Lu-duan weapons feel better than Ruisi, since they doesn't go into wings that have so little contact surface to glue on. Although MK12 has a Crappy design as hell... the fire rod!
For me it's a bit of all, but I could be missing something as I've not seen one in person. I think it could also be the colours used, another colour might totally change my mind.
I'm actually mildly surprised that they didn't just add noobtoob attachments to the new Yaokong kit, but I think they're gonna re-use that kit a lot with probably an attachment for more body-modding to separate them.
Something I found in a game yesterday was that the Deployable reapeater needs to set up within zone of the Actual figure. So if you use it in the deployment with minelayer, you can possibly give away which one is the actual figure. Try to place it so it looks like any of them could have placed it.
Holy fk. I didn't notice minelayer before. This bad boy is even better than I thought, and I knew it is a freaking beast. Edit: On the topic of minelayer and holoecho. If I take a list with hulang crazykoala and kanren madtraps that pretends to be the same hulang do I have to specify which model deployed crazykoala or can I place 4 hulangs, koala and madtrap in a way that my opponent doesn't know who is the original hulang?
Amount of deployables remaining is open info, so the opponent can just ask which Hulang only has one CrazyKoala left.
Dang :/ it would be so much better if hulang had traps instead of koalas. And I started to like new hulang in IA. AP hmg Shanger, hacker Shanger and smg hulang haris. Spotlight and then spec EM made on 18s against dodge on -3 is my new thing :)
It wouldn't be on 18s, only 15s. Targeted does not remove the spec-fire penalty anymore, it just adds the flat +3.
Well, looks like I will have to buy few "I'm sorry" beers for 2 of my friends that got cheesed this way on 18s xD such a small little change but it completely destroys cool haris :/ Edit: Following this revelation I read Targeted and Guided rules to make sure I dont cheat and surprise surprise I did with Guided. Looks like in IA son bae doesnt get +3 from 5 guys while using guided so no missiles on 21s for me anymore. Another few "I'm sorry" beers for these 2 guys xD
Wouldn't have mattered. The Kanren can't fake having spent deployables if you're using Holomask so while I do like MadTraps more and agree it would've been better, the subterfuge you're after wouldn't work.
There is, but the most you'd be able to do is 4 Zhanying with 2 MadTrap left on 3 of then and 2 MadTraps in close proximity to most of them. It's fairly low yield shenanigans. Just remember tthat you only need to mark one of the Kanren's models with the Holoecho Marker if you spend orders on it, though, so can wait a few turns to reveal their presence compared to N3.
Why would you have 3 Zhanying with 2 traps left? Original Kanren used one so even in holomask you should say he has only one left. And echoes copy everything so they should also have 1 trap left each. But protecting Zhanying with kanren isn't worth it, especially when you waste forward deploy.
I think it's because while holomasking he shows up as an original version of whatever you chose. If he asks which ones have spent Madtraps you would have to tell him the holomasked unit has spent none and still has both madtraps, even though it obviously has placed one next to itself. And that gives it away as a holomasked unit.
Holomask shows their equipment as it is written by the imitated profile in the army list; meaning they will always be fully equipped and their own profile and equipment levels are fully private information. They can not feign deployable equipment.