I like the idea of a Spitfire MSV1 BS 13 FD Mimetic model. I'd pay 35 points and 1.5 SWC for that. But if it's a really cheap option, closer to lower 20s I'm not sure if it's worth the SWC investment.
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Am I crazy or did it sound like Bostria was saying that the BSG profile had MSV, rather than the Nokken unit as a whole?
you are correct. MSV on specific profiles isn't unheard of, kind of puts the big in a weird spot if its unique to just that profile
strange, it has a BSG and a LSG and a solo Combi profiles. So what there is going to be a profile with LSG a pistol and a knife ?? there is something fishi here
Weird that Nokken don't get Marksman Rifles though. Svalarheima is literally the place that gets mentioned as to why they got developed, would be nice to see a Nisse and Nokken with them.
Well, there's still whatever this lil' fella is: Wouldn't be shocked for the 'gunslinger' to have a marksman rifle or sniper rifle, I guess.
KoJ armor looks suspiciously similar to F-K one. We might be seeing a unit rebranding. Amount of Spitfires and shotguns over Marksman Rifles seems to indicate a sectorial more about CQB and weight of fire than about keeping the range open. Regarding Gunnar - that whole mini shouts "FOR RUSS AND THE WOLF TIME!"
Yeah, also the elements of design at the ankles might suggest a movement ability like Kinematica, which the FK has. Still, she seems to be carrying a CCW and not a DA CCW, but sometimes those infos on the dossiers are not 100% accurate, so... The fact that the S. Lazarus has a Mono CCW make me giggle, I'm picturing a Hospitaller medic glancing at him, green with envy, from the other sides of the corridors of the Monastery of Skovorodino. I aggre on Gunnar, not a fan of the design, but a fan of Multi Rifle and Chain Colt.
Page 16 of Human Sphere N2: We at least know that "of Justice" is a moniker they've used, and that Father-Officers of the Order have been granted the title "of Justice" before in the fluff. Also suggests ignoring the fluff about Svalarheima forces but hey... There's only so much they can do with PanO if they keep insisting on "Knights are CC-ish, but the rest is pewpew" as a theme for everyone.
Maybe the infirmarer is some kind of strange warband/skirmisher with a doctor profile? And the KoJ is just a lighter remake of the FK with a point discount and maybe some command skill? This order was the one attending the lepers, so it may represent these new guys don't fear death much and are willing to die with their light armour while sending a few souls to meet the Creator with a mono cc weapon? I for one would love it.
Order of St. Lazarus per the fluff is "an independent wing" of the Order of the Hospital and is purely hospital-based, responsible for field hospitals and emergencies in crusade territories. "All of its members are medical personnel, having only a small armed force to deal with security in regional deployments." Shame they didn't just give us the Mercedarians instead.