More unique, not necessarily easier. @loricus was the only one with access to the Ariadna sourcebook. :) Whereas Powdered Combat Armour is in the main rulebook and roleplaying it as just slightly smaller than a TAG is easy. And if you want to go mainly Fire Support just grab a HMG with bulk ammo. (Although I'd still go Taskmaster: HMG + CC skills and lots of augmentation).
That is curious. I wonder what the next faction sourcebook will be? Something tells me it is going to be PanO. That is what my initial thoughts were. HI being easier to work with than a T.A.G.
I'm fairly certain that they're: Ariadna Haqq Nomads PanO YJ Aleph Tohaa CA But that's based entirely on the order they're listed in the upcoming releases page. Kickstarter backers get them earlier, which is why Ariadna is out but not fully available.
I see. So Morats & Shasvastii are at the very bottom of the list. Artichokes come before them. I wonder how how it will be between each faction release? I certainly hope it doesn't take years between each one. What was the time table between the backers getting the main books and then the Ariadna release? I wonder if my Morat character will turn out to be over or underpowered when the race's stats are placed in the character creator?
Yeah: but the Paradiso source book should be out soon-ish (or maybe already is). I'd expect to see that flesh out the CA as NPCs even if you have to wait a lot of time to really have them fully fleshed out as PCs.
@Redwulfe . . . Bakunite Lizard Pilot that is ALSO an Hacker is a very good Character Idea filled with entertaining Roleplaying Potential. . . I say go for it; Your Charcter Suit will be a sort of "Endlessly Kitbashed Eternal Prototype" with Stats based on Geckos, but capable of being "Improvised" upon. . . Just to know thre is a "Friendly Rivalry" that will SOON develop between @inane.imp Character (the MOST able Gecko Mechanics availble on the Mercs Market than the Minotaurs were able to hire) and a Main N.P.C. called "Smiling Buddha" (an Yujing Expat that is Ex-Shaolin AND Ex-Guijia Army Mechanic). . . You'll probably finish to be "Contended" between the two, with Tony of @inane.imp trying to go for "Smaller, Quicker is the Better" and the Yujing Expat trying to convince You to ADD more, More and MORE (!!!) Armour Platings and Weapon Hardpoints. . .
@Redwulfe . . . Also @DaRedOne is developing a Character in P.M. that could be POTENTIALLY very connected to Yours; I urged Him (Her ? I believe is Male but don't want to Gender-Disprespect !!) to contact You and discuss a Shared Background, if You BOTH are interested. . .
The Modiphius team have been openly discussing the Wave 2 books. PanOceania is basically finished, going through last checks by Gutier and likely available in some form to backers in the near future.
That sounds like good news. Hopefully PanO's lifepaths & careers will show up in the character creator soon.