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Minotaurs Out-Of-Character Thread

Discussion in 'RPG' started by stevenart74, May 13, 2018.

  1. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I meant "Tony's accommodation is in", I was using lazy English. And to be honest the equivalent of a studio apartment in the barracks will be luxurious for Tony, and more comfortable than a multi room abode he'd get lost in.

    Tony's is actually at Alistair's attempting to discretely apologize to Alistair (but not Uja... yet). That's where the last IC post had him.
    Golem2God likes this.
  2. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @inane.imp . . .

    That was I thought, but is good to have puntualized it all, as there was some confusion between O.O.C. and I.C. Discussions. . .

    All the "Merry Band Of Four" is together under the same roof; while Alistair is showering, as a Caledonian Highlander Noble there is some Household Staff with them to provide basic amenities "While the Master undress !!". . .

    @Beodren . . .

    You can choose what eventual "Manservants / Maids" You have at beck'n'call at Home; maybe a sort of Highlander Butler (gruff but polite, a sort of Batman's Alfred, but a little more rustic, and an Old Comrade-In-Arms of His Father, or even Grandfather, as Haqqislamite Anaghatics Medicine started to flow into Ariadnan Allies of the Minotaurs, extending Useful Active Work-Life of +20 or even +30 Years). . .

    Or if You like more some Younger Helpers, being Alistair of Mormaer Duke Noble Birth, a couple of "Squires" Young Cadets from a Lesser Branch of the Family could be well appropriated. . .

    Also for Alistair Knowledge, New "Antipode Pets" brought into a newer familial environment could be a pain; while respecting their Human Alphas they Mark the territory, set boundaries, harass Household Pets and so on. . .

    Your Cybernetically-Enhanced Antipode is instead UNCHARACTERISTICALLY quiet and reserved, content to silently explore the House and sniff around, without being aggressive and wild-mannered. . .

    If left to his own devices, will try to fashion itself a sort of Barrack-Kennel with salvaged materials in the Open, but the nearest possible to Alistair Bedroom (such as directly under a window); also Alistair's rustic, military Geist will feel that the implanted Brainchips in the Cyber-Antipode are starting to pattern themselves alongside Encrypted Comms of the Dogface Com-Log. . .

    What is ALSO very weird is that is NOT actively hostile towards Uja's Pet, as Snakewolves are "Natural Enemies" of the Antipodes (usually the behaviour of an Antipode is similar to a very savage, barbaric Neanderthal against a Wild Timber Wolf at the edge of the Cavern / Fireplace) !!

    @Golem2God . . .

    Your wife, Arabelle, as a Merovingian (the "Mortar Cement" of Ariadnan Culture, always trying to NOT have Kazaks, Usariadnans and Caledonians at each other throats) will be DELIGHTED to attend the Mormaer Duke Hospitality along with You, as a dutiful spouse will do; Your Adopted Sons, after checking with Comlogs are still at the Odalisque Academy, under the personal tutelage of Mistress Jasmyne, the Headmistress of the Academy. . .

    Your Snakewolf, Knucker, is behaving good enough (also is fitted with a Pheromone-Controller Collar, directly slaved to Your Comlog and Your Geist could administer Sedatives if needed) as also there was no time for Alistair's Antipode to "Mush-Mark" the household and so the Snakewolf does NOT feel to be "Inside Enemy Turf" (if Antipodes are Bear-Sized "Smart Canines" then Snakewolves act as "Vicious Pack Predators" like Jackals, Coyotes or Hyenas, even if they are more similar physically to Quadraped, POISONOUS Velociraptors !!). . .

    @Danger Rose . . .

    For Dreanna everything will be quite wild and interesting, like a Trip to one of the Most Weird of the "Tourist Hab Modules" of Bakunin. . .

    What will be IMMEDIATLY apparent to the Chimera Catgirl of Bakunin is that the Ariadnan Dogwarrior "Antipode Pet" sports rough, hideous Cybernetic Modifications like the ones implanted in the WORST Gladiatorial Pits of Praxis. . .

    Not only this, but a quick search with Your Geist signaled that these are "Proscribed Stuff" related to the nasty Malpheas Module, were the WORST kind of Unethical Experimentations were done; Malpheas Module owners were arrested in a BIG "Clean Up" Operation that is "Classified Black Hand Material" but that the "Vaudeville Pulse" of the Arachne-Sphere hinted involved MULTIPLE Teams of Taskmasters, Observancers and ELITE Moderators Kill-Squad (those last more "B.O.P.E." Brazillian M.P. rather than simple "S.W.A.T. Squads" !!). . .

    It happened more or less 5 Years Ago, and the Minotaurs Mercenary Company was funded not very long after. . .

    Currently Malpheas Module is a Quarantined Hab were Moderators trains for Live-Fire Exercises. . . . .with Flamethrowers !!!

    (Essentially that infamous Module is the Bakunin Version of "Raccon City" of Resident Evil AFTER the Zombie Outbreak. . .If the Moderaotrs Teams are S.T.A.R.S. armed like Colonial Marines of "Aliens" !!). . . . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  3. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    I can only expect Jo-Un being there in order to keep an eye on Ayrrn. Not learn how to dance or the like. He could care less about being in that class.
    Uja'rak: "Bella, are you ok?" Watching the Garou franticly get ready.
    Arabelle: "I'm fine. Just preparing myself so that there will be nothing to upset our new bosses." And without missing a beat she resumes to what she was previously doing.
    Uja'rak: "I have a geist?!"
    Arabelle: "Yes dear. You should have known that."
    stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  4. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I wonder if Alistair would have manservant of any sort of manservant, even if he embraced his Caledonian and noble heritage, he would likely be the type to be able to take care of himself, after serving for over third of his life in military service.
    Still am I permitted to choose any sort of maid/servant/squire?
    stevenart74 and Golem2God like this.
  5. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Surely You can choose who and what You want, within reason, as Manservants / Maids / Attendants / "Aides De Champ" are a staple of British / Highlander culture. . .

    Like I said this could be something very formal as a "Full Butler" like the Alfred of Bruce Wayne, to 2-3 Lesser Cousins crashing by the Hab, being generally helpful, as they learn the ropes of being Hereditary Officers / Mormaers. . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  6. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Tony's just a guy standing in front of a Dog asking him to accept his apology?*

    We leaving him hanging? :)
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  7. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Uchronic Time-Dilation problems are quite the norm in Play-By-Post. . .

    At the same time Alistair could be in front of Him, and AT THE SAME time being under the shower AND preparing the snacks of "Caledonian Potatos", Coca and Whisky. . .
    Golem2God and inane.imp like this.
  8. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Sorry, I am working on the post, sadly I am sick and dealing with a bit of fever. Post should pop up today, since Danger Rose replied.
    Golem2God, stevenart74 and inane.imp like this.
  9. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    All good. :)
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  10. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    So in other words, Barry Allen/Wally West syndrome.
  11. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @Golem2God . . .

    I personally have ZERO issues with the Idea of Yours that Umbra Legates / Samaritans could be Ermaphroditics (perhaps in their eerie voices, perhaps in their sexual dimorphism and reproductive apparatus) as they are essentially a Psychotic Race of Genocidal Maniacs totally exterminated in the past but RESURRECTED by the Evolved Intelligence to serve as "Organic Inquisitors" when dispatching Battle Aspects on the field is not tactically sensate. . .

    Don't worry to rewrite in interesting ways parts of the Universe Background that aren't fully explained by C.B. / Modiphius; we are easily able to consider them "Personal Canon" or "One-Of-A-Kind Flukes" if some "Official Fluff" will appear to contradict those. . .

    Also. . .

    @inane.imp ; @Beodren ; @Danger Rose . . .

    Excellent roleplay also on Your part; I will write SOON the arrival of "Friendly A.I. Retrieval Team" at Alistair's domicile to take charge of the downed Drone "Nexus Core Motherboard" that will also act as "Debriefing" by the High Officer Corp of the Minotaurs (not ALL there, inside the Caledonian Werewolf bungalow; H.I.V.E.M.I.N.D. will forward pertinent infos to their Geists, and those will then signal specific DATA, as told by the Players Characters, that will be useful to their respective fields of competence). . .

    In the meantime feel free to still write "Icebreaker Attempts" at Camaraderie / Bonding between the Squadmates that could be "Flashback" even with My writing proceeding the Story Forward. . .
    Golem2God likes this.
  12. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Also another slightly important "Worldbuilding Trivia" that is JUST useful for Me to draw some Coloured Roughs of Minotaurs (P.C. and N.P.C. alike). . .

    Rather than the "Weird Sci-Fi Cyberpunk Colouring" of the various "Battle Livery" of Hyperpower Forces (that anyway have access to Thermographic Holocamo for their "Stealth Troopers") I had always the idea to have the Minotaurs clad in Uniforms / Wargear / Battle Armour (just SLIGHTLY more modern and with "Hi-Tech Gizmos" than baseline Ariadnans) painted / coloured with a Camo Pattern resembling the ones of Contemporary R.W. N.A.T.O. / U.S. Armed Forces. . .

    The options that immediatly jumped at My mind are:

    1°) Desert Storm Camo (Dirty Yellow / Light Brown / Clay Earth): being "Minotaurs" a mythic beast linked to Element Earth and the arid Hellades Islands a Camouflage Patterns that is linked to Sand and Dust could be interesting. . .

    2°) U.S. Navy Battle Camo (Dark Blue / Navy Gray / Azure Steel): they are also mainly a "Naval Intervention Force" and so a Pattern reminiscing of the most powerful Maritime Military Force of our R.W. could be good too. . .

    3°) Northern Europe N.A.T.O. Camo (Dark Green / Medium Brown / Forest Shade): Dawn seem to be a Planet of Tundra, Steppes, and Evergreen Forests (with some Snowy Patterns in some illustrations) and this could be something to be likened to main Ariadnan Armed Forces. . .

    . . . . .

    What do You all think of it ?

    Some Good ??

    None of the above and another CAMO Pattern more to Your liking. . . . .???
    Golem2God likes this.
  13. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    @stevenart74 All of those colors are good. Option #1 for over all color but I think #3 is better for missions on Dawn fro the reasons you stated.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  14. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    At this rate it will be years before the Combined RPG book is released. The only other book that will be behind it is the Tohaa which will also be an interest to see how their society ticks. So it will be a long time before we know any cemented background/biology about the Umbras.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  15. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    O.K. Working on the update and with some R.W. issues that slow things considerably. . .

    Anyone is doing a very good Roleplaying and fleshing out well the "Squad Dynamics" in a manner that I will follow with the G.M. viewpoint. . .

    Checking also some things about having ALL the Players properly well-balanced for doling out X.P. and "Monetary Rewards" (I STILL have A LOT OF difficulty to wrap My head around the too abstract "Assetts / Acquisition" Rules by Modiphius; will like more "Hard Cash Values" for checking the availability and cost of stuff for the Player Characters). . .

    Checking now the available stuff on excerpts of the Players Guide and Gamemaster Guide, but found that some Fan-Made Stuff, posted on Modiphius Games Forum and so SLIGHTLY endorsed by them is quite "On Spot" for My ideas. . .

    Working also on finalized "Character Concept Roughs" for the Art Renditions of various P.C. and important N.P.C. where also to "Try Out" the definitive "Official Camo Patterns" of Minotaurs. . .

    @Golem2God . . .

    We discussed yet abroad about the aspect of Your Character, but there is a thing that I don't remember; Daturazi Official Art have them with abstract geometric Tattoos in Bright Yellow contrastin quite with the typical Morat "Crimson Red" skintone. . .

    Don't remember if that style was good enough for You or if We approved both "Ritualistic Scarring" that combines extant Battle Damages with purposefully done bladework. . .

    @Danger Rose . . .

    Is Dreanna a "Tiger-Striped Cat". . .

    @Beodren . . .

    Is Alistair Tartan Blue on Red Stripes or the reverse. . .??

    @inane.imp . . .

    I thinkl everything graphic concernig Tony is still on flux; some personal preferences. . .??
    Golem2God likes this.
  16. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Tony's description is in his fluff.

    "5 10 and relatively slight, Tony was ‘average’ before his injuries. He now bears extensive scars to the right side of his body, with burn scars from his face to hip. He has extensive scaring to his right shoulder and arm which has largely been regrown / rebuilt with vat grafted skin and muscle. He has inlaid circuitry that stretch down both forearms, on his left arm this is obscured by a tatoo of a feathered serpent that writhes when he moves his arm."

    I've always seen him kinda like a wiry cross between Joe Scarface and one of the skinhead Jaguars.
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  17. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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  18. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    @inane.imp . . .

    "Skinhead" as in "Totally Shaven Bald"?

    I envisoned Tony as having unshaven hair on the unburt portion of the scalp. . .

    But is easy to modify extant roughs. . .

    @Beodren . . .

    Will use that specific Tartan Pattern; we decided to have "Irish" fiery, celtic red in the hair, will this translate even on the Fur Mane when in Dogwarrior?

    This could contrast nicely with the "Woad" tattoos of Celtic spirals and whorls that will be present even in "Werewolf Battleform". . .
  19. Beodren

    Beodren Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Alistair has bright copper hair, venturing into blonde, and yes, that would show in his bronze/beige coat when he changes into Dog warrior. Tatoos could work, since they probably would be some sort of pigment change.
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
  20. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I'd have thought shaved or similar. Something that works easily under a helmet. Basically any of the Jag hairstyles, except bolt-head guy.
    #500 inane.imp, Oct 2, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
    Golem2God and stevenart74 like this.
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