I am totally unfamiliar with most the new units. And the lore. Ugh. I have to buy books for lore blurbs dont i?
I suspect that to be the case... But if it's any good news, all the new units we got are really simple and straight forward, barring maybe the Haidao or the Daoying, those seem a bit harder to explain. I would advise getting used to the Daoyings though. They're great, at least IMHO.
You mean Liuetenant L2 Hacker? That's [Lieutenant L2] and [Hacker]. It's a normal hacker that's LT, but it makes 2 LT orders instead of 1 per turn. Contender for the best LT in game.
Oh, that's not hacker L2, that's one of the newer skills, Lieutenant Level 2. First seen with the release of the Operations Subsection of the S.S.S. ALEPH sectoral, AKA the O.S.S.S.S. You basically get 2 Lieutenant orders opposed to one.
This... is true. No, seriously, the Daoying Hacker is probably downright the best Lieutenant in the game due to the context of what faction it's in: 2 amazing NCO units to use those Lieutenant orders. 2 AD units that would gladly appreciate the effectively free Guided Jumps. 2 Combat REMs that will not shy away from some Assisted Fire supportware. And the TR HMG REM can make use of it too. A really large chunk of our entire faction is hackable, and what does the Daoying L2 Hacker bring...? Effectively free Fairy Dust. And to top it all off... the Daoying has a Camo state and can use it's two Lieutenant orders to Supportware and re-camo, without any expenditure from your regular order pool.
I mean. It totally fits everything I like and want lol. And i will totally play one. I fricken love the model too ! I'm also an ultimate nerd and role player so like making stories of my lists and what they do....eith pictures if I can manage. Right now I have determined to order red viel. The daoying hacker and cold front immediatly to get a mini campaign thing going with the boyfriend. I posted some scenery stuff showing what I own to build with. And the table I'm thinking of building is a "former yj outpost on dawn. Constantly being fought over by ardiana and yujing and the newly arrived jsa"...I think i can make a cool looking thematic modular table like that
It's always nice to go full ''my dudes'' with ones armies. Also... sounds like a cool table all in all.
For me, proxies are my friend. I'm totally on limited funds, so I have to be creative. Im using my old 1st ed. Zhanshi as Keisotsu and Ghulam in Dahshat, Tigers as Bashi Bozuk, etc. I did manage to get Dart and use her as my Ikari KHD Ninja. For my Ikari I'm actually going with painting every single guy differently. See here. I just started on my Dahshat and I'm having a hard time thinking what do do with them. Since it's mostly going to be YJ I think they will be the same colors. I almost think of them as a YJ division anyway. Bounty hunters will be whatever I feel like that day.
I just like went through my YJ collection, and i have as much JSA as i have YJ lol. at least i have the tag for JSA >.< I ave a lot of the OLD OLD models. gosh they look terrible in comparison! lol
i need to get my hands on Lore/structure of the YJ forces now....makes telling stories easier if im not like "Uh...who outranks who? ish? >.>"
Just remember that a Sergeant in motion outranks a Lieutenant at rest, and an ordanance disposal tech at a full sprint outranks everyone.
Yu Jing command structure 101: Hac Tao: Comes up and takes command of the entire operation. Pheasant Agent: Comes into the local constabulary and starts bossing people around. Crane Agent: Comes to the local garrison, demands to get some troops and has those demands met with little question. Hsien: Barges into a military base, demands the commander grant full authority over the complex and it's garrisoning troops, and the commander obliges without hesitation. Sun Tze: Nobody ever listens to his advice, I hear. On a serious note, I actually know very little of how actual ranking works in Yu Jing... all I know is the Daoying exist to fill leadership/command positions and that Hsiens have an authority second only to the Emperor himself. Also, I have a feeling Yan Huo have actually anecdotally high rankings.
Except for those times, purely to screw with your head, that those missing points do actually amount to a Ninja and a Tiger. Not entirely. Unit fluff can be found here: https://human-sphere.com/index.php?title=Main_Page But major story-fluff, yeah, you do need to buy the books. You can honestly skip Uprising. The fluff there is awful and incoherent. 3rd Offensive is much better, I wouldn't mind paying for it. Haven't read Daedalus Falls personally yet, but it seems to bet closer to 3O than Uprising. As far as relative ranks go, the Imperial Agents are not in the Army. They do end up providing law enforcement and investigation for the Army, but the Imperial Agents are more like FBI Agents (imperfect comparison, but gets the point across for 'Murricans).
Some say never to go full retard. I say it's bad to half-arse going full retard. It's either sanity or full-on cranked-up-to-16 insanity. No in-betweens.