In terms of lore and rules match and such, the best combinations in my opinion for the 4 factions left would be Ariadna vs Tohaa ('Operation Dawn' or something) and Aleph vs CA (Paradiso?). But, with the info we have, doesn't look likely now.
If anyone's interested I've just transcribed the Cancon video. The release schedule Regarding Vedic/Varuna/Tunguska Carlo's statement was.
That doesn't confirm Vedic and Varuna in a battlebox... there's still a third sectorial coming, so its 2 from Vedic, Varuna, TAK, RTF and IA in the box. IA aren't looking like this year, RTF is in Red Veil, and PanO are in Icestorm.
Well we've got a lot going on here, the ITS season is Treason, the B4ckd00r event is all about unearthing Combined Army infiltrators in the Sphere, the Dire Foes missions have been a connected thread leading towards conclusion, the JSA have had their Uprising, the global campaign is on Dawn, from the images we've seen looks like an island ala Flamia. How much does this theoretical 2-player box fit into any one of those things? ALEPH vs CA is definitely fitting for the first few, if the Combined Army presence is growing then the EI is getting more assertive (and we know from Dire foes our ascension-seeking Intelligence is trying to get the Digester humans have secreted away in the Penny Arcade). That nothing has leaked or been hinted is strange, but CB is small enough to manage it, Uprising certainly surprised me when it hit and we've gotten resculpts or sculpts of Ur-related units over the past few years, including a new Avatar, a specops, and an HVT... the pieces a sectorial wants as options for the current Tournament System. Until you guys brought it up I hadn't really considered it, but when you look at it all the pieces are in place, it is definitely a plausible theory. It doesn't even have to BE a sectorial really, if you drop Vedic vs CA box AND a different sectorial starter at Gencon, we must all love @Bostria but we must never trust him. But if an unhinted CA sectorial is out of the running, what else? If CB is using the global campaign to launch a sectorial, Tartary is obvious. If you aren't... Tartary run through vanilla is already viable? The pressure to get it out there and provide different options for players is probably the lowest of all the sectorials, despite how long it has been promised and not delivered. Vedic seems possible because we know Vedic has been playtested (but we 'know' that about Invincible Army as well). Do you do the ultimate contrast of high-tech vs low-tech in one box, round out all the human factions? It seems odd on the surface, but earlier @tdc made a great case for the box contents. Ramah essentially GOT a starter in Red Veil, so them in a 2-player box would be strange. But this also gives them status as a sectorial that can be accompanied not by a starter box or place in a set, but dropped with a wave of more specialized blisters and the support pack we already know is fully CAD-modeled. Varuna we know is in the works, but I'm surprised we haven't seen more model releases that are related... alas, that proves nothing, since its equally plausible they're being saved for a release as it is for absence to mean they aren't coming next. In terms of the global campaign, though, the idea of PanO deploying its specialists in amphibious operations to secure interests on a Dawn island seems plausible, and their midpoint status means they could pair with Tartary and skip hackers, or with Vedic and play the hacking game. Invincible Army seems off table because if it were on the table i'm sure there'd have been a hint. If that drops in there somehow, CB's troll game is unmatched.
I didn't say Vedic and Varuna IN a battle box confirmed ;) I said Vedic and Varuna AND a battle box confirmed. Some people were suggesting two army packs at Gencon instead I can't see Varuna (or RTF, or IA) it a battle box because Pan O (and RTF, and Yu Jing) already exist in a battle box. I'm firmly on the TAK/Vedic bench ;) (after my idea of a Redo of OpIce was shot down with Tunguska reveal)
That seems most likely at this point, with Varuna rolling up in November. However not likely but possible: Ariadna vs CA: Kazaks up against Urkherits with a couple of their HI constructs in the box, but the sectorial could include Ko Dali, other sepsistorized humans(ava 4ish alguacileish profile with mixed fireteams with constructs) and the avatar... The fluff there is simple: O12 used Ariadna on Paradiso to break the stalemate because they're immune to sepsistorisation, and it worked so if another CA beach head needs breaking, send in the Ateks... This would leave Aleph sectorial 3(new vanilla/vedic would come some time in the two years+ between) and tohaa(possibly trumvitrite) as an advanced "fireteam" box putting a couple of enomotarchos against a couple of triads... Aleph is looking into the Tohaa as a precaution, Tohaa are looking into Aleph to make sure its not another EI in the making, they bump into each other and the shooting starts..
See like seven posts above for why not possible ;) :) Vedic vs Ur would be not likely but (very remotely) possible on the other hand.
Mmmmmmmmmmmm, an UR release would get my attention. Still think TAK is more likely. Also, I don't know if it means anything at all, but in the countdown to the TJC reveal at Adepticon, Bostria listed the following sectorials to get the crowd riled up: Varuna, Vedic, TAK, IA, and TJC. With CB saying that IA is getting closed lists later this year, that takes them straight out of the running. Leaving the others.
Well then... If we're taking "Maybe it's one of the 5" as a yes(and we have been so far, why change now?), it's pretty much a certainty its Russians vs Greeks, since the Rumble video had him say the same thing about TAK...
I hope to be surprised. TAK as a sectorial feels strange, not just because I don't want to have to face them, but because the french are basically on life support, and instead of reviving them they are potentially ignoring them for later. Vedic vs TAK as a box seems like a strange thing anyways with the current lore, but I have no doubt that if it is the Gencon release then it'll all make sense by then. However, I would love for something completely out of left field, drop an entirely new CA sectorial on us, give us the ol' switcharoo and release the French instead. I want to be surprised.
I would pick up and play a re-booted MRRF in a heartbeat! That said, I still think TAK is more likely.
Well, It looks as if Yu JIng has decided to takes its revenge Spoiler The jade Throne strikes back! And with a vengeance. They seem to be everywhere. You don't suppose they are selling kitchen cabinets, do you?