Which year? ;P I know it will take a while for Greif Operators and Monstruckers to be released as minis, but some concept art would be nice, to get a better feeling for those profiles and being able to proxy them in a more suitable fashion.
Right now, we have seen concept and/or 3D concept and/or painted mini of : Dynamo reg of Kazak Light Cavalry Irmandinhos (2019 edition) Dire Foes Mission Pack 8 (knauf, arslan, NGO volunteer) Zhayedan Intervention Troops Namurr, Experimental Operative Group Ajurna Troops Zondnautica, rapid offensive unit Patsy Garnett Orc troops Krit Kokram, invincible Zúyongs specialist Zhencha, armored reconnaissance regiment (hacker) Taagma Schemers (Viral Sniper) + non exclusive new saito togan Standard release is 2 box + 2 to 4 blister including repack Based on this I would guess : May : Zhayedan Intervention Troops Ajurna Troops Patsy Garnett Irmandinhos (2019 edition) + 1 repack (I would guess Tohaa, like all sukeul in one box) June : Zondnautica, rapid offensive unit Orc troops Krit Kokram, invincible Zúyongs specialist Namurr, Experimental Operative Group Taagma Schemers (Viral Sniper)
Where can I find the render of the new irmandinho? I've been doing some digging but haven't turned up anything yet.
The high heels with cargo pants look so ridiculous on this model, i cannot get over it. Normally I don't mind tactical heels with some kind of combat suit or heavy armor... but this.... yack!!!
It should be the following. May: Patsy Zhayedan Dire Foes Zhencha Taagma June: Orcs Namurr Krit Dynamo Saito Scenery pack
GameNerds put up preorders for May/June. May 24th: Dire Foes 8 Patsy Garnett Zhayedan box Taagma viral sniper Zhencha hacker June 28th: Orc box Daedalus scenery Dynamos Kit Kokram (Zuyong) Namurr heavy pistol Saito Togan
Not much I want to buy in the next several months. I guess that's a good thing, will let me make a dent in the Mountain of Shame.
I kinda expected zondnautica in there...pretty much nothing for me I guess...well my wallet is gonna take a break.
ok, never mind, just watched the video for the first time and it is in there... looks a lot like the usarf bikers, though, both the riders and the bikes, when I was actually hoping for a quad insyead of a bike.