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Minotaurs Out-Of-Character Thread

Discussion in 'RPG' started by stevenart74, May 13, 2018.

  1. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Golem2God . . .

    Not only this, but also said a couple of weeks ago that Forum Notifications are often NOT signaled to His internet provider. . .

    But wanted anyway to give a small remindr, and checking extant Character Infos and Wargear to have it ready by a "Gamemaster Approximation" of what could be the most useful "Tactical Synergy" with the other Players. . .

    @inane.imp . . .

    I know that maybe I'm a little too "Hyper Detailing" weapon characteristics and Gun Technology, but as Infinity Gear-Background and the most important "Character Options" are directly ported from the venerable "Cyberpunk 2020" R.P.G. by Talsorian Games of more or less 30 Years ago and that was one of the MOST prolific systems of its age, I'm simply "Reverse Engineer Porting" that stuff inside our Campaign. . .

    Modiphius Games had created a robust ruleset system to support many of its "Licensed Products" but, while well done and balanced, could NOT redress the issues of trying to adapt "Point Based Miniature Wargame Stats" to a flowing, ever-evolving Player-Centered Roleplaying Game (one of the reasons that the R.P.G. Adaptations of other Tabletop Wargames, such as Warhammer 40.000 or Privateer Press Universe have a LOT of Flaws that could POTENTIALLY ruin a Game !!). . .

    Some of their Rules are too complex (checking ALL the possible options of Players Momentum and G.M. Heat in a SINGLE Attack), and other too simplyfied (such as Hyperpowers Riot Drum Grenade Launchers, Ariadnan Heavy Shotguns and Nomad Epoxy Glue Guns being essentially THE SAME WEAPON as Ballistic Science goes, but with incredibly different Stats !!). . .

    I'm trying to redress what I perceive as "Potential Flaws" and try to have them NOT impairing the Amusement of My Players, as this is the PRIMARY CONCERN as Me as a Gamemaster RATHER than 100% Faithful Rendition of the Game Universe ("Realistic" but CURBSTOMPING the partecipants' entertainment) or adhering to a "Deus Ex Machina Script" that has to be followed at the letter (such as when Players are considered by a "High-On-Creativity Storyteller" mere "Extra Cast Actors" featured in a sort of "Prewritten Mind Movie"). . .

    . . . . .

    When I see a potential flaw of a R.P.G. System then I try beforehand to redress it (such as the ABSOLUTE idiocy of ALMOST-GRATIS Ariadnan T2 Ammo, that SHOULD be rare and cherished as our world Depleted Uranium A.P.F.S.D. Bulletts for Barrett Antimateriel Rifle and NOT easy to obtain as 9mm. Full Metal Jacket pistol ammunition, that IN SOME PART of OUR world could be buyed even OUTSIDE a Gunshop). . .

    I hope that these concerns of mine will help ANY PARTECIPANTS to enjoy themselves more as the MAIN ACTORS of the Story that I'm writing ALONGSIDE them, but sometimes EVEN "Free Sandbox Not-Railroading Gamemasters" could do errors and so I ALWAYS await, hear and try to understand My Players complaints. . .!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  2. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I remember when he said that. It is like on Youtube where Google is not sending notifications to users even though they asked for them in their settings.

    I agree with you on alot of points here. Plus the idea that Teseum is not as rare as it should be is quite a mistake in my opinion. I'm looking forward to our adventure and I thank you for any tweak that your have done to make this RPG better/easier for us.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  3. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Alistair will simply enjoy his date, however it goes, he may be disciplined but he can have fun! Admittedly though, he will likely respect other nobility, and act tactfully. Still, he will order beef from Earth for the dinner and consequences be damned. As for action itself, I do not see a possibility of him being late for exercise following day.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  4. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Well lets hope that Al is successful with his date and that the steak is worth every penny he is paying.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  5. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    He is not showing off, he feels indebted to the doctor and would not dare to act cheap, when he feels so grateful. Also, he may or may not always pay his debts .
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  6. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Understood but I still hope that they both enjoy their meal. The import price on that meat must be outrageous.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  7. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Beodren ; @Golem2God . . .

    The problem with the "Aurochs", the Native Bovines of Planet Dawn (far larger than Terran Equivalent) is that their meat is NOT so nourishing for Planet Earth Natives stomachs (also Cattle from "Humanity's Cradle" have issues with local foraging, as if Ariadnan Plants are NOT GOOD ENOUGH). . .

    Dogwarriors have a % of Native Ariadnan Genomes (well, depending on the Level of Tohaa Illuminati's meddling. . .!!) and so PROBABLY their stomachs could enjoy far more "Dawnian Proteins" than an Homo Sapiens Terrestris. . .

    The Haqqislamite Doctor is of High Noble Birth, but ALSO hails from the Hunzakut People of the Northern Mountains of Planet Bourak; they are resourceful, strong-willed, proud people inured to deprivations and scarcity. . .

    A plate of "Terran Mutton mixed with Ariadnan Auroch, with Vat-Grown Rice and Black Beans" (those last, one of the Terran Veggies that BEST adapted to Dawn's Alien Soil) with hearty, spicy, but simple sauces, will be MORE than enough for a SUCCESSFUL Dinner Date. . .!!
  8. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Beodren . . .

    Also ANOTHER precisation; Doctor Laylah is one of the Daughters of the Hunzakut Clans' High Sheik, so TECHNICALLY of "Lesser Royal Blood" as far the Conventions of Old Earth Nobility goes. . .

    Alistair is HEIR DESIGNED of the Mc Elliott Clan of Caledonia; while TECHNICALLY there is NOT a "Highlander King of the Ariadnan Colonies" ALL of the Mormaers (such as Alistair would be if NOT ALSO a Dogwarrior) are of "Britain Duke Station" (some more rich and powerful, and some a little less, such as Clan Mc Elliott) and, according to Great Britain Aristocracy "Laws of Peerage" any DUKE is RELATED by Blood-Ties and Arranged Marriages with the Crown of Great Britain. . .

    So ALSO Alistair is of "Lesser Royal Blood" and so they are PEERS OF EQUAL NOBLE STANDING. . .

    As said before the Hunzakuts are proud, fierce, resourceful Warriors and Mountain Hunters; NO ONE of the Family of Laylah would gainsay HER choices. . .

    The only problem that "Old Grampa Mc Elliott" could advance is that the offspring of a Dogwarrior and a Woman are STERILE "Mule" Wulvers; but the Minotaurs Gene-Engineers (some of the BEST, albeit MOST RADICALS, of the Mercenary Nomads, Haqqislamite, Ariadnan Genetechs AND Tohaa Renegades) are trying to solve EVEN this problem. . .

    . . . . .

    A Tohaa Genetech YET OFFERED to @Golem2God 's Character, the MORAT Uja, a possible range of Genetech Options to have Him impregnate His Human Wife, Arabelle Archer of the Merovingian Loup Garous, thus giving birth to the FIRST POSSIBLE Human-Morat Crossbreed Offspring . . . . .!!!

    . . . . .

    And this is for "Humanitarian Purposes". . . . .You have NO IDEA of the Biotech Monstruosities that the Minotaurs "Inherited" by contributing to destroy the PROSCRIBED "Malpheas Module" of Bakunin Mothership. . .!!

    In HYPERSECURE Vaults and Gene-Crypts that will make SHUDDER the Shaasvastii, the Minotaurs are preparing for War, some THINGS that their Sponsors of the Nomads Mothership and the Haqqislamite Hashashins will find TOO RISKY to develop on their Home Planets / Motherships. . .

    . . . . .

    By the way, Laylah is busy NOT meddling with SAPIENT Genomes, but rather saving the Hunzakuts "Totemic Animal" the Sakth Tadeer (the Panther-Like Felines chased for sport in the early pages of the Outrage Manga); some She is safeguarding as 100% PUREBREEDS. . . The Failures are being instead "Sponsored" by the Hashashin Bahrams to try all manner of. . . . .Useful Applications. . .of Combat Cybernetics, Silk Implants and "Runihura Supersoldier Genetech" to APEX PREDATORS !!!

    . . . . .

    Who said that Life in New Knossos Island is NOT Interesting (as if "May You Live In Interesting Times !!!")
    Golem2God likes this.
  9. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Oh boy. There is a crazy Tohaa scientist on Knossos then. Obviously bored with his current challenges and so decides to something that most people would consider mad. I can already see what kind of character this guy is.
  10. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I think Uja's racial pride would interfere with him accepting help from a Tohaa. He'll might allow certain things such as symboites but the idea of a Tohaa in charge of creating the means to make hybrid offspring possible would cause red flags & alarms to go off in his head. He is not nearly that trusting of the Artichokes.
  11. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Golem2God . . .

    There is not a SINGLE Radical Tohaa Mad Scientist in New Knossos Island; there are MORE OR LESS 10 !!! (with a "Bodyguard Crew" of MORE OR LESS 30 between Gao Tarsos, Takueil, Sukeul, Makaul and so on, along with AT LEAST THREE Gorgos Pilots whose Biotech Mechasuits are "Peculiarly Customized"). . .

    It is NOT the Tohaas that You must fear; and NEITHER the +/- 50 Haqqislamite Genengineers that are developing Bioweapons that the HASHASHIN BAHRAM (a 30% Sponsor of the Minotaurs and the B.O.W. Final Client) deemed TOO DANGEROUS to develop EVEN on the Hypersecure Moon Facilities that orbits Planet Bourak (an "Escaped Semisentient Bioweapon" would be an HORRIFICAL Biohazard on Haqqislamite Lands. . . on Planet Dawn is rather "Amusingly Easy Prey" for Savage Antipode Tribes. . . . .and on Your Morat Home-Planet will be "Good Sport before a Gesurat Rut !!"). . .

    You SHOULD RATHER fear the +/- 100 between Chimera Monster-Makers, Bakunite Genetech Radicals, Psycho-Surgeons and generic "Better on Ariadnan Lands than in a Praxis Module" that are founding WILLING Test Subjects in Wulvers and Dogwarriors that are tired of the "Inbred Defects" of their Genomes. . .

    There is EVEN a small colony of "Libertos from Varuna" that are ALL Cloned Gene-Offspring of a SINGLE escapee from the Panoceanian Shackles (Father Dagon, a TRULY monstruosly cybernetized specimen) that are groomed by the Minotaurs to become their "Pseudo Chimera Navy S.E.A.L.S". . .

    And EVEN WORSE the WHOLE of the Minotaurs "Basics" are DIRECTLY ported from a SLIGHTLY more HUMANE treatment of Chimeras, Pupniks and Uberfallkommandos made by TRANSPLANTING Combined Army Soldiers Organs harvested from the Fallen of Paradiso Battlefields. . .

    The 75% of this CLOSED "Praxis Black Lab Dragnet" (case solved more or less 5 Years ago) are Shaasvastii Organs as they are NATURALLY Antigenic Immunosoppressed, but there WERE Chimera Gladiators with Muscles transplanted from big, beefy Morat Elites. . .

    The "Mad Doctors" STILL WORKING UNDER CLOSE SCRUTINY could start to look at Uha (that we YET declared a "Perfect Morat Specimen" of Peak Phyisical Efficiency) with something much like a. . . . .RATHER HUNGRY Look in their eyes !!!. . .

    . . . . .


    Tohaa TRIUMVIRATE Illuminati are DICKHEADS of the WORST Specie; is as IF AN AMERICAN CITIZEN will discover that a Crazed Cult of "Satanic Adorers of Pluto-Mammon, Archduke of Hell of GREED" are SECRETLY controlling the U.S. Political System. . .

    If these "Illuminati" are LIKE the TEMPLARS of Assassin Creed, the ones ACTIVELY working with the Minotaurs are INSTEAD the "Assassins" of the Game (so "Good Conspiracy AGAINST Evil Conspiracy). . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  12. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I always felt that both the Assassins and Templars were bad along with the behind the scenes players like the goddess Juno.
    Uja is not going to be pleased about that considering how Morats and Tohaa "get along" with each other. As for the rest of the above genetic "craziness" on this island, it would make any person uneasy. Let alone a member of a species that views others as beneath them. Then there is Bella's years as a Garou and dealing with the genetic freaks of Dawn. She'd be a bit paranoid if the full scope was revealed to her. I guess the fact that both parties don't know about this level of "infestation" (genetic & Hassassin) just yet is a blessing. Hopefully there will be at least one Tohaa bioengineer/doctor that Uja & Bella could be comfortable with as a family physician of sorts.
    #652 Golem2God, Nov 18, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
    stevenart74 likes this.
  13. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Golem2God . . .

    The gist of it is EXACTLY those. . .

    I have ALWAYS been a big fan of Metal Gear Solid games (at least when Hideo Kojima had TOTAL control of the Brand; now that devolved into "Cyber-Samurai of NOT Japanese descent warring in Thirld World Countries" AND "Pseudo-Resident Evil on an Alien Planet" I'm LESS thrilled by the Game Serie Developement). . .

    Had played A LOT "MGS Phantom Pain" on Playstation3 and eagerly await a CHEAP and RELIABLE adaptation for Playstation4 to have a better "Graphic Understanding" of that interesting Episode. . .

    New Knossos Island is DIRECTLY inspired by "Zanzibarland" (the "Mercenary Haven" that Big Boss, the "Genetic Clone-Father" of Solid Snake, main protagonist of the serie, try to build for disaffected Veterans tired of the SENSELESS "Cold War" between Russian Spetsnatz and U.S.A. Special Forces). . .

    The "Minotaurs" could be instead considered HEAVILY inspired by "Foxhound" the Elite Corp of Big Boss most faithful henchmen; they transverse ANY kind of "Uniform Boundaries" and have a DREAM of an UNITED FREE GALAXY where Soldiers OF ALL SHAPES AND COLOURS fight "For The Good Fight" and NOT for some "Deus-Ex-Machina Puppeteer" (Ur Evolved Intelligence; A.L.E.P.H.; Tohaa Illuminati Conspiracy; Pan-O Lobby Corporations and so on. . .) and will employ ANY MEANS NECESSARY even if distasteful and terryfying. . .

    This is directly inspired by ANOTHER idea of "Phantom Pain"; the MOST POWERFUL weapon of the Enemies (Big Boss believes is "Evil Merc Conspirators" that He is unaware are "Willing Puppets" of a sort of "Analogic Artificial Intelligences Coven" borne INSIDE the U.S. D.A.R.P.A.N.E.T. in 1970 !!) are the so-called "Parasite Soldiers". . .

    Not a VERY ORIGINAL Idea, that seem "Sacked" from Resident Evil; they are wounded Veterans of world Mercs Companies and various Army Special Forces that are fitted with "Experimental Pseudo-Alien Lifeforms found in Navajos Reservations" (!!!). . .

    Essentially they are LESS hideously disfigured Virus-T "Nemesis Tyrants" that are EXCELLENT Soldiers AND Psychic Powers Manipulators (there are "Melee Stealth Scouts" that cover themselves in a Toxic Fog; Female Snipers that could "Warp Jump" with what is essentially limited TELEPORT and the more dangerous "Assault Units" that could manipulate Earth Matter enough to cover themselves in Rock Armour AND throw ENORMOUS boulders around !!!). . .

    While they are the DIRECT OPPOSITE of what Big Boss stand for (Soldiers are NOT Living Weapons) they can redeemed; the most powerful "Henchman" that is recruitable, very soon in the game, is the BEST of the Female Snipers (and is gorgeously naked and not an hideous kind of "Bald-Alien Vampire-Babe") and other of the "Parasite Soldiers" could be captured and recruited in Big Boss growing "Army of Freedom Fighters". . .

    . . . . .

    So WITH A GALAXY FULL OF DICKHEADS any of the Players Characters could count on ONE SINGLE IMMOVABLE FACT:

    Inside the Minotaurs Mercs there are ALL manners of Psychotic Mad Scientists, but they are PERHAPS misguided and hyper-radicals, but ALSO Well-Meaning and with the BEST intentions in mind. . .

    So Yes, Uja and Belle could COUNT that the MOST reliable Tohaa Genengineers are to be found there. . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  14. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    That can be a frightening prospect depending on the mindset of the scientist in question. Then again it could mean good healthcare for the ramshackle family. Hopefully Uja & Bella are paired with someone quirky instead of crazy.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  15. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I for one welcome our genecrafted overlords.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  16. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Maybe they can help Tony with his allergies? Or something to that effect.
    Old Morat sentiments die hard. So Uja would rather be placed back on Paradiso than welcome these gene-overlords. He'll have to warm up to them first. Then there is Bella and the Ariadnan "anything that is not us is out to get us" mentality. That is another obstacle that has to be overcome before friendly sentiments can be returned.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  17. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    The ONLY competent Tohaa ELITE Gene-Engineers that are NOT willing partecipants / unwitting dupes / blackmailed pawns of the "Illuminati Triumvirate" are ALL INHABITING a fortified compund 500 mt. from the ACTUAL PHYSICAL LOCATIOn of the P.C. !!

    In MY GAME UNIVERSE You can safely bet that if is NOT a "Minotaur Tohaa" is PROBABLY a DIRE FOE !!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  18. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I wonder how many people on Knossos avoid that place unless they have business or needed something from there.
  19. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Well they could avoid the Tohaa "Biotech Vault" (linked by a Submarine Umbilical Cord with a Stealth Biomechanoid Ship submerged JUST under New Knossos Island Shoreline) as they could avoid:

    1°) The Haqqislamite Biotech Research center where @Beodren 's "Date" the Hunzakut Dr. Laylah is transforming 2m. Long / 300 kg. Heavy "Black Panther" Sakth Tadeers of Bourak into "Cyborg Alpha Feline Predators" TWICE the size and weight (while in the room nearby an Hashashin Lasiq is busy distillating into Viral Warheads for Heavy Sniperguns some of the WORST Native Disease of Planet Dawn). . .

    2°) The Airport Kennels where the Biker Gang of the Minotaurs (Kum Raiders "Married" to U.S.Ariadnan Desperados) are BUSY enlarging their "Brotherhood / Sisterhood" with all manner of Biotech Enhanced Chimeras AND Wulvers (Chimeras made with Genespliced D.N.A. of Ariadnan Native Megafauna AND Wulvers with Morlock / Uberfallkommando Biografts !!). . .

    3°) The "Dark Woods" on the northern, most wilder part of the Island where THREE competing "Genetic Rival" Tribes of Antipodes (the Black Graysh "Vanilla Standards" Forestal Skirmishers; the Sand-Coloured "Desert Jackals" smaller but crueler and more sadistic; the Blue Eyed, White-Furred "Artic Antipode Husky" larger and more brutal) wage a competing fierce "Territorial War"; they are ALL "Nominal Ally" of the Minotaurs as their "Alpha Chieftains" ("Fangrazor Leaves" tri-pack for the Forest; "Blood-Hungry Brimstones" tri-pack for the Sand Jackals and the LONE "Grand Father Wintercoat", that WILLINGLY help its Genetic Human-Hybrid Offsprings) decided that they are SLIGHTLY less disgusting "Alien Invaders" (as in the fact that HUMANS on Planet Dawn are the "Xeno Invasion Force"). . .

    4°) "The House of Pain"; name chosen by Antipodes for the Kennels "Bionic Veterinary Clinic" attached to the Airport where "Radical Cybersurgeons" of Tohaa / Nomad / Haqqislamite / Ariadnan provenience test WHY Antipodes (usually Wounded Veterans left to die without a Pack or "Captured Wild Hostiles") have so LETHAL allergic reaction to Cybernetic Implants (UNLESS they are made of "Teseum + Nessium" Alloys; the PURER % and the LESS risk of Rejection !!) while they PERFECTLY accept ANY Silk-Based Biografts or Tohaa Symbiotech. . .

    5°) "Innsmouth Cave" where are housed the FEW Submarine Crafts of the Minotaurs (main one a Haqqislamite "Cargo Submersible" that is a SURPLUS Bourak Navy Stealth-Sub) are lovingly cared by Minotaurs Sailor Crew that are EITHER Irmandhinos Wulvers & Dogwarriors OR Nomads Frog-Chimeras OR the "Deep Ones School" (the cloned offspring of "Father Dagon", the Liberto "War Criminal Terrorist" with a pending Pan-O "Dead Only" Bounty on His fishy head; 75% cybernetically enhanced and WELL AWARE of Lovercraftian Horror Fiction, had chosen the "Chtulhesque" nicknames ESPECIALLY to cause revulsion in Varuna Panoceanians !!) or "Free Willy" one of the MOST RADICAL Bioforms developed by Praxis Black Labs (a Vat-Grown "Uplifted Killer Whale" that is able to WEAR a Biomech Submarine like a Human "wear" a T.A.G. Exoframe !!). . .

    . . . . .

    But these are "Free Access Zone"; it is the "Cryogenic Hypersecure Vaults" that are "Biohazard Level 5" RESTRICTED ACCESS zones; there the Minotaurs Biotechs are SLOWLY "Reverse Engineering" the MOST horrific specimens (some STILL surviving, some Frozen Corpses) of the MISBEHAVIOURAL ATTITUDE of "Praxis Malpheas Module" where the Corpses of Combined Army Soldiers were "Harvested" to "Have An Edge" in designing the "MOST RADICAL CHIMERAS" possible. . . . .!!!
  20. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Golem2God ; @Beodren ; @Danger Rose ; @inane.imp . . .

    In case You wondering the Minotaurs Mercenary Company are STILL the GOOD Guys (You can start to imagine WHAT the BAD Guys do for a living !!!) AND, even with ALL THIS XENOTECH BIOSHIT, the "Alpha Squad" are STILL the POTENTIAL "Best Team" of the Mercs of New Knossos Island. . .

    After all ONE of You is a Veteran Martial Artist FORMERLY Nemesis of the "Human Sphere". . .ONE is a Hybrid Human-Alien "Werewolf Cyborg" that follow a Warrior Culture of Humanity that is +/- 1000 Years Old. . .ONE is a Gene-Engineered Cat-Human Bioweapon (that WILLINGLY choose the Radical Genemods done on HER !!) specialized in Piloting Flame-Spewing Stealth Mechas. . .

    One could start to worry when the MORE NORMAL Person of the squad is a Scarred, Curmudgeon Veteran mauled by ALIEN WEAPONS that executed "Fringetech Biografts" to heal from hideous wounds, go on with Booze, Drugs and Immuno-Chemicals AND for a living build and tweak Humanoid Wearable "Weapons of Mass Destruction". . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
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