Fun fact: I played Druze without all of these. Only one time and with only three Druze ;-) My YJ Triphammer and Digger are on their long and delayed way to me - maybe August? Arslan was in a DF Box with a character I already had. And I donĀ“t want to buy the expensive ITS box just for Fiddler - but I like the ITS model very much. Now I have Aristeia Fiddler but I will not use it for Infinity and I wonder, why there is no regular release of her?! We have a new ITS mini already!
There is usually a delay of a year or two between the ITS and the non-ITS versions. See for example Wild Bill.
Breaking news: - Attention, on closer inspection, I saw that Corvus Belli has advanced the Last Chances date from 01/09 to 20/08. - They've also added the Djanbazan Tactical Group as LC.
The Mavericks are going out too :/
In fact, according to the French forum, it's a Last Chance reference for 01 August, which means that it can no longer be found in the corvus belli store by a direct search, as it's supposed to have disappeared. But with the story of the ariadna bundle, the reference reappeared in a roundabout way and was integrated into it. In a sense, it's a last-minute Last Chance.