We haven't got full renders for July now that I check, so an update with July's releases and a Gen Con teaser would be cool. I wouldn't say no to a REM Racers gameplay video either. I'm looking forwards to doing a demo in August.
Absolutely, but I can't do it. It really takes off all my enjoyment in playing the game. Obviously not 100% WYSIWYG (because it's impossible), but for example I cant' play NCA without the bolts :(
Come on, you've been on the forums for how many years now? Time to stop fooling yourself: if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... it is not necessarily a Speculo Killer. ;)
Hey, Its not a problem. I can stop whenever I want! Now I’d like some new renders/toys please… … … … I actually may have a problem.
Yes, because playing a discontinued and abandoned, non-updated sectorial army with overcosted and underperforming units is so much fun. Proxy models absolutely solve the issue of lack of development of a faction, they sure do. And proxying your entire collection as a completely different army, having to explain to the opponent and remember yourself which of the 10-15 models is standing in for what... Fun again! :D So far I can only hear you whining when you run out of arguments and go for ad personam, Child.
We all know "you only need 10 minis to play Infinity". It's just that nobody told us that we will still need 10 more over and over again ;)
The fact that you repeat something while holding your ears closed like a petulant child doesn't make it any more true or valid. Grow up.
All the OOP armies have been updated both with N4 and last year with the Fireteam update, which is as many updates as most factions have had since N4 launched. With the exception of FRRM who were always on the weaker side, and maybe QK, the OOP armies are pretty solid. Tohaa and SAA are especially good.
Bear in mind that most of those OOP armies are working with outdated design paradigms and are often heavily crutching on a unit or two that has been kept relevant for other reasons, like NCA's Bolts (reworked for Foreign Company), Acon's ALEPH loaners, or most flagrantly MRRF which was crutching on Knauf before N4 made him good and have been outright sabotaged by Kosmoflot stealing the Paracommando. Tohaa are weird because they were always top-tier, they just sold really badly. Rules can only carry a divisive visual design so far, it seems.
Nah, they're still the same and really good. The Paras are more of a problem, because they got switched to SMGs and shotguns on the Specialist profiles to better match Kosmo and MRRF doesn't have Volkolaks or the like so there's more reliance on the Paras to do their own shooting- the Rifles were really handy on them, especially since your opponent always knows to watch their board edges against the Space French. The "Molotok" is more useful than the HMG that used to be on the gunner profile at least, but if you really wanted to clear the way you just took M5 anyway.
I will just slightly push back on Acon, as they are good even without the Aleph loaner units. The TAGs, regulars, Montessas, and Bagh-mari are excellent. Dart and Nagas just push them over the top.