If PanO is the backer of this split with the Japanese then you can be sure YJ will try the same with the Helots on Varuna. As Carlos said they're trying to work in the sectorials in a more thematic way this time. This would work to bring Blue Sea into the fold and for YJ going tit for tat with PanO.
Uh, so much background necessary to explain. It's a simplistic style, so easy to dismantle, the artist is known for making long comics that struggle to get to the point, it's kind of sexist, it can easily be reduced to core components being simple lines, and so on. I mean, it took a long time before it reached meme status, and I think it required someone to dismantle it to simply be the core lines for it to get there. Most of all I think it's the guy's typical long, meandering, style that made it get traction when he suddenly made an attempt at a short and to the point comic.
Uhm...did I miss some leak? Has it somewhere been confirmed that JSA is leaving Yu Jing? Or is this just a case of people talking about rumours without clean facts spiraling deeper and deeper into madness? Unless I missed a leak or official announcement about this...calm down...
From wherever there are japanese, regardless of their day job? If you have the largest displaced amount of japanese on Acontecimiento, then from there. Well, it stands to reason they would be engaging in subtle sabotage from long before the CA came knocking. It's not like no government ever used the tactic of forcing internal conflicts inside their enemy territory... Heck, I'd bet the Romans bribing local tribes to use them against other ones count as such! No! Let the Hype grow! Let it CONSUUUUUUUUME YOUUUUU! The Hype Side is calling to you all, and @Bostria is its master! Seriously, no, no announcement has been done. People is wondering about what will happen, and the most "logical" conclusion is that there will be a JSA as a YJ Sectorial and a JSA "faction" on the NA2 tab. Which means it has about 60-65% chance of being true XD
Except as always, Pano won't lose anything from this while Yu Jing gets fucked badly (Ko Dalyi vs Tony) There is nothing confirmed, besides that the new JSA box is for some rebel army, the most sensible thing to do would be to put that new sectorial in NA2 while maintaining the old JSA or at least their troops in vanilla Yu Jing, but we still don't know what will happen. That being said, if someone asks my opinion about losing the japanese troops, my reaction won't be a happy one, even though I know this is mere speculation and will keep my final judgement until I know all the details.
But every Tikbalang got upgraded to Tony stats so instead of losing a character they didn't even have a miniature for, they won a unit of characters, not even close to the Ko Dali event, as proven by the fact that nobody cried for her. To be honest the final profile had a net loss of 3 points of BTS which is less than what Achiles has lost over the years.