I would have expected: 1x Shang Ji Combi+Flamethrower 1x Zhuyong Combi 1x Zhuyong BSG 1x Liu Xing (neutral weapons, like a pistol in one hand and a knife in the other) 1x Haidao Combi 1x Zencha Then a double Daiying Blister: one sniper, one BSG Then a Zhuyong box: 1x Tai Sheng Mk12 1x Zhuyong HMG <- There is currently a Blister, however 1x Zhuyong Combi OR Shang Ji MULTI 1x Zhuyong Missile Launcher 1x Zhuyong MULTI Rifle Then a double blister: a 2SMG Hulang with a pistol+Grenades Hulang And the rest could go their merry pace. The Daiying BSG will sell regardless, being a 21pts Camo Lt2 both in IA and Vanilla (then people says OSS is OP, when it has no LT2 in Vanilla... heck, not even the Asura Spitfire Lt1), and they have enough options left to sell another WSC box (Shang Ji) and other profiles if they feel like...
See? That is why I write in the brackets "because it simply not true, sombody will take it" It has it´s uses, no doubt. But I would like to go SWC free for the start. I think the complaint for only one combi Zuyong was made, because it is the second TA-Option. Anyway with the three Zuyong from the starter, we have a native Linkteam with the HMG Blister and the MR-Version in the YJ Stater, this one would easily pass as a combi ... because (nobody want´s the Multi here ).
The big thing is that an extra combi Zuyong would be a better proxy for Tai Sheng, and if we had gotten an HMG instead of an ML then we would have the building blocks for our bread and butter link lined up. The BSG and ML aren't something you'll see much of in Zuyong links unless we get versions of each with Tactical Awareness. Starting with the MSR Daoying also limits list-building potential as they tend to either be the second Daoying you pick in IA, or the one you grab in vanilla. It is a great profile, but more useful as a blister than in a starter. The Haidao is largely fine, but the KHD will be more popular in the long run while also being a mini no one will need more than one of. The Liu Xing Hacker is the most gob-smacking one. First, out of all the profiles, the Liu Xing is largely IA's least compelling. But even beside that... the AHD is literally its worst profile. For the same cost you can grab the Specialist Operative profile and it gets a MULTI Rifle and D-Charges. Even the naked BSG is better (if they pop a second non-hacker head in the box then that would be okay). Ideally, for me, the Zuyong would have been 2x Combi and 1x HMG. The Daoying would have been the bare bones BSG (can proxy as the hacker in a pinch), the Haidao should ideally actually be an ambiguous proxy-profile doing some kind of cool knife+pistol spec-ops pose (have it ape the old Gui Feng pose) so that it can be used as just about anything, and the Liu Xing should have been the MULTI Rifle or just been replaced by a Zhencha.
Seems like the days of mandatory 2 shared bodies per box is well on the way out. I think we'd be looking at mixed box with an eclectic handful of new stuff. I seriously doubt anymore Zuyong will becoming after the starter. Maybe we get 3 Shangji + a Tinbot as a box, but If they had been redesigned I feel like we'd know by now. Plus I want it too badly.
Do we really need more zuyong ? We will have 3 in the IA starter (combi, BS, missile), we have 1 in blister (HMG) and 1 in the Yu-Jing starter (multi rifle, very good combi rifle proxy). We will likely have the Zuyong character latter. That seems more than enough to fill all our fireteam needs, isn't it ?
Well. If I got it right, Zuyongs' armor was designed for mass-mass-production scale (YJ's mass prod level). So I expect to have a whole full shelf of Zuyongs at home! :D
That's a combi rifle Zuyong. You can pretty clearly tell from the backpack, helmet, and the weapon in hand isn't a ML or BS, so it's gotta be a combi rifle and we know for a fact there's 2 combis in the IA starter box.
Hmm. They also mentioned on Facebook that the last sniper shot was a trick... What on earth does that mean? Haha
Ah damn, was hoping it was the support box resculpt. I'm happy to convert up a trauma doc and machinist but I wanted new bots. Be glad to see the new 112 though.
Doesn´t exist there a sniper shoot from a Echo Bravo leg, someone in our Infinity Whatsapp group postet it 2-3 weeks ago but sadly i cant find it.
Yup! Combi Zuyong. Will be interesting to see how this one scales up to the HMG and the Multi. The multi Zuyong is one big dude!
Curious if they'll try to do a female Zuyong, the armour aesthetic doesn't seem like it'll lend well to it.