Why are there so many horrid right wing people trying to gang up on nuada, no one gives a shit about your feeble attempts at shock humour, you're all pathetic and childlike in your ignorance
mmm yes I can't come up with a good come back or counter arguement so let me go after grammar and spelling. That'll show em! Way to go me!
Right wing? Where on earth are politics coming into this? The last thing I'm going to do is vote Republican or vote for trump. Also this is the guy who was calling people scabs, bootlickers, etc for telling people to not jump to conclusions with regards to the n4 rumors. The guy who's saying that the fat yuan yuan is fat shaming and trying to shame us for liking it. The guy who's trying tell us about nazis in pano in how we are nazi apologists. The guy telling us how disgusting Adil mehmut is and how we are nazi apologists for liking him and the ISS sectorial. I'm sorry but telling people how they should like their minis/hobbies is ridiculous along with trying to shame people who like certain characters or factions in a fiction game. The dude is toxic.
Richard Quinn feels right at home in this sectorial. I've been finding him a useful addition to a lot of different links. Wildcard has definitely helped him shine in Winterfor.
Then stop acting like one? No, you've totally misunderstood all the points and misrepresented the context of those situations. There were CB-can-do-no-wrong fanbois in that thread and you know it. No point could be made against how the company acted and communicated because they would attempt to mock and deride it. And when the company adjusted its attitude, I have done nothing but commended them for it. The community has admitted openly that Fat Yuan is a running joke mocking obese people. The Sval Dire Foe is an actual unrepentant race supremacist with unexcusable worldviews. Adil Mehmut is a brainwashed Muslim character with suicide bomber control tools. There were several posts from an actual Nazi apologist yesterday who said "Nazis weren't that bad because Soviets killed more people". It's not me being toxic, it's the people who try and pretend there are absolutely no issues with the fluff, that the presentation of the characters and the writing are not problematic at all and that Gutier is not clumsily going for shock value. And then when that doesn't succeed because people (not just me, many others as well!) speak up, they attempt to shut those people down, going as far as personal insults and slurs, calling for me getting banned and so on. But yeah, sure. I'm the problem in this community. Uh-huh.
Neither the YJ lovers, the PanO haters, the Uprising conspiracy theorists, the people who love limited Insertion, absolutely love CB to a fault or just mindlessly like to dig in their own personal salt mine are really much of a problem. We usually all make this work, get a little hot headed and find some common ground the next day in another thread. You however came here to do nothing than purpusely injecting yourself in every conversation, wildly speculating, flat out lying on top of not doing any research whatsoever to back your points. Every single know shitposter together didn't roll up as many catastrophic fumble posts, made stuff instantly personal at the mildest interpretation of an imaginary transgression, generally vastly overreated or has just been a detriment to any given conversation to the extent you have. So genuinely interested in what exactly you seek for yourself here? You're not really attempting to integreate or converse. You just spout nonsense into the void for the most part and can't handle the slightest breeze coming back your way my dude. Putting you in the Karen drawer and ridicule you on every step of the way is about expected behaviour as response to your course of action so far. Just in case you missed that till now. Daily reminder this is the internet, responses tend to escalate a little quicker and have the tendency to be a bit harsher than IRL. Gonna lean very far out of the window and tell you that in case you might struggle a bit in the human interaction part of everyday life. If you have some sort of condition, no one knows and would probably not care. No one is going to actively make an effort to pay special attention to you. If it looks like a run of the mill hyperbole shitpost, it will get the treatment of a run of the mill hyperbole shitpost and you'll end up with mockery. Thank you for coming to my TED talk on internet 101.
@Nuada Airgetlam 1. I don't remember the community coming to some form of consensus saying the far yuan yuan is making of obese people. 2. Read Gunnar's fluff. His parents were part of a ultranationalist group that wants to kick yujing off their planet. When presented with the opportunity to kill an unarmed yujing scientist he couldn't do it. Got branded a traitor and kicked out. He starred picking up random jobs and eventually found his way into a pano base and joins up with a group who see that he was kicked out as a good thing because they dont want those radicals in their midst. They even say he's changed and talk about the path of redemption for him. So calling him an "unrepentant race supremacist with unexscusable worldviews" disingenuous at best. 3. Read Adil's fluff. Where does it say he's brainwashed? His father was an imperial agent and he lost his family to a morat attack. Why would he not join the organization his father was apart of that could give him the ability and opportunity to fight the combined army and protect people? He's taken down triads, ruined human trafficking rings, taken out pirate organizations. I think you need to read the fluff better. 4. I'm pretty sure the post you're referencing was made by someone who admits english wasn't their first language and was talking about how the ISS does good stuff in a satirical way. He wasn't talking about Germany. You then quoted his post and changed some of his words to things like Germany, Jews, etc. To then conclude he's a facist apologist. 5. Maybe you should reread the fluff. It's in no way shape or form perfect but you're making it out to be something it's not.
I am sorry that I injected myself into conversations on a public forum. I am aghast, how did I dare to? :o Of course - I "lied and speculated"! Especially in those cases where I said I didn't know or wasn't sure about the CB motivation but suspected based on previous CB actions and history and in those cases I said I'd be the first one to cheer them for fixing themselves - and I did when they have, like with the huge topic of communication. Where I was proven wrong a few times, I've admitted that and apologized. But that's obviously conveniently forgotten. Get off your high horse, Teslarod. I've seen examples of the kind of racist "humour" you use on Discord (e.g. a laughing Hitler meme as "the hero we never needed" and him saying "Mein Neger" - sic!). You're German, for fuck's sake. You're exactly one of those people who feel threatened when they're being called out for either being an outright ideological sympathizer or just callous and crude enough to not care about being associated with such. Off that horse, you have no stand to make here.
NEVER! :D watch me Erm dude I precisely spam 2 emotes on Discord that aren't from the Infinity Server. Here we go lying and not doing our research again tztztz. Here's the discord meme list About the only other meme's I use are Kappa and a laughing SerB (World of Tanks deveolper, just a good meme). Thanks for pulling up Godwin's law early so we can leave that behind us for today. May I recommed some glasses? ;D Pretty I haven't been able to spot that apology for the baseless speculation and insults towards CB you started about Exrah'ing several Sectorials and Tohaa. But my sincere apologies in case I missed that. Do I remember wrong you instead proceeded to pad yourself on the shoulder for "changing CB's mind"? Which would be more of a "rallying ma pitchfork mob to make dem authorities listen to da little man" kinda thing... if it happened. Not ruling out CB was actually gonna axe these Sectorials to rerelease with new minis in a year or so, but would be inclinded to give them the benefit of the doubt over a mob with torches and pitchforks.
Please.........lets get back to being salty about SWF. I'm not done venting and this is interrupting my saltyness. :(
I think they made that profile just so shes useable in Infinity unfortunately. Ironically they made yet another useless character for Acon bringing the total to what now?
The reason Agnes is in Acon is because that's her home planet. I suspect she'll be more linkable in N4.
So, I'm back with more goofy list ideas. I'm intrigued by the fact that all Karhu have Fireteam:Duo. So, I decided to put together a list that featured every Wildcard in a Karhu Duo. Me and my Karhu──────────────────────────────────────────────────10 1 KNIGHT OF JUSTICE Spitfire / Heavy Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (1.5 | 51) KARHU Paramedic (MediKit) MULTI Rifle, Blitzen, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 27) KNIGHT OF JUSTICE Spitfire / Heavy Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (1.5 | 51) KARHU Paramedic (MediKit) MULTI Rifle, Blitzen, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 27) QUINN Shock Marksman Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 23) KARHU Engineer MULTI Rifle, Blitzen, D-Charges / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 28) UMA SØRENSEN FTO (CH: Mimetism) 2 x Submachine Gun, Breaker Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 34) KARHU Paramedic (MediKit) MULTI Rifle, Blitzen, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, CC Weapon. (0 | 27) LIANG KAI Chain Rifle, Light Shotgun, Flash Pulse / Pistol, EXP CC Weapon. (0 | 22) FUSILIER Lieutenant Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) 3 SWC | 300 PointsOpen in Infinity Army