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Kaldström units leaked

Discussion in 'Yu Jing' started by Knauf, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Smoke and Eclipse might not make any appearance at all in CodeOne, could be on the profile in N3/N4.
    chaos11 and Brokenwolf like this.
  2. zapp

    zapp Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I hope the monk character comes with smoke in N3/N4
  3. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I don't. Aquila with regular smoke access is too strong, IMO. That applies to all MSV3, but like Jammers I don't think it should spread even further.
    Tourniquet and vorthain like this.
  4. Freki

    Freki Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2019
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    What does MSV3 has to do with that? Hsien is as potent with its MSV2
    Judge Dredd likes this.
  5. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No it is not. MSV3 allows you to auto-Discover through smoke, which leaves Marker units at a very extreme disadvantage versus them.
    I often fail Discover with my MSV2 units (11 in 20 isn't that great), but an Aquila can not fail.
    Ayadan likes this.
  6. Space Ranger

    Space Ranger Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Zhanshi again seem be shafted. In C1 they cost the same as Fusiliers but inferior where it counts. BS. The #1 skill used in the game.

    Hundun is good if a little bland I guess.

    Jujak isn't bad but he's essentially a Zuyong with a heavy flamethrower. The stats that are different are pretty meaningless.

    Guilang is still great

    Daofei is still great. I hope the 6-2 move will be in N3/N4 too.

    Adil At first I thought this guy sucked but then I listend to Bostria say that MA L2 gives a +3/-3, and he has a special rule of -3 to his opponents, and then some special weapon that's a further -3. So now he doesn't sound to bad! Actually I like him!

    Liang sounds awesome to me so far. My only gripe being, no smoke. But he has mimetisim. I'm wondering what the Dodge (+1") and Dodge (+3") is, Active/ARO? Forward Deploy +1"? why bother?

    The C1 list looks pretty cool. Sad to see not Monks. I'm hoping this is just a taste of WB.

    Ye Mao sounds interesting.

    Excited for Blue Wolf Mongol Calvary!!

    Jing Qo also sounds interesting. Maybe some sort of skirmish character.
    ObviousGray likes this.
  7. emperorsaistone

    emperorsaistone Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    The first is Kinematika L1, the second is Hyperdynamics L1. Forward Deplyment +1 is most likely a typo and should of course be 4".
    zapp and Space Ranger like this.
  8. Joametz

    Joametz Chinese Empire in Space enthusiast

    Jun 3, 2018
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    I was hoping for MA1 on the Daofei, that was kinda dissapointing but HIs getting 6-2 is a nice buff.

    Hundun not having some kind of visor gives me the idea that it's lacking some kind of aditional deployment skill. like ambush camo (I mean, it's in the name :P). Them being MI means the HRL has better reach (if MI keeps the FD skill for N4). The idea of a HRL with ambush camo and FD sounds cool.

    Jujak costs "2", which could mean it's costed in the 20ish range for N3/4 (Daofei costs 5, that's why I assume said cost) and that is Haidao territory, which is always fine in my book. That HFT on a heavy 6-2 that's probably linkable is a nice thing to have IMO.

    The Dire Foes Char is weird... It's an amazing CC specialist, an MI (so, FD for now) and a good shot. If he ends up in any sectorial, and we can link him, I'll be really glad to bring him along for the ride. This is just an assumption, but if he counts as a Zhanying Agent for fireteam composition in ISS, that would mean both the Hsien Haris and the Wu Ming Core get buffed (suddenly they can take advantage of smoke even more).

    Monk character seems... Like what the Hulang should be?. I'm assuming he gets smoke grenades in N3/4, he has +3 PH when dodging (Hyperdynamics) and Mimetism. With Super-Jump he can take nice attack angles and if he costs arround 20 points that would be pretty good I think. Although he doesn't have SO so it's more like a tiny McM than a tiny Hulang/Shikami? IDK, if he doesn't get smoke that means he's probably really bad.

    I'm hyped about all of those profiles I don't know anything about, especially the Blue Wolf!
  9. Joametz

    Joametz Chinese Empire in Space enthusiast

    Jun 3, 2018
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    Carlos kept saying "+4 inches" when reffering to it, so yeah, It probably is.
  10. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The WIP value was more important before the Daoying took over as the go to LT, but keep in mind there's a solid chance your go to LT in many White Banner lists will be a Zhanshi tucked into a defensive link somewhere.

    On WIP keep in mind Hacking is getting expanded also for N4. The Zhanshi support hacker may wind up with more viable support options against non hackable armies.

    You need to get some practice in with HD ARO traps, how to place them and when to trigger them. Once you get your head around the mind fuckery they employ I guarantee you this will be one of the least bland and most irritating things your opponent is going to spend time working around. He's returning an entire aspect of the game we lost in Uprising to the faction, and given the AVA2 in Code1 I'm hoping that translates over to Vanilla as well.

    He's probably going to be pointless and shit for Vanilla, doubt he'll turn up for WB or IA. For ISS though he breathes new life into the Hsien haris link given that he seems to be a Zhanying agent. Allowing that link to carry around a TAG/Heavy instagibbing weapon in a faction that has access to accurate smoke support and helps round out the Hsien HMG haris which generally struggled with digging out tough targets at point blank range.

    Doubt he'll get smoke because he can be used by Pan-O
    Mahtamori, Azuset and Space Ranger like this.
  11. Aspect Graviton

    Aspect Graviton Friendly Alien Overlord

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Well the podcast the other day stated that hunduns would be hidden deployment and -3 camo in N4 and the dossier earlier this week showed a HRL which sounds absolutely horrific especially with BS13.
  12. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Adil is mainly a Zhanying with a Boosted CC and none of zhanying special skills. His CC options are:
    • MA2+CC-3+Monofilament CCW = CC26, -6 to oponent, damage 12 Mono
    • MA2+CC-3+ParaCCW -3= CC26, -9 to oponent, damage 11 (maybe 12 w/ MA)
    Seems reliable, but maybe too much CC loaded. The damage 11 is a no go.
    The cost 2 brings some actual hope hope to save it, but I feel skill like Sixth sense and bioinmunity are out of CODE ONE. 34+points for him would be the expectable amount. so well see if we give a damn about him when the actual N4 profile comes out.

    Liang seems Interesting, dodging at 16s, moving 3inches while dodging and imposing -3 to enemy BS seems relatively fair. But remember he is a 1W model, and we might see impetuousness or more compex rules in N4

    Jujak seems... another zuyong on la list that already have zuyongs and a lot of dull HIs

    Up to the moment, The C1 list is kind of disapointing. Mainly because we have 4 dull vanilla HIs when pano has 5 ODD/TO and 2 mimetism cost eficient troops. Well see if things become better when the new units and full profiles come to light
  13. bladerunner_35

    bladerunner_35 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2017
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    The FD +1 could be because C1 playes on a smaller gaming area.
    Mc_Clane likes this.
  14. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Where's the info on the ParaCCW?
    Yeah pretty much.

    It's Code 1, in all brutal honesty none of us on these forums should give a flying fuck. The game is designed as a gateway drug to the real Infinity. The purpose isn't to drag existing players over to Code 1, it's to help new players get into the full game. You might as well complain about the differences in the Icestorm/Red Veil/Wildfire starter missions. Code 1 is just a juiced up version of that to help get more players into the real game. We are all already past that point of Code 1 being any value to us.

    If I'm playing a game of Code 1 it's purely because I'm playing with a brand new player to get them into Infinity. It's not there to be an alternative or even a balanced replacement for Infinity for any existing players.
    #494 Triumph, Mar 19, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
  15. Ecthelion

    Ecthelion Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2018
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    Jing Qo, 'Shadow of Huangdi'?

    This came out of nowhere. I thought maybe they'd be down to do another historical recreation, but if I'm not wrong, this may be an Infinity representation of one of my favorite figures from all of Chinese history. Hoping I'm not COMPLETELY off the rails here - and I don't read/speak Chinese - but I believe this is a clear reference to Jing Ke, the swordsman and assassin that became famous for his attempted assassination of Qin Shi Huangdi, the first Emperor of Ancient China - the same dude that united China, and built the Great Wall. The Terracotta Soldiers were created to guard his massive, pyramid-sized underground grave.

    This is probably going to be a wall of text, but if you're interested at all in history, and why I'm so excited, please feel free to read my following, long-winded, self-indulgent geekout.

    So the reason Jing Ke is a bamf is because his assassination attempt was a selfless and sacrificial act for what he believed to be a worthy cause - to remove a narcissistic megalomaniac warlord and free the lands from his tyranny - and his failure was, as far as the stories are to be believed, not his fault.

    Around 200 B.C. in Ancient China, the lands had seemingly been forever engulfed in strife and war. Countless kings and warlords vied for power and control of the lands; war and death was perpetual. Among these lords, Qin Shi Huangdi (though he was simply known as the 'King of Qin' at this time), began an unprecedented and ruthless campaign to quash all resistance and conquer all under heaven - or, at least, what Chinese people then considered all lands worth owning. Entire kingdoms with hundreds of years of history were annihilated by the King of Qin's armies.

    Jing Ke was sought out and scouted by certain lords and nobles, many of whom had fled their homelands from Qin's onslaught. They convinced Jing that killing Qin Shi Huang was the only way to liberate the lands; and that he was the only one who could achieve such a monumental task. There had already been several assassination attempts upon Shi Huangdi's life, and he had become extremely paranoid since - and rightfully so, with so much blood on his hands. He almost never allowed any guests to meet him face to face, and forbade anyone, including his own vassals, from approaching within a certain distance of him unless absolutely necessary. Any and all visitors or vassals were, needless to say, thoroughly searched for anything that could be considered a weapon.

    Jing Ke asked for several things from his 'sponsors'; a blade that could easily pierce hide and cloth, a stout wingman that could act as his cohort (since it was strange for an official to approach a king completely by himself), and a worthy prize to tempt the king with in order to earn an audience. He approached a certain individual that used to be Shi Huangdi's friend, but had been branded a traitor for a small argument he had had with the arrogant king. Jing Ke explained the situation to this man, saying that he was going to try and kill the king, and that he needed a worthy prize - and that his old enemy's head would help greatly in gaining an audience. This hardcore dude just smiled, saying if his death could help accomplish a great cause such as this, he'd be happy to die. Jing Ke nodded, and took his head on the spot.

    Jing Ke also asked for a detailed map of the territories of Shi Huangdi's enemies, along with other information that would be too tempting to ignore. Along with his old enemy's decapitated head, he had enough bait. The problem was, the wingman. Jing Ke had an old friend that was his peer when it came to swordsmanship, poise, and integrity; thing is, though he had heard the summons and agreed to join the cause, a sudden and unexpected flood had completely tied him up, unable to join up with Jing Ke. After waiting as long as he could, Jing Ke reluctantly accepted a young, local thug as his wingman, at the urgent behest of his sponsors.

    The day that he left, Jing Ke approached the ship that would take him to his mission, and death. It was a cold morning, and the wind was howling. Jing Ke took a vessel of wine, and sang into the blasting gale a curt, and chilling poem stating both his own imminent death, as well as his resolve; something along the lines of:

    "The lonely wind howls, and the river flows cold; I leave for a cause, and I shall not return."

    He then threw the vessel of wine to scatter into the winds, and never turned back as he sailed away.

    Jing Ke successfully earned an audience with the king; with each 'prize', he was able to approach closer and closer. The head of his old friend-turned-rival especially was accepted with great satisfaction by the king. Jing Ke himself, of course, bamf that he is, had nerves of steel, and belied no emotion as he approached certain death. At this time, 'assassination' meant that the assassin was certain to die, whether his mission was successful or not. Because of his, the young, thuggish wingman, who was only there to sell the lie that Jing Ke was an official, started sweating and quavering at the might and majesty of the Qin empire and its soldiers. He knew he was going to die, and he couldn't take it.

    At the suspicious demeanor of his cohort, Qin Shi Huangdi immediately became suspicious and ordered Jing Ke to withdraw. Seeing no other choice, Jing Ke leapt at the king, though he was still too far away for a certain killing strike. Snatching the venom-coated dagger hidden within the folds of the map, he slashed at the king - but the distance was too great; the king flinched back, and the blade only caught air.

    Qin Shi Huangdi's own vassals and soldiers watched helplessly as the assassin chased their king around the throne. The law, enforced with an iron fist by Qin Shi Huangdi himself, forbade any individual from approaching the throne unless expressly granted permission by the king - and the king was running for his life as a very sharp blade wielded by a very steady hand sliced at his jugular over and over again. Once, Jing Ke almost had a crucial strike at the king, but a court doctor threw his bag of medicinal supplies at his face, allowing the king to return to his feet.

    The king himself had a long sword at his side at all times; but he was having great difficulty drawing the blade while also trying to not be eviscerated. Finally, a northern (Mongolian, I think?) serving maid shouted him a tip, to draw the sword from his back while running. This worked; Qin Shi Huangdi finally drew his long sword, and cut down the assassin. As he fell to the ground bleeding, Jing Ke made one last attempt by flinging the dagger at the king - but he slapped it away with his sword.

    According to the stories, the king smiled wryly down at the dying Jing Ke and remarked, 'Damn, haven't been that freaked out since my beard grew in'. Also according to the stories, the doctor that threw his medicine pouch was awarded an extravagant reward, and the serving maid was also given a lot of 'attention' by the king for her role in saving his life.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    A fictionalized version of Jing Ke's story is portrayed in the film 'Hero' (2002), starring Jet Li, Tony Leung, Maggie Cheung, and Zhang Ziyi. Although a heavily dramatized and idealized retelling of the historical tale, it remains a damn beautiful film, with grand themes and classic kung-fu choreography. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who found my piecemeal story to be interesting.

    So I guess the point is - I'm pretty damn hype, and hope both the sculpt and the profile is awesome. More than anything I hope I'm right that this is the correct historical reference. Otherwise, I'm about to feel very foolish.
    zapp, ambisinister, HANGMAN and 11 others like this.
  16. Mc_Clane

    Mc_Clane Zhànzhēng bùzhǎng

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Well, it's a diferent CCW than monoCCW and the name is pretty much obvious about what it does

    I dont think they're gonna add complex or confusing extra changes compared to what a CCW is

    Well, I'm not sure about you, but me, as a warcor I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna eat a lot of games playing code one to introduce new players. And as it seems (if I'm reading right the wargame community) there are a lot of old players that want a light minded version of Infinity to play again even inside tournaments. So yeah, I give a fuck about C1
    AdmiralJCJF, HANGMAN and Stiopa like this.
  17. Ariwch

    Ariwch Tournament benthotic lurker

    Mar 5, 2018
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    I personally know a dude, who's said, that the work does not allow him to spend much time for full-fledged games (he wishes to have some personal life too after all, strange guy :joy:), but he and his colleagues like the look and feel of the game, so C1 will allow them to play a game or two after the work in their office and be fine.

    Doubt that he and his colleagues are so rare :)
    AdmiralJCJF and bladerunner_35 like this.
  18. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's literally what I just said it's purposed for.

    What people want it to do and what it's designed to do aren't the same thing.

    People losing their shit over their preferred factions not being in Code1 or whether X faction is too bland or Y faction is too strong need to realise none of that is relevant to the purpose of Code 1. Code 1's purpose is to get a brand new player to buy models, throw dice, then move to the real game which will get them to buy a lot more models.
    #498 Triumph, Mar 19, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  19. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    Disappointed does not mean unplayable, and another stat knight is very much generic. The sky is not falling because our knight is boring so take your e-flexes someplace else.

    PanO is the hegemon of salt, and we shall spread it to all corners of the forum
    #499 WiT?, Mar 19, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
  20. Triumph

    Triumph Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    More along the lines of the same issues we have with Zuyongs vs Shang Ji, or what appears to be Jujaks and Zuyongs. Jujak seems like it on paper basically could've just been another Zuyong with a Heavy Flamer so why are we going to the trouble of making duplicate Zuyongs just for White Banner?

    I look at the Knight of Justice and mostly just say hey wait a minute, isn't that just another Father Knight profile? Why did we make a new miniature line for this? Why not just release another spitfire FK model (or since they already have one released, use the resources to make the ML one that people actually do play with)?
    AdmiralJCJF and Judge Dredd like this.
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