Sorry friends, my good old computer crashed, and if it went really bad I've lost all the work I've done so far for my colour scheme article. so it will unfortunately take a while longer ...
Thanks, much appreciated. Yes, I'm constantly painting, but I had less time recently due to getting back into sports. But I finished some Aleph troops – consider them as WIP, because I hadn't found suitable bases yet
Agreed, I really like the color choices you made on those models. You're also an excellent painter, so that always helps!
Huzzah! He's back!!! (and seriously, @Koni , we really need that :nosebleed: animated emoji we had on the old forum!)
Base color for the white is Vallejo's Light Sea Grey 70.973. Then I glaze some Toxic Mist by Army Painter like highlights over it to give it some intensity. Then apply the top highlights with White, if necessary I mix the Toxic Mist with White or use Vallejo's White Glaze 70.853 to feather out the blending. In the last step I apply some very thin glazes with Citadel's Temple Guard Blue in the shadows. It may sound like some effort but Toxic Mist and Temple Guard blue have a good consistency for glazing when thinned down. And it helps if you use Glaze Medium or Lahmian Medium.
I had no idea there was a white glaze, much less in the Model Color range, i'll pick a bottle up because this might be useful at some point even if i'm still running away from painting white
i so mutch like Andromeda and Kutos yet i do not c it ob battle fields or lists a lot if not at all this colour theme looks a bit like Warmachine or some caind toy line ;)
Your control of color and light is incredible. Most of the time minis are painted for effect, with highlights developed only to give depth to the sculpt and with little regard for lighting. You've mastered lighting to the point that these appear to be realistic, I'm in awe. Your colors, and especially your skintones, are amazing, some of the faces seem lifelike. Sorry to hear about your computer! If you ever come up with a tutorial, I'm going to memorize it haha.
Neither did I. It goes as "pátina" (along verdigris, tan, brown and black ones), which could explain why we missed it.
Thank you very much! In my humble opinion I haven't mastered the lighting yet, and that's what keeps me going as I know mastery is right ahead :-) I just have to be more consequent und consistent considering the direction of the light. And as I love painting faces I try a lot different tones and techniques. As a good starting point I recommend the following tutorial, it's almost a classic. My computer is working again, and when I find the time I'll keep my promise and post some regarding color schemes. Right now I'm happy to have some space for painting :-)
I had two attempts with different colors, but the base color was Dessert Hello 70.977, for the shades I used Sepia Ink 72.091. For the highlights I'm not quite sure what I used finally, but of course I used Ivory 70.918. I remember experimenting with Ice Yellow 70.858 and Sun Yellow 72.006. I was never really satisfied, and the next time I try blond hair with heavy contrasts I'll use this: A mix of Japanese Uniform WWII 70.923 with a bit of Black, first highlight with pure Japanese Uniform. Then mixing in Ivory for the next step and finally pure Ivory. For the deep contrast again Sepia Ink in thinned down layers. This will give it a cold gold look, not too yellow.