I will have to wait for better pics. Right now most of the minis do not look special for me. Throwing a coat on something is a bland way of creating something "new." Will not even go into the need for winter clothing over power armor... I probably just have too many minis to see the glory in these guys. The guy below, however, is AWESOME!
It's easier to catch the enemy fleeing the battle by the hood with that! But yeah I would have preferred a more "normal" shaped blade too, and left this one to the Guijà.
Just realized that the awesome monk is most likely the ITS figure since I have not seen a monk listed on Kaldstorm contents yet...that hurts a little since I do not purchase those packages. I assume the guy to the monk's right is the pre-order merc ninja...right?
Yes, that's the Kunai Solutions Ninja. I sincerely hope they won't lock that Monk behind any kind of paywall/exclusivity deal.
I really hope you're wrong. the ITS miniature is meant to be played by every generic faction. If that monk is not a YuJing unit then CB shot themselves regarding YJ community. That a unit of one of the ninja clans that stayed loyal to YJ is given to everybody as a merc unit is at least acceptable. But that another miniature with clearly YJ cultural references and that is a perfect fit for the upcoming sectorial, is given to everybody too, YJ players are already fed up of so much BS, don't dare to think they'll bear up with it again.