There were some on the Spanish forum just a minute ago, but they got taken down 1 minute after they were posted - including the image of Walter Sobchak / John Goodman and of a ladybug
The S5 guy has the baby arms, maybe its a tag not HI? Everything else looks ok, not sure about the flag doc, or the THICCK KoJ, but the Santiago looks real nice.
Yeah i'm not keen on the flag doctor either and the KoJ is extremely wide. I love the Santiago and the Knight Commander.
i think the spitfire koj is to consolidate the whole father knight lore (and owners of said models) rebranding as look like a higher detailed model with a cloak of the old knights.
The Santiago Knight is spectacular, Knight Commander is the lost twin brother of the LE Crane, KothS is just massive - really interested in his profile, but those baby arms probably need to go away, which is an easy fix. Knight of Justice has a really good base design, but the gun arm will need some work ... Still not sure what to make of the banner. It seems thematic enough, but also very anachronistic - should have more of a sci-fi telescopic shaft imo, but that's nitpicking - the base model looks great. The black friar is fine, would've preferred a male variant, but that's just personal taste. Croziers are solid, nothing to complain here, really like both female sculpts and the MSV Spitfire could be an interesting option.
Do we know what makes the Montessa a pre order exclusive pack? Are we to expect a different loadout eventually as the normal release.
If the Knight of the Holy Sepulchre is actually a S5 tag with TAG rules, how would everyone feel? It definitely would fill a fire support niche
I get the feeling it's not going to be because 1) conflicting with the Seraphs and 2) Baby Björn TAGs is for technologically inferiors and the church is RICH.
that would make more sense to me. PanO/ Moto.tronica are supposed to be the bleeding edge of human sphere TAG technology (at least, if not Human Sphere power armors in general) and would be pushing the limits on how sleek and compact they could make them. PanO having fatsuits or S6+ bulky remote presence TAGs designs feel out of place aesthetically.
Overall I think its a nice box. But there are some things, I find a bit meh. The centerpiece, the KotHS, transformed not well into its new shape. He looks more like a TAG - a manned TAG (what is tecnologically a backstep for Pan O) - than a S5 and definitve not like S5, more S6. I wished it was more Boyg-like form the chassis. It looks like he even has support structure on the back of his arms, which is even more not Pan O like tech. The good thing about him: Yes, he looks big and mean! The Infirmareress with the banner. Would this be Joan, then I would say okay, iconic. But its a medic. The mini itself is nice, posing, look all good, but a bit too much fantasy (WFB). The new Order Sergants are my highlight of the box. Very nice looking models. The teutonic commad knight as the same pose like the lim.Ed. Crane Rank, but this is okay, because its a very good pose. Also a fave here. Not so much a fave is the KoJ. He looks a bit beefy. Except for the cape, I like the old FK more. I prefere the famale version from Kaldström. Santiago is cool again a nice update to the older ones. Okay the hacke looks a bit like he is unsure if he has to hack with his HD or his sword ;-) The Black Friaress is nice again. Okay normaly you will not put your sword out, if you want to fire your rocket launcher, but hey she has to look good ;-) Someone noticed, that 7 from 9 minis carry a sword? The Montesa Biker is not my style. The integral helm is not fitting the mini. The could make the food version helmetless at least. The bike itself looks like an big enduro. Mendoza is great. Very grim face. I like him a lot :-)
For thematic reasons, it would almost need to use the Operator TAG rules and spit out a S2 HI knight, like a compact and upgunned Iguana. (Think explosive bolts blowing scrapped armor and exoskeleton off.) It just doesn’t look like it’s designed for the pilot to get out and in again. I don’t think that would go over well with MO players, characterful or not. THAT SAID, the idea that the Knight of Lawd He Comin’ can go prone but a TAG can’t is just...what? Sort of, but the Jotum exists and the MO aesthetic is apparently intimidation through volume. Military Orders on a black ops mission seems like a case of choosing to use a wrecking ball because subtlety is a tool of the devil. Given the design trend I expect N5 MO to just be the Mondoshawans from Fifth Element. THIS IS YOUR TASK NOW, PRIEST...