also unique in this aspect amongst animals, having very long growth phase (anagen phase) for our hair on our head, tallied in the years instead of days. There are extreme long or short anagen phases in certain individual cases, but it is rare, so as this whole thing is linked to hormonal effects and based on the individual's genetics, I would say the visible (relatively long) hair is a good indicator of health and good genetics for a potential mate. I presume this is why most men are attracted to the long hair of women, and there are cultures to veil such long hair when you are married, or even before that.

    So my suggestion is, that it is most probably the same with Morats as well. Long, good textured hair probably is a good indicator of health and good genetics, which is attractive to potential mates, and in a larger societal context give you prestige, higher rank in the hierarchy. We know that female morats, the zerats can be quite aggressive, so I would say even the courtship and mating has to be a fail-safe procedure, unless you want a bloody mess out of dating. Hence non-verbal signs are probably very important, making it easier to find a mutually attractive partnership before your are killed, so signs like hair and probably even the redness of the skin showed off are probably extremely important.

    Please note that I had the same thought before about the red skin of the Morats as well. Here on Earth it is the same, in the cases of certain monkey species like the bald uakari monkey, where the redness of the skin is caused by high density of capillaries just beneath the skin, making it a good sign of health. Although I don't know whether this is the same for Morats, that their skin is red because of their blood instead of pigments in the skin (which is less likely, as their hair is white which shows lack of melanin), but I would predict it is. As they are very active and aggressive, it is of utmost importance to have good blood flow, good oxygenation, and having no diseases, blood parasites, so showing off a healthy red skin is probably the best way to gain the trust of your fellow hyper aggressive Morats. Having long white hair plus very red skin probably equals you are the star of Morat society. Having short hair plus pale skin probably equals you are banished or stoned to death. Also, as adrenaline causes increased blood flow and widened vasculature, it is probably also a good way to show of your agressive capabilites without actually brawling. So I would say even if Morat courtship has agressive moves and tantrums, it is probably only to heighten how red a Morat's skin can turn, making it even more appealing to the opposite sex.

    And what is the purpose of the long hair otherwise? In humans, the theory says it helped most probably when our ancestors left the jungles and went for the savannas, where the sun exposure made it necessary to shield our head where our brain resides, so I would guess Morats also needed very similar thermoregulation measures. The red skin probably also helps in that, making heat transfer even better during activity and agressive periods. Daturazi witch soldiers are probably showing us how Morats were in the old days, with long hair and bald chested, for optimal societal and interpersonal relations.
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