With the upcoming JSA-NA2 and a supposed total of 5 other factions this year would you like to see more closed battle lists? I was wondering if it's a good way to introduce a new faction. Or even if it should have slightly more for its points and swc for example you get things at a cheaper rate if you take exactly that, although that could break the game making it the perfect list. Alternatively you could take things that would only be available in vanilla in that sectorial. Might be a nice way to get access to something delicious but only if you take it with all of X,Y & Z. Thoughts?
It's already been announced that new CBL will be released after the end of the current ITS challenge, along with the crowning of the "winter winner".
There has been no data on that regard, aside from the fact that the Blizzard closed lists for PanO are for Svalarheima, while their next sectorial is expected to be Varuna, suggesting that the closed lists could be for "sectorials" that won't be in the next book. Certainly, Merovingia could use some love, while Aleph would be limited to a Posthuman-based list, YJ would recieve White Banner, etc...