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Minotaurs Out-Of-Character Thread

Discussion in 'RPG' started by stevenart74, May 13, 2018.

  1. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Exactly as I wanted; even when I was Mastering Dungeons & Dragons to My high school friends Years ago I presented, even in Enclosed Crypts a myriad of clear routes to choose one WITHOUT railroading them on a given "Premade Path". . .!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  2. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Sounds just like Mega Man. What missions will be available to choose first after we get our upgrades?
    stevenart74 likes this.
  3. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I'm alive and following. Stuff going on in life has been hitting my motivation
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  4. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Glad to hear that you're still in this even all through that. I hope life gets easier for you regardless.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  5. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    It's not too tough, just motivation sapping. Should put something together on Monday to wrap up the scene with Moonie.

    Honestly, part of it is I'm more in the mood to just shoot things. I'll stat up an upgrade for Betty based on the cost of a Guardian Geist for my upgrade.
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  6. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    The action should be around the corner. I hope we (the team) does well and no one dies. Plus succeeding is also a thing of importance.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  7. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Well if "Shoot'Em'Up" is the keyword it could be QUICKLY done. . .!!

    Simply the "Wargear Upgrades" could be tested DIRECTLY and SPEEDILY on a rapidly assembled "Test Bed Area" (half-ruined building with cargo crates) with the Characters employing LIVE Ammo against H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D. humandroid drones firing "Taser Paintballs" on the Characters !!

    So that any combos of Weapons will be tested SAFELY but ALSO in the most realistic way possible without risking serious damage due to a miscalculation of Gear + Skillset + Whatever !!

    What do You ALL think about it. . .?
  8. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Tony will go to sleep and wake up bleary-eyed through a combination of alcohol, fatigue and planet-related allergies. He will then get told what to do, he will complain about it, he will probably "inadvertently" annoy one of the other PCs, all will be right with the world.

    If it's a training simulation to let us all experiment with combat that's cool, if it's not that's also cool. Just give us something to do.
    Golem2God likes this.
  9. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @inane.imp . . .

    The idea is EXPRESSELY attempt to use DIRECT COMBAT RULES with all reasonable gewgaws and stuff (so NOT only "Bulletstorm Combat" but also the "Infowar" in a "Hostage Rescue / Smuggling Ring Bust" situation AND the "Social Psywar" with the Drones running adequate enough "Memory Simulations" of a typical Ariadnan Crony of Svengali. . . . .A.K.A. "Unwitting Dupe Pawn" !!). . .

    For the Loadout of fielding an "Optimized Gecko" You can have whatever is REASONABLE of Hardware and Software Upgrades to have installed by Automated Mechanic Drones AND Blackjack / Guijia human technicians in a few hours (what is needed for Debriefing AND well-deserved Showers / Breakfast / "Beauty Sleep") and in the Late Evening / Early Nightime the "Mock Battlefield" will be ready. . .

    I declare hereby that the L.M.G. of the Combiweapons installed on Your Gecko Forearms will be able to "Swap Ammo" by employing the "Master Manipulators" (the Pilot Arms encased in the tiny "Ventral Appendages") with the "Servo Arms" in a locked position EVEN IN MIDDLE OF A FIREFIGHT; but it will be a little confused, complex and lenghty. . .

    For a reference check the Web of some Youtube of Gun Nuts about changing Ammo Belts of modern Support Machineguns (more the 5,56mm. NATO FN-MINIMI rather than the venerable 7,62mm. M-60 "Pig") with opening the Bolt Case, extracting the "Wrong" Belt and putting a better one (such as RELATIVELY rare and costly "Teseum Shard-Tipped" A.P. substituted by less expensive Brass-Head F.M.J. good enough for Medium Infantry Level targets such as H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D. "Chappie Karakuris" are)

    . . . . .

    Directly UNDERBARRELL of these Light Machineguns there are "Riot Drum Revolver" kind of Grenade Launchers WITH a Selector Option that allow +2 Multi Ammo than a NORMAL Grenade Launcher of the Hyperpowers (that employ rather "Banana Clips" like an oversized Assault Rifle, if not Backpack Belt-Feeds like "Vulcan Raven" of Metal Gear Solid 1 !!!). . .

    With the cost of 1 Momentum then You can "Rotate" the Cylinder to select a pre-loaded 40mm. Grenade Warhead; SHOULD the desired Payload be NOT in the Revolver Cylinder-Wheel, then a rare, cherished Warhead (such as INCREDIBLY RARE & COSTLY T2 40mm. Payloads) could be extracted from Leg Cover "Ammo Boxes" much as in Wild West a competent pistoleer will take a new, fresh Bullett to load into a Peacemaker Colt 45. . .!!

    That Action will cost +2 Momentum Points AND COULD BE DONE ONLY if the Gecko is stable and IMMOBLE (NOT having changed "Combat Zones" in THAT Turn); otherwise the simple "Wheel Rotation" could be done even Mid-Jump or Running under enemy fire. . .!!

    . . . . .

    I IMAGINED the "Vanilla Standard Configuration" of Your Gecko to have in the "Backpack" Area a "Drone Bay" where the Zondbot could be achored and ALSO employ the oversized "Bandersnatch Arm" as a sort of "Smart Grappleclaw Winch". . .

    As the Kazak-Tunguskan Gecko Pilot is showing to @Danger Rose Character the Minotaurs have taken the idea of the Kazak Ariadnan Powerframe "Ratnik" to have DEPLOYABLE Traktor Mul Rocket / Missile Launchers housed in the Backpack; SHOULD You choose that Option a Gecko is BIG ENOUGH to have TWO different Traktor Mul Pods. . .

    Even if the Pods have the Same Size, then EACH "Hive-Cell Tube" could be loaded with a different Payload (typical Warheads for these "Panzerfaust Rockets" is Fragmentation OR Armor Piercing OR Napalm Fire-Damage, but there are MANY). . .

    These SHOULD be able to house ALSO Small "Smartmissiles" with Self-Aimed Properties, but the Minotaurs Weaponsmiths have NOT YET miniaturized enough the Necessary Tech (A.K.A. Your Gamemaster HAS NOT YET DECIDED Rulesets, as peculiarly in "Cyberpunk Warfare" Smart Missiles with "Self Swerwing" properties COULD BE HACKED but have their own “Mini-Geist” onboard to resist attempts!!!) and “Stupid Guided” Katyusha Anti-Tank Missiles have the “Security” of a Wristwatch if attacked by a Merc-Level Wardriver Hacker. . .

    To be TOTALLY safe from “Enemy Counter-Hacking” You have ONLY "Direct Fire Rockets" but that could be aimed IN A STRAIGHT LINE or "Mortar Indirect Fire" if a friendly spotter has "Laser Painted" the Target for You. . . . .!!!

    Katyusha MRL PODS house a MAX of 9 of 40mm. "Panzerfaust Semi-Smart Rockets" each; this means that EACH POD of Katyushas have the Quality "MUNITION: 9" and with a Burst Value of 3 there will be a TOTAL of so a MAX. of 3 "Bursts" before emptying the Katyusha Pod. . .

    Should You NOT SEE a Target Area / Enemy a FRIENDLY with the Right Passcodes (EACH other Team Mate) could “Suborn” a SINGLE Katyusha with their OWN Geist+Comlog Control; in that manner each could have 45° Degrees swerving and EVEN shoot a tiny window in a maze-like urban environment distant A COUPLE AREA from the firing Exoframe. . .

    As said Huragan Payloads are NOT SMART and could easily be fired in a “Straight Fire & Forget” manner, as if they are oversized Grenade Launchers; Huragans have SMALLER singular Mini-Rockets and their “Munition Payload” is 15 (so a MAX. of 5 "Bursts" before emptying the Rocket Pod). . .

    Huragan Ammunition is USUALLY "Antipersonnel Carpet Minelets" ROUGHLY equal to throwing THREE basic hand-held Ariadnan Fragmentation Grenades in a very CLOSE Area;

    Vanilla “Basic Frag” = Range M; Damage 1+5N.; Burst 3 (Ammo 15); Non-Hackable; Unsubtle 2

    Antipersonnel Airburst (need a Target under direct skyline; NOT in good cover)
    Range: Area (Close); Dam. 1+5N.; Burst 3 (Ammo 15); Grievous; Piercing 2; Speculative; No Hack;

    Direct Fire Anti-Tank A.P. “Rough Teseum Shards” is USUALLY reserved for H.I. or+
    Range: M; Dam. 1+5N.; Burst 3 (Ammo 15); Grievous; Piercing 2; Vicious 2; No Hack;

    Hopak Guided Antipersonnel “Smart Rockets” are employed against Entrenched foes;
    Range: Area (Close); Dam. 1+5N.; Burst 3 (Ammo 9); Grievous; Piercing 2; Unsubtle 2; Guided; QUITE Hackable

    Katyusha are “Carpet Bombing Area Terror” weapons; EXCELLENT against Antipode Hordes;
    Range: Area (Close); Dam. 1+5N.; Burst 3 (Ammo 9); Guided; QUITE Hackable; Spread 2; Terrifying 2; Unsubtle 2; Vicious 2

    Flammya “Napalm Rockets” are EQUALLY lethal against Tribal “Native Razzias” or XENOS !!
    Range: Area (Close, BUT flammable zones SPREAD FIRE !!); Dam. 1+3N.; Burst 3 (Ammo 15); Incendiary 3; Terryfing 2; HIGHLY resistant at CONVENTIONAL fire fighting chemicals (such as Water !!!); No Hack; UNSUBTLE AS HELL ITSELF !!!

    The Traktor Muls, while STONE AGE if compared to Hyperpowers Drones, have an efficient reliable “Autoloader System” that continually replenishes the spent Tubes (UNTIL a Gamemaster RULE otherwise; they have not “Munition: INFINITE” !!) but a Zondbot Attendant could quite easily recharge the Spent Tubes from some “Recharges” big as much as “40mm. Grenade Satchels” carried by am Infantryman. . .

    The BETTER the Roll of Tech-Based Skills of the Drone (Remote-Piloted or on ITS OWN) and the MORE recharged are the spent Rocket Tubes. . . . .!!!

    Be wary of GUIJIA sized Enemy Exoframes; if employing this "Ariadnan Mobile Artillery Prototype" they can carry THE DOUBLE of Rocket Payload in their pods (so a MAX of 9x4 Katyushas / Hopaks compared to 9x2 of Geckos OR 15x4 "Basic Huragans" compared to 15x2 of Geckos). . . . .!!!
    #609 stevenart74, Nov 11, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  10. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Danger Rose . . .

    The above Rules about "Gecko Shoulder Mounted Rocket Pods" OBVIOUSLY apply even to Your "Stealth Recon" Exoframe; I expect Your Character to be EXTREMELY interested in the "Flammya" Napalm Incendiary Rockets. . .

    Your Mecha Exoframe will be READY when the "Evening of Shooting" will be done, assembled courtesy of the Tunguskan Drones of the Vory-Bratya Kapitana "Baba Yaga". . .

    As far a "RULE OF THUMB" the MORE You want the Exoframe Gecko to be STEALTHY and the LESS RESISTANT will be (comparatively "Brittle" surface armouring that need "Active Smartcrystals" to do a Visual Holocamo; Extra Thermal Shielding to be Thermo-Invisible that "Steal" vital chassis endostructure; Extra Dampeners on the Servomotors that make the whole structurally weaker and so on !!). . .

    Should You decide to have the Mechanized Suit AS MUCH RESISTANT AS STEALTHY then ALL Available "Extra Perk Space" (that in Tony Rodriguez Suit is taken for Advanced Sensors + Smartlinked "Mind Piloting" + Extra Counterhacking "Buffer Firewalls") would be needed for costly, protype "Non Physical Stealth Enhancers" that will work on the Virtual Datasphere (such as "White Noise Emitters" that cancel EVEN foot stomping sounds; "Predictor Subroutines" that ISTINCTIVELY make crouching the Exoframe when in HYPOTHETHICAL view of POSSIBLE sentinels; "Auto-Hack" scrambling sensorial feeds from Local Cameras and so on). . .

    All VERY POWERFUL "Stealth Perks" but that could be CANCELLED TOTALLY by a competent Enemy Hacker; and remember that You are in Planet Dawn where their "Advanced Sensor" are rather 2m. Tall "Lupine Monsters" (Antipode Pack specialized as Sniffers) and ALL YOUR DATA-STEALTH will be naught (even if You could OPT to SIMILARLY costly "Anti-Smell Tinctures" made with the Cloned Musk Glands of local Anti-Antipode Fauna !!!). . .

    . . . . .

    For the "Underarm Gauntlet" Combiweapons the possibility are endless, but could be narrowed down to a 3x3 Options due to Your preferences of Ammunition Kind; a "Small Heavy Weapon" (Light Machinegun Sized) with Underbarrell "Support Rifle" (max dimension of a Human Sized Revolver-Cylinder "Riot Grenadier") so that You can have, for EACH Servoarm:

    1 OVERBARRELL "MAIN" GUN= Vulcan Heavy Shotgun (BIG Heavy Grenade Launcher optimized for firing "Conespread" kind of Dragonsbreath Ammo; AMMO SELECTOR) OR Assault Grenade Launcher (Similar to the first one, but LESS Multi Ammo; bigger Burst Value) OR Naffatun Heavy Flamer OR TWIN-LINKED Light Boarding Shotguns (like a Boarding Shotgun that could ALSO have Fire-Based Shotgun Ammo; ENORMOUS Burst Value but cumbersome to Reload) . . .

    +1 UNDERBARRELL "SUPPORT" GUN= Small Grenadier Riot-Gun (the ones of Tony; with a Ammo Selector) OR Small Flamer (like the ones Naffatuns attach UNDER their Assault Rifles; or similar to the Hand-Held ones of U.S.Ariadnans; BETTER Burst as could have a BIGGER "Fuel Bottle") OR SINGLE Light Boarding Shotgun (less Burst; Easier to reload quickly) . . .

    . . . . .

    As for Cased Ammo Guns I PURPOSEFULLY indicated "Smoothbore Unrifled Ammo" kind of Guns; as IN OUR REAL WORLD the UNRIFLED barrell could shoot EITHER a "Direct Fire" kind of White-Phosporous Shell-Slug (Boarding Shotgun Qualities BUT Fire instead of Armor Piercing) or a "Dragonsbreath Conical Spread" that will DETONATE the Incendiary Shell DIRECTLY INSIDE the Shotgun Barrell and that will "Erupt" a Fire-Cone of CLOSE AREA from the mouthbarrell; Teseum-Alloyed Shotgun Barrells are resitant ENOUGH to do this WITHOUT considering "Removing a Warped Barrell" EVEN DURING PROLONGED Campaigns abroad. . .

    Firing a White Phosporous Incendiary (or even the "Brightest" Tracer Rounds of our Real World) with a Rifled Barrell (the spiral tracks that You see during "James Bond 007" startup movie sequence) usually results in WARPED barrells even for the sturdy "Teseum Alloyed" Ariadnan Assault Rifles. . .

    So to have the BETTER Tactical Options to shoot Fire Ammo AND Other Playloads as needed the BEST outcome is Unrifled Shotgun-Styled Weapons shooting "Chemical Payload Shotshells" OR "Basic Shotgun Slugs". . .

    Light Shotguns, Boarding Shotguns and Vulkan Shotguns (the Human.Sized ones of Ariadna anyway) employ 20mm. "Microgrenade Shells" that are ROUGHLY comparable to OUR WORLD Cal.10/.0 Shotgun Shells. . .

    Heavy Shotguns (ESSENTIALLY the RUSSIAN VERSIONS of "China Lake" prototypes of the Vietnam War Era) fire 30mm. Shells. . .

    Grenade Launchers (SINGLE-Shot Tubes under an Assault Rifle or 6-8 Shots "Riot Guns") shoot 40mm. Grenade Warheads that are ESSENTIALLY equal to a Fire-Based Damage Panzerfaust of Infinity. . .

    . . . . .

    Tony Rodriguez elected to have THE SAME weapon (Light Machinegun, usually loaded with A.P. Ammo "Combiweaponed" with Selector "Light Riot" Drum Grenade Launcher) on BOTH "Gecko Gauntlet Vambraces". . .

    You could elect to have DIFFERENT kind of Combi-Weapons mounted on EACH different Servoarm. . .

    As for Tony's Exoframe, then SHOULD THE UNTHINKABLE happens and the T.A.G. is wrecked / immobilized / floored, then a "Dismounted Pilot" Dreanna could detach one of these combiweapon and carry it as a PECULIARLY cumbersome Heavy Weapon !!
    #610 stevenart74, Nov 11, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2018
    Danger Rose likes this.
  11. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Beodren . . .

    The fact that "Night Activities" are planned to be a "Mock Up Battle" with Drones controlled by H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D. does NOT means that Your Date is cancelled. . .!!

    There is AMPLE time to debrief, speak Your mind with Your "Lord & Liege" about the Squad AND prepare for the Evening Dinner Date. . .

    Should You mention that You have a "Night Battle" then the Haqqislamite Noble Lady will be PROBABLY very interested to see a "Live Performance" if the Cyberarm that She had SO SUCCESSFULLY integrated in Your bodyframe (seriously, if that Stuff was NOT done with "Radical O12 Proscribed Tech" and with the Minotaurs "Weapon Protoype" N.D.A. then She would have been considered with the Nobel Equivalent of "Bourak Prize for Cybermedicine" !!). . .

    . . . . .

    Should You FEEL a little "Underclassed" by the two "Artillery Exoframes" then remember that Alistair, EVEN in Dogface Form, is brawny ENOUGH (thanks especially to the Teseum Cyberarm, firmly anchored to Ribcage AND Shoulderbones) to tote around a "Disposable Traktor Mul Rocket Pod" in a Shoulder-Fired configuration. . .

    It will be QUITE LIKE in the venerable "Commando" movie of 1982 Arnold Schwarzenegger firing the M202 "Flash" (a Fire-Based Rocket Tetra-Tube weapon developed in Vietnam War Era to flush Vietcongs from Jungle Hideouts). . . . .!!!
    #611 stevenart74, Nov 11, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2018
  12. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Golem2God . . .

    The Night Battle could be an EXCELLENT manner of trying to use ANY kind of "Unrifled Barrell Weaponry" that could launch all manner of SMOKE Warheads so beloved by Daturazi Warrior-Monks. . .

    Remember that Uja YET owns a Boarding Shotgun (able to fire 20mm. Smoke "Mini-Grenades") with an Underbarrell M203 (able to chamber a SINGLE 40mm. Basic Grenade; is the SAME Gun Stats as a "Pistol Sized" Grenadier Sidearm; check the Internet for the M502 CYMA !!). . .

    Should You ask the "Gun Smith Cats" ladies of the Sultan Weaponshp then a Multi-Selector Weapon could be a "30mm. Pump Action Drum Heavy Shotgun" so that You can TEST in a controlled environment ALL THE CALIBERS. . .

    JUST REMEMBER; Basic "Smoke Bomb" grenades such as those a "Morat Witch" is WELL trained to emply are 40mm.; to obtain the same "Cloud Coverage" of ONE You have to employ effectively from 1 to 2 of "Heavy Shotgun" 30mm. OR from 3 to 5 "Boarding / Vulkan" 20mm. shell slugs. . .!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  13. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Alright, sorry for silence, I am back and fully reporting:
    As far as silence to last post, I assumed Alistair simply didn't understood the discussion between Morat and Tohaa, thus he waited for debreifing directed at him he could understand.
    As far as his geist goes, Militiary plus Vizier should work well, as far as Alistair needing pharmaceutical help to control himself:
    I imagined Alistair as one of those rare dog-warrior who can keep cool, even if remaining very stressed in the inside of ever rumbling, smelling like fire metal coffin of submarine or space ship. The type of insane self control and discipline he strive for to live up to Mormaer legacy his father discarded. I would like for Alistair to be able to show control without much pharmaceutical help.

    As for Alistair being less deadly than exo frames, I see no problem at all with that. Alistair was created to act as a scout, tour guide and potential officer for the group. This is why he is pragmatic, somewhat patient veteran. I do not feel the need a s a player to blow up tanks to feel good about my character
    Golem2God, stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  14. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    T2 CCW and Dog Warrior form.... You'll probably just open them like a tin can instead. ;)

    The only reason I'm wedded to my Gecko is that Tony was built as a Gecko pilot.

    Assume Betty will brief him on what happened in Alistair's room in the morning (barring an actual emergency).
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  15. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Taking notes of Players' Answers. . .

    Corrected a little error to be edited in the description of "Ariadnan Custom Selector-Trigger Revolver-Wheel" kind of Guns. . .

    The cost of Rotating the Ammo Wheel until the selected chambered Warhead is on the firing chamber should have been +1 MOMENTUM, while I wrote "Heat" that is a G.M. "Expendable Pool Resource"; on Hand-Held Guns this is done by pressing continuously the Pump Loading mechanism, but in more advanced system (such as the Underbarrell Riot Grenadiers mounted on the Combiweapons of Tony's Gecko) is automatic by precise clockwork mechanisms. . .

    Similarly, while NOT moving, charging a new, different Warhead / Shell / Slug in the chamber is +2 MOMENTUM Points; for an idea how is done mechanically, there are many excellent Youtube Videos by Colt Peacemaker enthusiasts. . .

    . . . . .

    Working on prepping the "Training Battle" and everything else that the Players need. . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  16. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Ok then lets-a-go. I need something to get into the swing of how a battle plays out. SO future fight will be easier to understand and handle.
    I better remember this then.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  17. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    For the Battle NO PROBLEM about everyone being at the right time (@Beodren 's character date versus a well-deserved night of rest for @inane.imp ' s Tony). . .

    The Characters of @Golem2God and @Danger Rose would have less "Temporal Issues" probably. . .

    Will be done in a "Non-Chronic" set to give anyone time to organize properly. . .

    The options are either:

    A) Hostage Rescue (simulating Teseum Miners captured by raiders in an insulated / isolated Mining Outpost) AND / OR. . .

    B) "Teseum Crates" Rescue (meaning that the "Prizes" to acquire / defend will be sturdier and less prone to Combat Hazards but ALSO Immovable and Uncooperative). . .

    You could also opt to behave at:

    1) Offensive (more typical situation for the Minotaurs "Mercs Paramilitary Enforcers" ops, to assault an enclosed structure / walled compound where Hostages / Crates are held) with the Drones arranging Unimportant Crates and Cargo Boxes to have cover and obstacles. . .

    2) Defensive (more rare, but still possible for the Mercenary Battalion's operative mandate; simulating reinforcing a Convoy / Teseum Local Vault that is VERY PROBABLY assaulted by Cateran Bandits / Rogue Desperados / Irmandhinos Sea-Pirates / Yuan-Yuan "Sky Pirates"); in that case the PLAYERS will decide the Optimal Disposition of crates and inner structural defences, strongpoints and chokepoints. . .

    . . . . .

    Decide between Players after having discussed the DESIRED "Skill / Gear Upgrades" that could FURTHER affect the Operation. . .

    Cast a Vote between A / B and 1 / 2. . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  18. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    I'm ALSO eager to Hear if some Player have some RADICALLY different suggestion for a different Team-Building / "X.P. Proofing" Live Training Exercise. . .

    A "Vehicle Run" onboard a Minotaur Patrol Vessel, while followed around New Knossos Island by small, cheap EXPENDABLE flyers (Mini-Copters and Ultralight Monoplanes) crewed by H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D. "Animatronic Puppets" could be useful to test a Battle against the typical "Foreign Hyperpower Corporation" kind of "Active Security Assetts" (A.K.A. Enemy Mercs assaulting ARIADNAN Depots of Teseum, to blame then "Local Bandits" !!). . .

    Let Me know. . . . .!!!
    Golem2God likes this.
  19. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Golem2God . . .

    Forgot to say that exist an even TINIER "Shotgun Shell Ammunition Caliber" sort of Cartridge, that is between the BASIC Cal.12 /.00 (more widespread and diffused "R.W. Ammo Slug" developed for Buckshots and then employed by Polic Forces worldwide) and the Cal.20/.000 that in real world is reserved USUALLY for "Varmint Hunt / Vermin Slaying" by VERY Young practicing shooters (JUST in Rural U.S.A. / Rural Canada / Rural Australian Outback I have heard of CHILDREN trained to use "Itty Bitty Shotguns" to blast Rodents, Rats and Squirrels !!). . .

    If You want to have a ROUGH Idea of a "Smoke Bomb Warhead" then have this "Sketched Chart"

    1 40mm. Grenade (the ones of the M203 Underbarrell Grenadier and modern Police Riot "Revolver Tear Gas Launchers") is EQUAL to a Basic Hand-Held "Smoke Bomb" of Infinity DIRECTLY ported from Wargame Warbands in the R.P.G.; 40mm. = ROUGHLY 5m. RADIUS

    30mm. Grenade (the Russian Ones employed in their Mini-Lunchers mounted underneath Old Kalashnikovs; Sylvester Stallone in Rambo 3 pilfer one from Spetsnatz in Afghanistan) need 2-3 of their caliber to have the SAME effect; 30mm. = ROUGHLY 3m. RADIUS

    20mm. Mini-Grenades (A.K.A. Cal 10/.0 Shotgun Shells) need 3-4 of their caliber to COVER the SAME "Smoke Cloud Area" of a SINGLE 40mm. ; 20mm. = ROUGHLY 2m. RADIUS

    15mm. Micro-Grenades (ranging from ANTIQUATE "Old Earth" Cal.12/.00 Slugs to HYPERTECH Cal.20/.000 of Acontecimento Farmers, Varuna Shark-Fishermen or Paradiso Frontiersmen) need USUALLY 4-5, if not even 6, of spent cartridges to cover the SINGLE "Smoke Bomb" effect (THOUGH the wide-spreading in a larger area of Semiauto Bursts or concentrating on an enclosed spot could have DIFFERENT Tactical Advantages. . . . .or Penalty Issues !!!). . .ANYWAY a SINGLE 15mm. = ROUGHLY 1m. RADIUS

    . . . . .

    REMEMBER that USUALLY Ariadnan Grenades are MORE OR LESS modern world equivalent, BUT the apport of Nomads / Haqqislamite / Tohaa "Hypertech Manifacture" in New Knossos Island allow the Minotaurs to employ the SAME tubular cylindrical "Shotgun Shell Slug" to be EFFECTIVELY a Hand-Held grenade. . .

    It is JUST the need to press a tiny button on the "Cylinder Warhead" and it could be Hand Thrown (with a VARIABLE pattern Timer ranging from 1 to 10 seconds), placed under a Pressure Plate or Tin Can precariously balanced on a doorframe OR shoot from the appropriate caliber Gun. . .

    Also EVEN if fired from a Gun there is the possibility of choosing the "Detonation Type"; exploding a Fragmentation Warhead directly IN THE BARRELL will be AKIN to employ a Shotgun of appropriate caliber; INSTEAD a Fire-Based "White Phosporous" Slug Shell will emit a "Dragonsbreath Cone" (that is not PER SE an Offensive Weapon in our R.W.; is employed by Park Rangers to start CONTROLLED Forest Fire to burn pre-emptively drywood splinters, tree kindles and pine needles !!) that will RESEMBLE a Flamer of the APPROPRIATE SIZE (Light Shotgun Pistol = Hand-Held Ariadnan Miniflamer; Boarding Shotgun = Rifle-Sized Flamethrower; 30mm. Heavy Shotgun = Heavy Flamer short gout of blasted flame). . .

    Instead shooting a "Delayed Impact Warhead" will result in a "Circular Explosion" on the Impact Point (Humanoid Foe or Hard Cover). . .

    Working on CONVERSION of the various Shotgun-Grenade-Shells damage based on EXTANT Rules. . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  20. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I'm not really seeing the point of that level of detail.

    As it stands a Shotgun can blast people in the close range of your target anyway (via the Area rule, using Momentum), and a grenade will do so (due Indiscriminate).

    If I wanted to rig a shotgun shell as a makeshift grenade, I'd make a Tech test and just do it (and probably use a Reload to as well).

    The key differences between Grenades and Shells are:
    Close vs Medium Range
    Area vs Indiscriminate
    Not Munition vs Munition

    Mostly these are different limitations. Limitations are good. Being able to switch back and forth between Grenade and Shell will no real penalty removes these limitations.

    But it's your game and I can dig it. :)

    Re: mission. No preference. Tony will have opinions on how we do the mission but not what we do.

    Re: Timelines. I was kinda expecting an overnight time warp once Beodren's conversation wraps up. I have no issues with you warp characters through mundane parts: there's no need to RP every second of every day.
    Golem2God likes this.
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