Yeah, if one is not constantly following everything whats going on, then its hard keep up with the stuff. We are in dire need of a facts thread...
I wouldn't take everything Bostria says about the game as facts more than at most "fact of the moment". We've a lot of legit rumours that's from old Bostria quotes because he likes to talk about what's happened and might possibly be happening.
PanO is high tech but it has numbers. Aleph has more high tech stuff on its troops because, when PanO is equipping a thousand soldiers, Aleph is only equipying a dozen. Because of that, Aleph at better toys on its soldiers Similar explaination with Tunguska : Tunguska control an enormous part of the sphere criminal element and likely work with all the rest. Because of this, Tunguska has shitload of money. Being a ship that fought for its survival against Aleph, with the support of rogue AI also fighting against Aleph, it's likely it spend more money per soldier than PanO or Yu-jing and more in certain kind or research (AI, hacking...) but it also likely it has a lot less soldier than the big powers
Nomads have always had cutting edge technology in certain areas, which is why they're able to be competitive, carving out an economy niche.
But none of that is reflected on the table, which is where the disconnect exists. Or rather some of the stuff that they excel at are allowed to bleed over to an overly significant degree. Also consider that while Nomads can conceivably spend more money per soldier, equally Pan-O is more likely to be able to field a very large number of elite troops in one single spot. (Pan-O probably have more operational S7 TAGs than Ariadna has soldiers in total) So again, if you're selling that Pan-O are the supposed TAG faction and Yu Jing are the de facto avant-garde developers of HI, then maybe pike down on those two areas for other factions (just like how they're not letting Yu Jing or Pan-O have the fantastic hackers that Nomads are famous for, or the great doctors that are the signature of Haqq). But yeah, we'll see if these Hollowmen are just glorified Unidrons or the new hotness that used to be taken by Karakuri.
I'd wait to see the profile. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see 1STR HI for the Hollowmen (particularly with Bostria's statement), which would put them more as Hackable MI than true HI (it's just 1STR G:RP HI is easier from a rules POV than Hackable MI). Kriza does seem to be the Mutt of Tunguska though (it's in 95% of lists, working as intended).
To some extent I think its due to Nomads finally having a durable attack piece troop, before it was mainly just intruders who while amazing are prone to being crit off the table, we suddenly got 3 options in taskmaster, borac and buffed geckos, just Borac is most effective as a brute hammer, taskmaster does better in Bakunin and geckos in correg with duo. For hollow id like 1str + NWI or dogged + total immunity I am kinda hoping Tunguska is strong, atm I dont see much value in going nomad sectorial (apart from riot link) over the value you get in vanilla
Well, I am going to partially & respectfully disagree here. Every Pano and his cat has a multi-rifle, while ALEPH is supplied with combi-rifles (Only the Asura & some characters have Multis). Sure we got some TO, but Pano has more and on more diverse troops (HI with TO & Rocket launcher for instance) The only thing I'd agree on is the over-abundance of ODD in Steel Phalanx (and then again, ODD + Chains or Combis mostly) Has ALEPH ever tried to destroy / wipe whole nomad ships ? This is exagerating a bit. I would dare say you're being a bit "Marseillais" cher ami ;-)
PanO ahs the best technology and industrial muscle to equip their armies whoa re vast because of the territory they own, Aleph ahs a lot of technology because unsurprisingly some computing power of the research projects comes from Aleph and their units and arms are manufactured by, unsurprisingly, the major powers its best asset is it does not need a major force and does not have one so they can go extra on the without impacting much the budget, their minor issue is the vendict is more a police/ investigation division than a fighting force so not many interesting things on them. Nomads are few in numbers (comparatively) do not hold any land and do not need to equip troops to defend it, they can develop much tech but their production facilities, been a naval nation (literally), means they cannot do massive scale production work, also raw resources may be an issue, let alone making praxis standardise production.....
Official Aleph propag.. news release said it was nomad infighting not raid from Aleph and the main power The simple fact that all Aleph army is made of Lhost, many of them high grade enough to bring NWI and armor without wearing a single true armor plate (deva in plain clothes => armor 2) is proof enough of how much Aleph spend in its army. From a fluff POW, most Aleph got the upgraded version of PanOc remotes : example : Probot are mulebot 2.0 ... So yes, I agree Pano has nice toys too, but Aleph has all the toys in the games (or very nearly). No matter what Aleph want, no matter how technological and expensive, Aleph will have it (Even a human sized TAG (2 if you think of Ajax as a light TAG like a gecko)) PS : Technicaly speaking, Aleph could even field multiple Achilles if it on day felt the need (Aspect can be copied and Aleph own many Achilles bodies)... how scary
But Caledonian music is the most effective as a weapon [insert picture of a man in a skirt wrestling with an octopus whilst the sound of a cat being strangled mixed with nails on a chalkboard is emitted]
These? I'm waiting to see what the Keisotsu box will be though, my guess is hacker, ML, HMG, and unnecessary paramedic.
Yeah, those. They look niiiice. Now to figure out how to afford a YJ support box and a tanko box and a keisotsu box... I need a job.